stella_transforms.f90 Source File

Source Code

module stella_transforms

   use fft_work, only: fft_type

   implicit none

   public :: init_transforms, finish_transforms
   public :: transform_ky2y, transform_y2ky
   public :: transform_kx2x, transform_x2kx
   public :: transform_ky2y_unpadded, transform_y2ky_unpadded
   public :: transform_kx2x_unpadded, transform_x2kx_unpadded
   public :: transform_kx2x_xfirst, transform_x2kx_xfirst
   public :: transform_ky2y_xfirst, transform_y2ky_xfirst
   public :: transform_kalpha2alpha, transform_alpha2kalpha

   interface transform_ky2y
      module procedure transform_ky2y_5d
      module procedure transform_ky2y_2d
   end interface

   interface transform_y2ky
      module procedure transform_y2ky_5d
      module procedure transform_y2ky_2d
   end interface


   type(fft_type) :: yf_fft, yb_fft
   type(fft_type) :: xf_fft, xb_fft

   type(fft_type) :: yfnp_fft, ybnp_fft
   type(fft_type) :: xfnp_fft, xbnp_fft

   type(fft_type) :: xsf_fft, xsb_fft
   type(fft_type) :: ysf_fft, ysb_fft

   type(fft_type) :: alpha_f_fft, alpha_b_fft

   logical :: transforms_initialized = .false.

   complex, dimension(:), allocatable :: fft_y_in, fft_y_out, fft_x_k
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fft_x_x

   complex, dimension(:), allocatable :: fft_xs_k, fft_xs_x, fft_ys_k
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fft_ys_y

   complex, dimension(:), allocatable :: fftnp_x_k, fftnp_x_x
   complex, dimension(:), allocatable :: fftnp_y_k
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fftnp_y_y
   !> arrays for transforming from alpha-space to k-alpha space
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fft_alpha_alpha
   complex, dimension(:), allocatable :: fft_alpha_kalpha


   subroutine init_transforms

      use parameters_physics, only: full_flux_surface
      use stella_layouts, only: init_stella_layouts

      implicit none

      if (transforms_initialized) return
      transforms_initialized = .true.

      call init_stella_layouts
      call init_y_fft
      call init_x_fft
      call init_x_xfirst_fft
      call init_y_xfirst_fft
      call init_unpadded_x_fft
      call init_unpadded_y_fft
      if (full_flux_surface) call init_alpha_fft

   end subroutine init_transforms

   subroutine init_y_fft

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use fft_work, only: init_ccfftw

      implicit none

      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      if (.not. allocated(fft_y_in)) allocate (fft_y_in(vmu_lo%ny))
      if (.not. allocated(fft_y_out)) allocate (fft_y_out(vmu_lo%ny))

      call init_ccfftw(yf_fft, 1, vmu_lo%ny, fft_y_in, fft_y_out)
      call init_ccfftw(yb_fft, -1, vmu_lo%ny, fft_y_in, fft_y_out)

   end subroutine init_y_fft

   subroutine init_x_fft

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use fft_work, only: init_crfftw, init_rcfftw

      implicit none

      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      if (.not. allocated(fft_x_k)) allocate (fft_x_k(vmu_lo%nx / 2 + 1))
      if (.not. allocated(fft_x_x)) allocate (fft_x_x(vmu_lo%nx))

      call init_crfftw(xf_fft, 1, vmu_lo%nx, fft_x_k, fft_x_x)
      call init_rcfftw(xb_fft, -1, vmu_lo%nx, fft_x_x, fft_x_k)

   end subroutine init_x_fft

   subroutine init_x_xfirst_fft

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use fft_work, only: init_ccfftw

      implicit none

      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      if (.not. allocated(fft_xs_k)) allocate (fft_xs_k(vmu_lo%nx))
      if (.not. allocated(fft_xs_x)) allocate (fft_xs_x(vmu_lo%nx))

