stella_io.fpp Source File

Source Code

# include ""

! TODO-GA: Print input parameters to netcdf file

!######################### WRITE OUTPUT TO NETCDF FILE #########################
! The variable <nout> keeps track of the current time step.

module stella_io

#ifdef NETCDF
   use netcdf, only: nf90_noerr
   use netcdf_utils, only: netcdf_error, kind_nf

   implicit none


   public :: init_stella_io, finish_stella_io
   ! Write time traces  
   public :: write_time_nc
   public :: write_phi2_nc
   public :: write_apar2_nc
   public :: write_bpar2_nc
   public :: write_fluxes_vs_time_nc
   ! Write full (kx,ky,z,t) data
   public :: write_phi_nc
   public :: write_apar_nc
   public :: write_bpar_nc
   public :: write_g2_vs_vpamus_nc
   public :: write_g2_vs_zvpas_nc
   public :: write_g2_vs_zmus_nc
   public :: write_g2_vs_zkykxs_nc
   public :: write_g2_vs_zvpamus_nc 
   public :: write_g2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc
   public :: write_g2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc
   public :: write_g2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc 
   public :: write_g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc 
   public :: write_h2_vs_vpamus_nc
   public :: write_h2_vs_zvpas_nc
   public :: write_h2_vs_zmus_nc
   public :: write_h2_vs_zkykxs_nc
   public :: write_h2_vs_zvpamus_nc 
   public :: write_h2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc
   public :: write_h2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc
   public :: write_h2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc 
   public :: write_h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc 
   public :: write_f2_vs_vpamus_nc
   public :: write_f2_vs_zvpas_nc
   public :: write_f2_vs_zmus_nc
   public :: write_f2_vs_zkykxs_nc
   public :: write_f2_vs_zvpamus_nc 
   public :: write_f2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc
   public :: write_f2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc
   public :: write_f2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc 
   public :: write_f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc 
   public :: write_kspectra_nc
   public :: write_omega_nc
   public :: write_moments_nc
   public :: write_radial_fluxes_nc
   public :: write_radial_moments_nc
   public :: write_fluxes_kxkyzs_nc
   public :: write_fluxes_kxkys_nc
   public :: get_nout
   public :: sync_nc

#ifdef NETCDF
   integer(kind_nf) :: ncid
   integer(kind_nf) :: char10_dim

   integer :: code_id

   !> Write a `complex` array to netcdf
   !> Converts the `complex` array to a `real` array with an extra dimension
   interface netcdf_write_complex
      module procedure write_complex_rank2, write_complex_rank4, write_complex_rank5
   end interface netcdf_write_complex

   real, parameter :: zero = epsilon(0.0)

   !========================= INITIATE THE NETCDF FILE =========================
   subroutine init_stella_io(restart, git_commit, git_date)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use mp, only: proc0
      use file_utils, only: run_name
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_open, neasyf_metadata
      use git_version, only: get_git_version

      implicit none
      !> Is this run a restart?
      logical, intent(in) :: restart

      ! Print git information to netcdf file
      character(len=40), intent(in) :: git_commit 
      character(len=10), intent(in) :: git_date

#ifdef NETCDF

      character(300) :: filename

      ! The netcdf file has the extension ""
      filename = trim(trim(run_name)//'')

      ! Only the first processor (proc0) opens the file
      if (proc0) then
         if (restart) then
            ncid = neasyf_open(trim(filename), "rw")
            ncid = neasyf_open(trim(filename), "w")
         end if

         ! Add meta data
         call neasyf_metadata(ncid, title="stella simulation data", software_name="stella", &
                              software_version=get_git_version(), auto_date=.true.)

         ! Write the vectors corresponding to the dimensions
         call write_grids(ncid)

         ! Write the code info
         call define_vars(git_commit, git_date)
         call save_input(ncid)

         ! Write constants to the netcdf file
         call nc_species(ncid)
         call nc_geo(ncid)
         call save_input(ncid)
      end if


   end subroutine init_stella_io

   !======================== WRITE DIMENSIONS AND GRIDS ========================
   ! Ensure the netCDF file contains all the dimensions and grids, creating them if necessary
   subroutine write_grids(file_id)
#ifdef NETCDF
      use parameters_kxky_grids, only: nakx, naky, nalpha, phase_shift_angle
      use grids_kxky, only: x_d, rho_d, akx, aky, theta0
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes, zed
      use vpamu_grids, only: nvpa, vpa, nmu, mu
      use species, only: nspec
      use parameters_physics, only: radial_variation
      use parameters_physics, only: rhostar
      use geometry, only: geo_surf, dxdpsi, q_as_x
      use mp, only: nproc
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_dim, neasyf_write

