zgrid.f90 Source File

Source Code

module zgrid

   implicit none

   public :: init_zgrid, finish_zgrid
   public :: nzed, nzgrid, nperiod, ntubes
   public :: nztot, nz2pi
   public :: zed
   public :: delzed
   public :: zed_equal_arc
   public :: get_total_arc_length
   public :: get_arc_length_grid
   public :: shat_zero
   public :: grad_x_grad_y_zero
   public :: dkx_over_dky
   public :: boundary_option_switch
   public :: boundary_option_zero
   public :: boundary_option_self_periodic
   public :: boundary_option_linked
   public :: boundary_option_linked_stellarator


   integer :: nzed, nzgrid, nztot, nz2pi
   integer :: nperiod, ntubes
   logical :: zed_equal_arc
   real :: shat_zero, grad_x_grad_y_zero, dkx_over_dky
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: zed, delzed

   integer :: boundary_option_switch
   integer, parameter :: boundary_option_zero = 1, &
                         boundary_option_self_periodic = 2, &
                         boundary_option_linked = 3, &
                         boundary_option_linked_stellarator = 4

   logical :: zgridinit = .false.


   subroutine init_zgrid

      use mp, only: proc0
      use constants, only: pi

      implicit none

      integer :: i

      if (zgridinit) return
      zgridinit = .true.

      if (proc0) then
         call read_parameters
      end if
      call broadcast_parameters

      if (.not. allocated(zed)) allocate (zed(-nzgrid:nzgrid))
      if (.not. allocated(delzed)) allocate (delzed(-nzgrid:nzgrid))

      zed = (/(i * pi / real(nzed / 2), i=-nzgrid, nzgrid)/)
      delzed(:nzgrid - 1) = zed(-nzgrid + 1:) - zed(:nzgrid - 1)
      delzed(nzgrid) = delzed(-nzgrid)

      nztot = 2 * nzgrid + 1
      ! number of zed in a 2*pi segment, including points at +/- pi
      nz2pi = 2 * (nzed / 2) + 1

   end subroutine init_zgrid

   subroutine read_parameters

      use file_utils, only: input_unit_exist, error_unit
      use text_options, only: text_option, get_option_value
      use parameters_physics, only: full_flux_surface

      implicit none

      integer :: in_file, ierr
      logical :: exist

      type(text_option), dimension(7), parameter :: boundaryopts = &
                                                    (/text_option('default', boundary_option_zero), &
                                                      text_option('zero', boundary_option_zero), &
                                                      text_option('unconnected', boundary_option_zero), &
                                                      text_option('self-periodic', boundary_option_self_periodic), &
                                                      text_option('periodic', boundary_option_self_periodic), &
                                                      text_option('linked', boundary_option_linked), &
                                                      text_option('stellarator', boundary_option_linked_stellarator)/)
      character(20) :: boundary_option

      namelist /zgrid_parameters/ nzed, nperiod, ntubes, &
         shat_zero, boundary_option, zed_equal_arc, &
         grad_x_grad_y_zero, dkx_over_dky

      nzed = 24
      nperiod = 1
      ntubes = 1
      boundary_option = 'default'
      ! if zed_equal_arc = T, then zed is chosen to be arc length
      ! if zed_equal_arc = F, then zed is poloidal (axisymmetric)
      ! or zeta (toroidal) angle
      zed_equal_arc = .false.
      ! set minimum shat value below which we assume
      ! periodic BC
      shat_zero = 1.e-5
      ! set the minimum nabla x . nabla value at the end of the FT which we assume
      ! periodic BC instead of the stellarator symmetric ones
      grad_x_grad_y_zero = 1.e-5
      ! set the ratio between dkx and dky, assuming jtwist = 1.
      ! if it is < 0, the code will just use the nfield_periods in the input file
      dkx_over_dky = -1

      in_file = input_unit_exist("zgrid_parameters", exist)
      if (exist) read (unit=in_file, nml=zgrid_parameters)

      ierr = error_unit()
      call get_option_value &
         (boundary_option, boundaryopts, boundary_option_switch, &
          ierr, "boundary_option in dist_fn_knobs")