      call init_ccfftw(xsf_fft, 1, vmu_lo%nx, fft_xs_k, fft_xs_x)
      call init_ccfftw(xsb_fft, -1, vmu_lo%nx, fft_xs_x, fft_xs_k)

   end subroutine init_x_xfirst_fft

   subroutine init_y_xfirst_fft

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use fft_work, only: init_crfftw, init_rcfftw

      implicit none

      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      if (.not. allocated(fft_ys_k)) allocate (fft_ys_k(vmu_lo%ny / 2 + 1))
      if (.not. allocated(fft_ys_y)) allocate (fft_ys_y(vmu_lo%ny))

      call init_crfftw(ysf_fft, 1, vmu_lo%ny, fft_ys_k, fft_ys_y)
      call init_rcfftw(ysb_fft, -1, vmu_lo%ny, fft_ys_y, fft_ys_k)

   end subroutine init_y_xfirst_fft

   subroutine init_unpadded_x_fft

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use fft_work, only: init_ccfftw, FFT_BACKWARD, FFT_FORWARD

      implicit none

      if (.not. allocated(fftnp_x_k)) allocate (fftnp_x_k(vmu_lo%nakx))
      if (.not. allocated(fftnp_x_x)) allocate (fftnp_x_x(vmu_lo%nakx))

      call init_ccfftw(xfnp_fft, FFT_BACKWARD, vmu_lo%nakx, fftnp_x_k, fftnp_x_x)
      call init_ccfftw(xbnp_fft, FFT_FORWARD, vmu_lo%nakx, fftnp_x_x, fftnp_x_k)

   end subroutine init_unpadded_x_fft

   subroutine init_unpadded_y_fft

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use fft_work, only: init_crfftw, init_rcfftw, FFT_BACKWARD, FFT_FORWARD

      implicit none

      if (.not. allocated(fftnp_y_k)) allocate (fftnp_y_k(vmu_lo%naky))
      if (.not. allocated(fftnp_y_y)) allocate (fftnp_y_y(2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1))

      call init_crfftw(yfnp_fft, FFT_BACKWARD, 2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1, fftnp_y_k, fftnp_y_y)
      call init_rcfftw(ybnp_fft, FFT_FORWARD, 2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1, fftnp_y_y, fftnp_y_k)

   end subroutine init_unpadded_y_fft

   subroutine init_alpha_fft

      use fft_work, only: init_rcfftw, init_crfftw
      use fft_work, only: fft_backward, fft_forward
      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      if (.not. allocated(fft_alpha_kalpha)) allocate (fft_alpha_kalpha(vmu_lo%nalpha / 2 + 1))
      if (.not. allocated(fft_alpha_alpha)) allocate (fft_alpha_alpha(vmu_lo%nalpha))

      call init_crfftw(alpha_f_fft, fft_backward, vmu_lo%nalpha, fft_alpha_kalpha, fft_alpha_alpha)
      call init_rcfftw(alpha_b_fft, fft_forward, vmu_lo%nalpha, fft_alpha_alpha, fft_alpha_kalpha)

   end subroutine init_alpha_fft

   subroutine transform_ky2y_5d(gky_unpad, gy)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :, -vmu_lo%nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(in) :: gky_unpad
      complex, dimension(:, :, -vmu_lo%nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(out) :: gy

      integer :: iky_max, ipad_up
      integer :: ikx, iz, it, ivmu

      ! first need to pad input array with zeros
      iky_max = vmu_lo%naky
      ipad_up = iky_max + vmu_lo%ny - (2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1)