      !> NetCDF ID of the file
      integer, intent(in) :: file_id

#ifdef NETCDF
      integer :: ix
      ! Total number of mesh points
      real :: nmesh
      ! Radial grid
      real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: rg

      !=============================== DIMENSIONS ==============================

      ! Grids themselves
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "ky", values=aky, long_name="Wavenumber perpendicular to flux surface", units="1/rho_ref")
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "kx", values=akx, long_name="Wavenumber in direction of grad alpha", units="1/rho_ref")
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "tube", dim_size=ntubes)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "zed", values=zed)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "alpha", dim_size=nalpha)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "vpa", values=vpa)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "mu", values=mu)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "species", dim_size=nspec)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "t", unlimited=.true., long_name="Time", units="a_ref/v_ref")
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "ri", dim_size=2, long_name="Complex components", units="(real, imaginary)")

      ! Dimensions for various string variables
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "char10", dim_size=10, dimid=char10_dim)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "char200", dim_size=200)
      call neasyf_dim(file_id, "nlines", unlimited=.true., long_name="Input file line number")

      ! Radial variation
      if (radial_variation) then
         call neasyf_dim(file_id, "radgridvar", dim_size=3, long_name="x, q/psi, rho")
      end if

      !=============================== VARIABLES ===============================

      ! Grid sizes
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nkx", nakx, long_name="Number of kx points")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nky", naky, long_name="Number of ky points")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "ntubes", ntubes, long_name="Number of tubes")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nzed_tot", 2 * nzgrid + 1, long_name="Number of zed points")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nspecies", nspec, long_name="Number of species")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nvpa_tot", nvpa, long_name="Number of vpa points")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nmu", nmu, long_name="Number of mu points")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "phase_shift_angle", phase_shift_angle)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "theta0", theta0, dim_names=["ky", "kx"], long_name="Theta_0")

      ! Processors
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nproc", nproc, long_name="Number of processors")

      ! Radial variation
      if (radial_variation) then
         allocate (rg(3, nakx))
         if (q_as_x) then
            do ix = 1, nakx
               rg(1, ix) = x_d(ix)
               rg(2, ix) = rhostar * x_d(ix) / dxdpsi + geo_surf%qinp
               rg(3, ix) = rho_d(ix) + geo_surf%rhoc
            end do
            do ix = 1, nakx
               rg(1, ix) = x_d(ix)
               rg(2, ix) = rhostar * x_d(ix) / dxdpsi
               rg(3, ix) = rho_d(ix) + geo_surf%rhoc
            end do
         end if
         call neasyf_write(file_id, "rad_grid", rg, dim_names=[character(10)::"radgridvar", "kx"])
         deallocate (rg)
      end if

      ! Number of mesh points
      nmesh = (2 * nzgrid + 1) * ntubes * nvpa * nmu * nakx * naky * nspec
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "nmesh", nmesh, long_name="Number of mesh points")

   end subroutine write_grids

   !========================== FINISH THE NETCDF FILE ==========================
   subroutine finish_stella_io
      use mp, only: proc0
#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_close

      if (proc0) then
         call neasyf_close(ncid)
      end if
   end subroutine finish_stella_io

   !=========================== SAVE THE INPUT FILE ============================
   !> Save the input file in the NetCDF file
   subroutine save_input(file_id)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use file_utils, only: num_input_lines, get_input_unit
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write, neasyf_error
      use netcdf, only: nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension, NF90_NOERR, NF90_EBADDIM

      implicit none

      !> NetCDF ID of the file to write to
      integer, intent(in) :: file_id

#ifdef NETCDF

      integer, parameter :: line_length = 200
      character(line_length), dimension(:), allocatable ::  input_file_array
      integer :: n, unit, status, dim_id, previous_nlines