      ! note that boundary_option may be changed to self-periodic later
      ! if magnetic shear or nabla x \cdot nabla y is smaller than shat_zero or grad_x_grad_y_zero
      ! cannot do this here as these quantities have yet to be input

      nzgrid = nzed / 2 + (nperiod - 1) * nzed

      ! force use of equal arc grid to ensure gradpar alpha-independent
      ! necessary to obtain efficient numerical solution of parallel streaming
      if (full_flux_surface) zed_equal_arc = .true.

   end subroutine read_parameters

   subroutine broadcast_parameters

      use mp, only: broadcast

      implicit none

      call broadcast(nzed)
      call broadcast(nzgrid)
      call broadcast(nperiod)
      call broadcast(ntubes)
      call broadcast(zed_equal_arc)
      call broadcast(shat_zero)
      call broadcast(boundary_option_switch)
      call broadcast(grad_x_grad_y_zero)
      call broadcast(dkx_over_dky)

   end subroutine broadcast_parameters

   subroutine finish_zgrid

      implicit none

      if (allocated(zed)) deallocate (zed)
      if (allocated(delzed)) deallocate (delzed)

      zgridinit = .false.

   end subroutine finish_zgrid

   !======================== CALCULATE TOTAL ARC LENGTH ========================
   subroutine get_total_arc_length(nz, gp, dz, length)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nz
      real, dimension(-nz:), intent(in) :: gp
      real, intent(in) :: dz
      real, intent(out) :: length


      ! <nz> is the number of positive or negative z-points, i.e., f(-nz:nz)
      ! <dz> is the step size along z  
      ! 1/<gp> is the function to integration along z
      call integrate_zed(nz, dz, 1./gp, length)

   end subroutine get_total_arc_length

   !======================== CALCULATE ARC LENGTH GRID =========================
   subroutine get_arc_length_grid(nz_max, nzext_max, zboundary, gp, dz, zarc)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nz_max, nzext_max
      real, intent(in) :: zboundary, dz
      real, dimension(-nzext_max:), intent(in) :: gp 
      real, dimension(-nzext_max:), intent(out) :: zarc

      integer :: iz


      zarc(-nz_max) = zboundary
      if (nz_max /= nzext_max) then
         do iz = -nzext_max, -nz_max - 1
            call integrate_zed(nzext_max, dz, 1./gp(iz:-nz_max), zarc(iz))
            zarc(iz) = zarc(-nz_max) - zarc(iz)
         end do
      end if
      ! TODO: this seems very inefficient -- could just add incremental change at each zed,
      ! rather than recomputing from the boundary each time
      do iz = -nz_max + 1, nzext_max
         call integrate_zed(nz_max, dz, 1./gp(-nz_max:iz), zarc(iz))
         zarc(iz) = zarc(-nz_max) + zarc(iz)
      end do

   end subroutine get_arc_length_grid

   !============================ INTEGRATE ALONG Z =============================
   ! Use the trapezoidal rule to integrate in zed
   subroutine integrate_zed(nz, dz, f, intf)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nz
      real, intent(in) :: dz
      real, dimension(-nz:), intent(in) :: f
      real, intent(out) :: intf

      integer :: iz, iz_max


      ! <nz> is the number of positive or negative z-points, i.e., f(-nz:nz)
      iz_max = -nz + size(f) - 1

      ! Initialize the intgration
      intf = 0.

      ! For each z-point add ( f(iz) + f(iz-1) ) * dz / 2
      do iz = -nz + 1, iz_max
         intf = intf + dz * (f(iz - 1) + f(iz))
      end do
      intf = 0.5 * intf

   end subroutine integrate_zed

end module zgrid