      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do ivmu = vmu_lo%llim_proc, vmu_lo%ulim_proc
         do it = 1, vmu_lo%ntubes
            do iz = -vmu_lo%nzgrid, vmu_lo%nzgrid
               do ikx = 1, vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
                  fft_y_in(iky_max + 1:ipad_up) = 0.
                  fft_y_in(:iky_max) = gky_unpad(:iky_max, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
                  fft_y_in(ipad_up + 1:) = gky_unpad(iky_max + 1:, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
                  call dfftw_execute_dft(yf_fft%plan, fft_y_in, fft_y_out)
                  fft_y_out = fft_y_out * yf_fft%scale
                  gy(:, ikx, iz, it, ivmu) = fft_y_out
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine transform_ky2y_5d

   subroutine transform_ky2y_2d(gky_unpad, gy)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gky_unpad
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gy

      integer :: iky_max, ipad_up
      integer :: ikx

      ! first need to pad input array with zeros
      iky_max = vmu_lo%naky
      ipad_up = iky_max + vmu_lo%ny - (2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1)

      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do ikx = 1, vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
         fft_y_in(iky_max + 1:ipad_up) = 0.
         fft_y_in(:iky_max) = gky_unpad(:iky_max, ikx)
         fft_y_in(ipad_up + 1:) = gky_unpad(iky_max + 1:, ikx)
         call dfftw_execute_dft(yf_fft%plan, fft_y_in, fft_y_out)
         fft_y_out = fft_y_out * yf_fft%scale
         gy(:, ikx) = fft_y_out
      end do

   end subroutine transform_ky2y_2d

   subroutine transform_y2ky_5d(gy, gky)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :, -vmu_lo%nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(in out) :: gy
      complex, dimension(:, :, -vmu_lo%nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(out) :: gky

      integer :: iky_max, ipad_up
      integer :: ikx, iz, it, ivmu

      iky_max = vmu_lo%naky
      ipad_up = iky_max + vmu_lo%ny - (2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1)
      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do ivmu = vmu_lo%llim_proc, vmu_lo%ulim_proc
         do it = 1, vmu_lo%ntubes
            do iz = -vmu_lo%nzgrid, vmu_lo%nzgrid
               do ikx = 1, vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
                  fft_y_in = gy(:, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
                  call dfftw_execute_dft(yb_fft%plan, fft_y_in, fft_y_out)
                  fft_y_out = fft_y_out * yb_fft%scale
                  gky(:iky_max, ikx, iz, it, ivmu) = fft_y_out(:iky_max)
                  gky(iky_max + 1:, ikx, iz, it, ivmu) = fft_y_out(ipad_up + 1:)
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine transform_y2ky_5d

   subroutine transform_y2ky_2d(gy, gky)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in out) :: gy
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gky

      integer :: iky_max, ipad_up
      integer :: ikx

      iky_max = vmu_lo%naky
      ipad_up = iky_max + vmu_lo%ny - (2 * vmu_lo%naky - 1)
      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do ikx = 1, vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
         fft_y_in = gy(:, ikx)
         call dfftw_execute_dft(yb_fft%plan, fft_y_in, fft_y_out)
         fft_y_out = fft_y_out * yb_fft%scale
         gky(:iky_max, ikx) = fft_y_out(:iky_max)
         gky(iky_max + 1:, ikx) = fft_y_out(ipad_up + 1:)
      end do

   end subroutine transform_y2ky_2d

   subroutine transform_kx2x(gkx, gx)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gkx
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gx

      integer :: iy

      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do iy = 1, vmu_lo%ny
         ! first need to pad input array with zeros
         fft_x_k(vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 2:) = 0.
         fft_x_k(:vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1) = gkx(iy, :)
         call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(xf_fft%plan, fft_x_k, fft_x_x)
         fft_x_x = fft_x_x * xf_fft%scale
         gx(iy, :) = fft_x_x
      end do

   end subroutine transform_kx2x

   subroutine transform_x2kx(gx, gkx)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gx
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gkx

      integer :: iy

      do iy = 1, vmu_lo%ny
         fft_x_x = gx(iy, :)
         call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(xb_fft%plan, fft_x_x, fft_x_k)
         fft_x_k = fft_x_k * xb_fft%scale
         gkx(iy, :) = fft_x_k(:vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1)
      end do

   end subroutine transform_x2kx

   subroutine transform_kx2x_xfirst(gkx, gx)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gkx
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gx

      integer :: iky, ikx_max, ipad_up

      ikx_max = vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
      ipad_up = ikx_max + vmu_lo%nx - vmu_lo%nakx