      ! Dont attempt to write zero-sized arrays
      if (num_input_lines <= 0) return

      ! If the existing input file in the output file was longer than
      ! the current one, blank out the whole thing so that we are not
      ! left with "extra" bits at the end
      status = nf90_inq_dimid(file_id, "nlines", dim_id)
      if (status == NF90_NOERR) then
         status = nf90_inquire_dimension(file_id, dim_id, len=previous_nlines)
         call neasyf_error(status, ncid=file_id, dim="nlines", dimid=dim_id)

         if (previous_nlines > num_input_lines) then
            allocate (input_file_array(previous_nlines))
            call neasyf_write(file_id, "input_file", input_file_array, &
                              long_name="Input file", dim_names=["char200", "nlines "])
            deallocate (input_file_array)
         end if
         call neasyf_error(status, ncid=file_id, dim="nlines", dimid=dim_id)
      end if

      ! We need to convert the input file text into an array, one
      ! element per line
      allocate (input_file_array(num_input_lines))

      call get_input_unit(unit)
      rewind (unit=unit)
      do n = 1, num_input_lines
         read (unit=unit, fmt="(a)") input_file_array(n)
      end do

      call neasyf_write(file_id, "input_file", input_file_array, &
                        long_name="Input file", dim_names=["char200", "nlines "])
   end subroutine save_input

   !================= WRITE SOME TEXT DATA TO THE NETCDF FILE ==================
   subroutine define_vars(git_commit, git_date)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use netcdf, only: nf90_char
      use netcdf, only: nf90_def_var, nf90_inq_varid, nf90_put_att, nf90_put_var
      use netcdf, only: nf90_inq_libvers

      implicit none

      ! Print git information to netcdf file
      character(len=40), intent(in) :: git_commit 
      character(len=10), intent(in) :: git_date

#ifdef NETCDF

      character(5) :: ci
      character(20) :: datestamp, timestamp, timezone
      integer :: status

      ! Write some useful general information such as the website, date and time into the NetCDF file
      datestamp(:) = ' '; timestamp(:) = ' '; timezone(:) = ' '
      call date_and_time(datestamp, timestamp, timezone)

      ! Create a viarble to hold the code info
      status = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'code_info', code_id)
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) then
         status = nf90_def_var(ncid, 'code_info', nf90_char, char10_dim, code_id)
         if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, var='code_info')
      end if
      status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, 'long_name', 'stella')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att='long_name')

      ! Add strings with data as attributes
      ci = 'c1'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'stella git commit: '//trim(git_commit))
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c2'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'stella git date: '//trim(git_date))
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c3'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'Simulation date: '//trim(datestamp))
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c4'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'Simulation time: '//trim(timestamp)//' '//trim(timezone))
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c5'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'netCDF version: '//trim(nf90_inq_libvers()))
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c6'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), ' ')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)

      ! Write a little explanation about the units, print each line to the netcdf file
      ci = 'c7'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'Units are determined with respect to reference temperature (T_ref),')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c8'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'reference charge (q_ref), reference mass (mass_ref),')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c9'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'reference field (B_ref), and reference length (a_ref)')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c10'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'from which one may construct rho_ref and vt_ref/a,')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c11'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'which are the basic units of perpendicular length and time.')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c12'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'Macroscopic lengths are normalized to the minor radius.')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c13'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'The difference between rho (normalized minor radius) and rho (gyroradius)')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)
      ci = 'c14'; status = nf90_put_att(ncid, code_id, trim(ci), 'should be clear from the context in which they appear below.')
      if (status /= nf90_noerr) call netcdf_error(status, ncid, code_id, att=ci)

   end subroutine define_vars

!######################## WRITE DATA AT EVERY TIME STEP ########################
! For each variable, create a routine to write to the netcdf file

   !----------------------------------- time -----------------------------------
   subroutine write_time_nc(nout, time)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write, neasyf_error

      implicit none

      !> Current timestep and current simulation time
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, intent(in) :: time

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "t", time, dim_names=["t"], start=[nout])

   end subroutine write_time_nc

   !================================ POTENTIAL =================================

   !--------------------------------- phi2(t) ----------------------------------
   subroutine write_phi2_nc(nout, phi2)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      !> Current timestep and amplitude of electrostatic potential
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, intent(in) :: phi2

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Write phi2(t)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "phi2", phi2, dim_names=["t"], start=[nout], &
               long_name="Amplitude of electrostatic potential", units="(T_ref/q rho_ref/a_ref)**2")


   end subroutine write_phi2_nc

!--------------------------------- apar2(t) ----------------------------------
   subroutine write_apar2_nc(nout, apar2)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      !> Current timestep and amplitude of parallel vector potential
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, intent(in) :: apar2

# ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "apar2", apar2, dim_names=["t"], &
                        units="(B_ref (rho_ref)**2 / a_ref)**2", &
                        long_name="Amplitude of parallel vector potential apar", &
# endif
   end subroutine write_apar2_nc

!--------------------------------- bpar2(t) ----------------------------------
   subroutine write_bpar2_nc(nout, bpar2)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write
      implicit none

      !> Current timestep and amplitude of parallel vector potential
      integer, intent(in) :: nout 
      real, intent(in) :: bpar2

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "bpar2", bpar2, dim_names=["t"], &
                        units="(B_ref rho_ref / a_ref)**2", &
                        long_name="Amplitude of parallel magnetic field fluctuation bpar", &
   end subroutine write_bpar2_nc

   !------------------------------- phi2(ky,kx,t) ------------------------------
   subroutine write_kspectra_nc(nout, phi2_vs_kxky, keyname, longname)

# ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write
# endif
      implicit none

      !> Current timestep
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: phi2_vs_kxky
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: keyname, longname
# ifdef NETCDF

      ! Write phi2(ky,kx,t)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, keyname, phi2_vs_kxky, &
                        dim_names=["ky", "kx", "t "], &
                        start=[1, 1, nout], &
# endif
   end subroutine write_kspectra_nc

   !-------------------------- phi(ri,ky,kx,z,tube,t) --------------------------
   subroutine write_phi_nc(nout, phi)

      use zgrid, only: nzgrid

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: phi

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=4)::"ri", "ky", "kx", "zed", "tube", "t"]
      integer, dimension(6) :: start
      start = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout]

      ! Write phi(ri,ky,kx,z,tube,t)
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "phi_vs_t", phi, dim_names=dims, start=start, &
               long_name="Electrostatic potential")

   end subroutine write_phi_nc

   !-------------------------- apar(ri,ky,kx,z,tube,t) --------------------------
   !> Write time trace of electromagnetic field A|| to netCDF
   subroutine write_apar_nc(nout, apar)
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid
      implicit none
      !> Current timestep
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: apar

# ifdef NETCDF
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "apar_vs_t", apar, &
                                [character(len=4)::"ri", "ky", "kx", "zed", "tube", "t"], &
                                long_name="Electromagnetic parallel vector potential apar", &
                                start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])
# endif
   end subroutine write_apar_nc

   !-------------------------- bpar(ri,ky,kx,z,tube,t) --------------------------
   !> Write time trace of electromagnetic field B|| to netCDF
   subroutine write_bpar_nc(nout, bpar)
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid
      implicit none
      !> Current timestep
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: bpar

# ifdef NETCDF
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "bpar_vs_t", bpar, &
                                [character(len=4)::"ri", "ky", "kx", "zed", "tube", "t"], &
                                long_name="Electromagnetic field bpar", &
                                start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])
# endif
   end subroutine write_bpar_nc

   !---------------------------- omega(ri,ky,kx,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_omega_nc(nout, omega)
      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: omega

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=2)::"ri", "ky", "kx", "t"]
      integer, dimension(4) :: start
      start = [1, 1, 1, nout]

      ! Write Omega(ri,ky,kx,t) = omega + i*gamma
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "omega", omega, dim_names=dims, start=start, &
               long_name="Complex frequency Omega = omega+i*gamma", units="a_ref/v_ref")

   end subroutine write_omega_nc

   !================================== FLUXES ==================================
   !--------------------------------- flux(s,t) --------------------------------
   subroutine write_fluxes_vs_time_nc(nout, pflux_vs_s, vflux_vs_s, qflux_vs_s)
#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none
      !> Current timestep
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pflux_vs_s, vflux_vs_s, qflux_vs_s

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=7)::"species", "t"] 
      integer, dimension(2) :: start 
      start = [1, nout] 
      ! Write flux(tube,s,t)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "pflux_vs_s", pflux_vs_s, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Particle flux(s,t)", units="n_ref * v_ref * (rho_ref/a_ref)^2 (with v_ref = sqrt(2 T_ref/m_ref))")
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "vflux_vs_s", vflux_vs_s, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Momentum flux(s,t)", units="m_ref*n_ref*(v_ref)^2*(rho_ref/a_ref)^2")
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "qflux_vs_s", qflux_vs_s, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Heat flux(s,t)", units="n_ref * T_ref * v_ref * (rho_ref/a_ref)^2")


   end subroutine write_fluxes_vs_time_nc

   !-------------------------- flux(ky,kx,s,t) --------------------------
   subroutine write_fluxes_kxkys_nc(nout, pflux_kxkys, vflux_kxkys, qflux_kxkys)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: pflux_kxkys, vflux_kxkys, qflux_kxkys