      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do iky = 1, vmu_lo%naky
         ! first need to pad input array with zeros
         fft_xs_k(ikx_max + 1:ipad_up) = 0.
         fft_xs_k(:ikx_max) = gkx(iky, :ikx_max)
         fft_xs_k(ipad_up + 1:) = gkx(iky, ikx_max + 1:)
         call dfftw_execute_dft(xsf_fft%plan, fft_xs_k, fft_xs_x)
         fft_xs_x = fft_xs_x * xsf_fft%scale
         gx(iky, :) = fft_xs_x
      end do

   end subroutine transform_kx2x_xfirst

   subroutine transform_x2kx_xfirst(gx, gkx)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gx
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gkx

      integer :: iky, ikx_max, ipad_up

      ikx_max = vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
      ipad_up = ikx_max + vmu_lo%nx - vmu_lo%nakx

      do iky = 1, vmu_lo%naky
         fft_xs_x = gx(iky, :)
         call dfftw_execute_dft(xsb_fft%plan, fft_xs_x, fft_xs_k)
         fft_xs_k = fft_xs_k * xsb_fft%scale
         gkx(iky, :ikx_max) = fft_xs_k(:ikx_max)
         gkx(iky, ikx_max + 1:) = fft_xs_k(ipad_up + 1:)
      end do

   end subroutine transform_x2kx_xfirst

   subroutine transform_ky2y_xfirst(gky, gy)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gky
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gy

      integer :: ix

      ! now fill in non-zero elements of array
      do ix = 1, vmu_lo%nx
         ! first need to pad input array with zeros
         fft_ys_k(vmu_lo%naky + 1:) = 0.
         fft_ys_k(:vmu_lo%naky) = gky(:, ix)
         call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(ysf_fft%plan, fft_ys_k, fft_ys_y)
         fft_ys_y = fft_ys_y * ysf_fft%scale
         gy(:, ix) = fft_ys_y
      end do

   end subroutine transform_ky2y_xfirst

   subroutine transform_y2ky_xfirst(gy, gky)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gy
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gky

      integer :: ix

      do ix = 1, vmu_lo%nx
         fft_ys_y = gy(:, ix)
         call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(ysb_fft%plan, fft_ys_y, fft_ys_k)
         fft_ys_k = fft_ys_k * ysb_fft%scale
         gky(:, ix) = fft_ys_k(:vmu_lo%naky)
      end do

   end subroutine transform_y2ky_xfirst

   subroutine transform_kx2x_unpadded(gkx, gx)

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in)  :: gkx
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gx

      integer :: iy

      do iy = 1, size(gkx, 1)
         fftnp_x_k = gkx(iy, :)
         call dfftw_execute_dft(xfnp_fft%plan, fftnp_x_k, fftnp_x_x)
         gx(iy, :) = fftnp_x_x * xfnp_fft%scale
      end do

   end subroutine transform_kx2x_unpadded

   subroutine transform_x2kx_unpadded(gx, gkx)

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in)  :: gx
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gkx

      integer :: iy

      do iy = 1, size(gx, 1)
         fftnp_x_x = gx(iy, :)
         call dfftw_execute_dft(xbnp_fft%plan, fftnp_x_x, fftnp_x_k)
         gkx(iy, :) = fftnp_x_k * xbnp_fft%scale
      end do

   end subroutine transform_x2kx_unpadded

   subroutine transform_ky2y_unpadded(gky, gy)