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=7)::"ky", "kx", "species", "t"]
      integer, dimension(4) :: start
      start = [1, 1, 1, nout]

      ! Write flux(ky,kx,s,t) 
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "pflux_vs_kxkys", pflux_kxkys, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Particle flux(ky,kx,s,t)")
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "vflux_vs_kxkys", vflux_kxkys, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Momentum flux(ky,kx,s,t)")
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "qflux_vs_kxkys", qflux_kxkys, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Heat flux(ky,kx,s,t)")


   end subroutine write_fluxes_kxkys_nc

   !-------------------------- flux(ky,kx,z,tube,s,t) --------------------------
   subroutine write_fluxes_kxkyzs_nc(nout, pflux_kxkyzts, vflux_kxkyzts, qflux_kxkyzts)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: pflux_kxkyzts, vflux_kxkyzts, qflux_kxkyzts

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=7)::"ky", "kx", "zed", "tube", "species", "t"]
      integer, dimension(6) :: start
      start = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout]

      ! Write flux(ky,kx,z,tube,s,t)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "pflux_vs_kxkyzs", pflux_kxkyzts, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Particle flux(ky,kx,z,tube,s,t)")
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "vflux_vs_kxkyzs", vflux_kxkyzts, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Momentum flux(ky,kx,z,tube,s,t)")
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "qflux_vs_kxkyzs", qflux_kxkyzts, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Heat flux(ky,kx,z,tube,s,t)")


   end subroutine write_fluxes_kxkyzs_nc

   !------------------------------ flux_x(kx,s,t) ------------------------------
   subroutine write_radial_fluxes_nc(nout, pflux, vflux, qflux)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      !> Current timestep and particle, velocity, heat flux
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: pflux, vflux, qflux

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=7)::"kx", "species", "t"]
      integer, dimension(3) :: start
      start = [1, 1, nout]

      ! Write the radial flux(kx,s,t)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "pflux_x", pflux, dim_names=dims, start=start)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "vflux_x", vflux, dim_names=dims, start=start)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "qflux_x", qflux, dim_names=dims, start=start)


   end subroutine write_radial_fluxes_nc

   !================================= MOMENTS ==================================

   !------------------------------ dens_x(kx,s,t) ------------------------------
   subroutine write_radial_moments_nc(nout, dens_x, upar_x, temp_x)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      !> Current timestep and radial moments for density, parallel velocity, temperature
      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: dens_x, upar_x, temp_x

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(len=7)::"kx", "species", "t"]
      integer, dimension(3) :: start
      start = [1, 1, nout]

      ! Write the radial moments for density, parallel velocity, temperature
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "dens_x", dens_x, dim_names=dims, start=start)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "upar_x", upar_x, dim_names=dims, start=start)
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "temp_x", temp_x, dim_names=dims, start=start)


   end subroutine write_radial_moments_nc

   !----------------------- density(kx,ky,z,tube,s,t,ri) -----------------------
   subroutine write_moments_nc(nout, density, upar, temperature, spitzer2)
      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      complex, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: density, upar, temperature, spitzer2

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Define the dimensions and starting pointer
      character(*), dimension(*), parameter :: dims = [character(7)::"ri", "ky", "kx", "zed", "tube", "species", "t"]
      integer, dimension(7) :: start
      start = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout]

      ! Write the moments(kx,ky,z,tube,s,t,ri)
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "density", density, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Perturbed density")
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "upar", upar, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Perturbed upar")
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "temperature", temperature, dim_names=dims, start=start, long_name="Perturbed temperature") 

      ! AVB: added: (move this to a separate diagnostic in the future)
      call netcdf_write_complex(ncid, "spitzer2", spitzer2, dim_names=dims, start=start, &
                 long_name="Integral required for second Spitzer coefficient")

   end subroutine write_moments_nc

   !=============================== DISTRIBUTION ===============================

   !---------------------------- g2_vs_vpamus(vpa,mu,s,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_g2_vs_vpamus_nc(nout, g2_vs_vpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: g2_vs_vpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2_vs_vpamus", g2_vs_vpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over real space")

   end subroutine write_g2_vs_vpamus_nc

   !--------------------------- g2_vs_zvpas(tube,z,vpa,s,t) ---------------------------
   subroutine write_g2_vs_zvpas_nc(nout, g2_vs_zvpas)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2_vs_zvpas

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2_vs_zvpas", g2_vs_zvpas, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "vpa", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, mu)")

   end subroutine write_g2_vs_zvpas_nc

   !------------------------- g2_vs_zmus(tube,z,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_g2_vs_zmus_nc(nout, g2_vs_zmus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2_vs_zmus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2_vs_zmus", g2_vs_zmus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, vpa)")

   end subroutine write_g2_vs_zmus_nc

   !------------------------- g2_vs_zkykxs(tube,z,kx,ky,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_g2_vs_zkykxs_nc(nout, g2_vs_zkykxs)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2_vs_zkykxs

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2_vs_zkykxs", g2_vs_zkykxs, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "ky", "kx", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_g2_vs_zkykxs_nc

   !------------------------- g2_vs_zvpamus(tube,z,vpa,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_g2_vs_zvpamus_nc(nout, g2_vs_zvpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2_vs_zvpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2_vs_zvpamus", g2_vs_zvpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"zed", "tube", "vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_g2_vs_zvpamus_nc

   !---------------------------- g2nozonal_vs_vpamus(vpa,mu,s,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc(nout, g2nozonal_vs_vpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: g2nozonal_vs_vpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2nozonal_vs_vpamus", g2nozonal_vs_vpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over real space")

   end subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc

   !--------------------------- g2nozonal_vs_zvpas(tube,z,vpa,s,t) ---------------------------
   subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc(nout, g2nozonal_vs_zvpas)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2nozonal_vs_zvpas

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2nozonal_vs_zvpas", g2nozonal_vs_zvpas, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "vpa", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, mu)")

   end subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc

   !------------------------- g2nozonal_vs_zmus(tube,z,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc(nout, g2nozonal_vs_zmus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2nozonal_vs_zmus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2nozonal_vs_zmus", g2nozonal_vs_zmus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, vpa)")

   end subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc 

   !------------------------- g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus(tube,z,vpa,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc(nout, g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus", g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"zed", "tube", "vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_g2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc

   !---------------------------- h2_vs_vpamus(vpa,mu,s,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_h2_vs_vpamus_nc(nout, h2_vs_vpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: h2_vs_vpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2_vs_vpamus", h2_vs_vpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over real space")

   end subroutine write_h2_vs_vpamus_nc

   !--------------------------- h2_vs_zvpas(tube,z,vpa,s,t) ---------------------------
   subroutine write_h2_vs_zvpas_nc(nout, h2_vs_zvpas)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2_vs_zvpas

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2_vs_zvpas", h2_vs_zvpas, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "vpa", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, mu)")

   end subroutine write_h2_vs_zvpas_nc

   !------------------------- h2_vs_zmus(tube,z,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_h2_vs_zmus_nc(nout, h2_vs_zmus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2_vs_zmus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2_vs_zmus", h2_vs_zmus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, vpa)")

   end subroutine write_h2_vs_zmus_nc

   !------------------------- h2_vs_zkykxs(tube,z,kx,ky,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_h2_vs_zkykxs_nc(nout, h2_vs_zkykxs)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2_vs_zkykxs

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2_vs_zkykxs", h2_vs_zkykxs, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "ky", "kx", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_h2_vs_zkykxs_nc

   !------------------------- h2_vs_zvpamus(tube,z,vpa,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_h2_vs_zvpamus_nc(nout, h2_vs_zvpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2_vs_zvpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2_vs_zvpamus", h2_vs_zvpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"zed", "tube", "vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_h2_vs_zvpamus_nc

   !---------------------------- h2nozonal_vs_vpamus(vpa,mu,s,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc(nout, h2nozonal_vs_vpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: h2nozonal_vs_vpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2nozonal_vs_vpamus", h2nozonal_vs_vpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over real space")

   end subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc

   !--------------------------- h2nozonal_vs_zvpas(tube,z,vpa,s,t) ---------------------------
   subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc(nout, h2nozonal_vs_zvpas)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2nozonal_vs_zvpas

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2nozonal_vs_zvpas", h2nozonal_vs_zvpas, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "vpa", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, mu)")

   end subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc

   !------------------------- h2nozonal_vs_zmus(tube,z,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc(nout, h2nozonal_vs_zmus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2nozonal_vs_zmus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2nozonal_vs_zmus", h2nozonal_vs_zmus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, vpa)")

   end subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc 

   !------------------------- h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus(tube,z,vpa,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc(nout, h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus", h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"zed", "tube", "vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_h2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc