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: gky
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gy

      integer :: ikx

      do ikx = 1, size(gky, 1)
         fftnp_y_k = gky(:, ikx)
         call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(yfnp_fft%plan, fftnp_y_k, fftnp_y_y)
         gy(:, ikx) = fftnp_y_y * yfnp_fft%scale
      end do

   end subroutine transform_ky2y_unpadded

   subroutine transform_y2ky_unpadded(gy, gky)

      implicit none

      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in out) :: gy
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: gky

      integer :: ikx

      do ikx = 1, size(gy, 2)
         fftnp_y_k = gy(:, ikx)
         call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(ybnp_fft%plan, fftnp_y_y, fftnp_y_k)
         gky(:, ikx) = fftnp_y_y * ybnp_fft%scale
      end do

   end subroutine transform_y2ky_unpadded

   subroutine transform_kalpha2alpha(gkalph, galph)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:), intent(in) :: gkalph
      real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: galph

      ! first need to pad input array with zeros
      fft_alpha_kalpha(vmu_lo%naky + 1:) = 0.
      ! then fill in non-zero elements of array
      fft_alpha_kalpha(:vmu_lo%naky) = gkalph
      call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(alpha_f_fft%plan, fft_alpha_kalpha, fft_alpha_alpha)
      fft_alpha_alpha = fft_alpha_alpha * alpha_f_fft%scale
      galph = fft_alpha_alpha

   end subroutine transform_kalpha2alpha

   !> input galph array is real and contains values on the padded alpha grid
   !> gkalph is output array; it contains the Fourier coefficients of galph
   !> for positive ky values only (reality can be used to obtain the negative ky coefs)
   !> the highest 1/3 of the ky modes from the FFT have been discarded to avoid de-aliasing
   subroutine transform_alpha2kalpha(galph, gkalph)

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

      implicit none

      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: galph
      complex, dimension(:), intent(out) :: gkalph

      fft_alpha_alpha = galph
      call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(alpha_b_fft%plan, fft_alpha_alpha, fft_alpha_kalpha)
      fft_alpha_kalpha = fft_alpha_kalpha * alpha_b_fft%scale
      ! filter out highest k-alpha modes to avoid aliasing
      gkalph = fft_alpha_kalpha(:vmu_lo%naky)

   end subroutine transform_alpha2kalpha

   subroutine finish_transforms

      use parameters_physics, only: full_flux_surface

      implicit none

      call dfftw_destroy_plan(yf_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(yb_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(xf_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(xb_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(xsf_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(xsb_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(ysf_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(ysb_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(yfnp_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(ybnp_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(xfnp_fft%plan)
      call dfftw_destroy_plan(xbnp_fft%plan)
      if (full_flux_surface) then
         call dfftw_destroy_plan(alpha_f_fft%plan)
         call dfftw_destroy_plan(alpha_b_fft%plan)
      end if
      if (allocated(fft_y_in)) deallocate (fft_y_in)
      if (allocated(fft_y_out)) deallocate (fft_y_out)
      if (allocated(fft_x_k)) deallocate (fft_x_k)
      if (allocated(fft_x_x)) deallocate (fft_x_x)
      if (allocated(fft_xs_k)) deallocate (fft_xs_k)
      if (allocated(fft_xs_x)) deallocate (fft_xs_x)
      if (allocated(fft_ys_k)) deallocate (fft_ys_k)
      if (allocated(fft_ys_y)) deallocate (fft_ys_y)
      if (allocated(fft_alpha_alpha)) deallocate (fft_alpha_alpha)
      if (allocated(fft_alpha_kalpha)) deallocate (fft_alpha_kalpha)
      if (allocated(fftnp_y_k)) deallocate (fftnp_y_k)
      if (allocated(fftnp_y_y)) deallocate (fftnp_y_y)
      if (allocated(fftnp_x_k)) deallocate (fftnp_x_k)
      if (allocated(fftnp_x_x)) deallocate (fftnp_x_x)
      transforms_initialized = .false.

   end subroutine finish_transforms

end module stella_transforms