   !---------------------------- f2_vs_vpamus(vpa,mu,s,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_f2_vs_vpamus_nc(nout, f2_vs_vpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: f2_vs_vpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2_vs_vpamus", f2_vs_vpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over real space")

   end subroutine write_f2_vs_vpamus_nc

   !--------------------------- f2_vs_zvpas(tube,z,vpa,s,t) ---------------------------
   subroutine write_f2_vs_zvpas_nc(nout, f2_vs_zvpas)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2_vs_zvpas

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2_vs_zvpas", f2_vs_zvpas, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "vpa", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, mu)")

   end subroutine write_f2_vs_zvpas_nc

   !------------------------- f2_vs_zmus(tube,z,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_f2_vs_zmus_nc(nout, f2_vs_zmus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2_vs_zmus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2_vs_zmus", f2_vs_zmus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, vpa)")

   end subroutine write_f2_vs_zmus_nc

   !------------------------- f2_vs_zkykxs(tube,z,kx,ky,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_f2_vs_zkykxs_nc(nout, f2_vs_zkykxs)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2_vs_zkykxs

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2_vs_zkykxs", f2_vs_zkykxs, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "ky", "kx", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_f2_vs_zkykxs_nc

   !------------------------- f2_vs_zvpamus(tube,z,vpa,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_f2_vs_zvpamus_nc(nout, f2_vs_zvpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2_vs_zvpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2_vs_zvpamus", f2_vs_zvpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"zed", "tube", "vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_f2_vs_zvpamus_nc

   !---------------------------- f2nozonal_vs_vpamus(vpa,mu,s,t) -----------------------------
   subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc(nout, f2nozonal_vs_vpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(in) :: f2nozonal_vs_vpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2nozonal_vs_vpamus", f2nozonal_vs_vpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over real space")

   end subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_vpamus_nc

   !--------------------------- f2nozonal_vs_zvpas(tube,z,vpa,s,t) ---------------------------
   subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc(nout, f2nozonal_vs_zvpas)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2nozonal_vs_zvpas

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2nozonal_vs_zvpas", f2nozonal_vs_zvpas, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "vpa", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, mu)")

   end subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_zvpas_nc

   !------------------------- f2nozonal_vs_zmus(tube,z,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc(nout, f2nozonal_vs_zmus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2nozonal_vs_zmus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2nozonal_vs_zmus", f2nozonal_vs_zmus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"tube", "zed", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, nout], &
               long_name="Guiding center distribution function averaged over (kx, ky, vpa)")

   end subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_zmus_nc 

   !------------------------- f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus(tube,z,vpa,mu,s,t) -------------------------
   subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc(nout, f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nout
      real, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus

#ifdef NETCDF
      call neasyf_write(ncid, "f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus", f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus, &
               dim_names=[character(len=7)::"zed", "tube", "vpa", "mu", "species", "t"], &
               start=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nout])

   end subroutine write_f2nozonal_vs_zvpamus_nc

!############################# WRITE CONSTANT DATA #############################
! Variables that do not change are written once at the beginning. 

   !================================= SPECIES ==================================
   subroutine nc_species(file_id)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use species, only: spec, nspec
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write

      implicit none

      !> NetCDF ID of the file to write to
      integer, intent(in) :: file_id

#ifdef NETCDF

      integer :: is

      ! FIXME: FLAG - ignoring cross-species collisions for now
      real, dimension(nspec) :: vnew
      do is = 1, nspec
         vnew(is) = spec(is)%vnew(is)
      end do

      ! Additional brackets around `(spec%z)` etc to workaround gfortran bug
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "charge", (spec%z), dim_names=["species"], long_name="Charge", units="e")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "mass", (spec%mass), dim_names=["species"], long_name="Atomic mass", units="AMU")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "dens", (spec%dens), dim_names=["species"], long_name="Normalised density", units="nref")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "temp", (spec%temp), dim_names=["species"], long_name="Normalised temperature", units="Tref")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "vnew", vnew, dim_names=["species"], long_name="Collisionality", units="vtref/aref")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "tprim", (spec%tprim), dim_names=["species"], &
            long_name="Normalised temperature gradient scale length -1/rho dT/drho", units="1/aref")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "fprim", (spec%fprim), dim_names=["species"], &
            long_name="Normalised density gradient scale length -1/rho dn/drho", units="1/aref")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "type_of_species", (spec%type), dim_names=["species"], &
            long_name="Species type: 1=ion, 2=electron, 3=slowing down, 4=trace")

   end subroutine nc_species

   !================================ GEOMETRY ==================================
   subroutine nc_geo(file_id)

#ifdef NETCDF
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write
      use geometry, only: bmag, gradpar, gbdrift, gbdrift0
      use geometry, only: cvdrift, cvdrift0, gds2, gds21, gds22, grho, jacob
      use geometry, only: drhodpsi, djacdrho, b_dot_grad_z, geo_surf 
      use parameters_physics, only: beta
      use arrays_dist_fn, only: kperp2
      use parameters_kxky_grids, only: jtwist

      implicit none

      ! NetCDF ID of the file to write to
      integer, intent(in) :: file_id

#ifdef NETCDF

      ! Dimension of the geometry arrays 
      character(len=*), dimension(*), parameter :: flux_surface_dim = [character(5)::"alpha", "zed"] 

      ! Variables
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "beta", beta, long_name="Reference beta", units="2.mu0.nref.Tref/B_a**2")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "q", geo_surf%qinp, long_name="Local safety factor")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "shat", geo_surf%shat, long_name="(rho/q) dq/drho")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "drhodpsi", drhodpsi, long_name="drho/dPsi")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "jtwist", jtwist, long_name="2*pi*shat*dky/dkx")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "d2psidr2", geo_surf%d2psidr2)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "d2qdr2", geo_surf%d2qdr2)

      ! Vectors along the field line
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "gradpar", gradpar, dim_names=["zed"], long_name="Parallel derivative multiplier")

      ! Vectors on the flux surface
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "gbdrift", gbdrift, dim_names=flux_surface_dim, long_name="Magnetic gradient drift")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "bmag", bmag, dim_names=flux_surface_dim, long_name="Magnitude of magnetic field", units="B_0")
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "gbdrift0", gbdrift0, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "cvdrift", cvdrift, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "cvdrift0", cvdrift0, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "gds2", gds2, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "gds21", gds21, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "gds22", gds22, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "grho", grho, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "jacob", jacob, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "djacdrho", djacdrho, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "b_dot_grad_z", b_dot_grad_z, dim_names=flux_surface_dim)

      ! Perpendicular wavevector depends on (kx,ky) and the flux surface (alpha,z)
      call neasyf_write(file_id, "kperp2", kperp2, dim_names=[character(len=5)::"ky", "kx", "alpha", "zed"])

   end subroutine nc_geo

!################################## ROUTINES ###################################

   !================================== NOUT ====================================
   !> Get the index of the time dimension in the netCDF file that corresponds to
   !> a time no larger than `tstart`
   subroutine get_nout(tstart, nout)

      use netcdf, only: nf90_inquire_dimension, nf90_inq_dimid
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_read, neasyf_error

      implicit none

      !> Simulation time to find
      real, intent(in) :: tstart
      !> Index of time dimension
      integer, intent(out) :: nout
      real, dimension(:), allocatable :: times
      integer :: i, length, time_dim

      nout = 1

      call neasyf_error(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, "t", time_dim), ncid)
      call neasyf_error(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, time_dim, len=length), ncid)

      if (length > 0) then
         allocate (times(length))
         call neasyf_read(ncid, "t", times)

         i = length
         do while (times(i) > tstart .and. i > 0)
            i = i - 1
         end do

         nout = i + 1

         deallocate (times)
      end if

   end subroutine get_nout

   !============================== FLUSH NETCDF ================================
   !> Flush netCDF file to disk
   subroutine sync_nc

#ifdef NETCDF
      use netcdf, only: nf90_sync
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_error

      call neasyf_error(nf90_sync(ncid), ncid=ncid, message="Couldn't flush to disk")

   end subroutine sync_nc

   !============================ WRITE COMPLEX DATA ============================
   subroutine write_complex_rank2(parent_id, name, values, dim_names, units, long_name, start)
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write
      use convert, only: c2r
      !> Name of the variable
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
      !> NetCDF ID of the parent group/file
      integer, intent(in) :: parent_id
      !> Array to be written
      complex, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: values
      !> Array of dimension names
      character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_names
      !> Units of coordinate
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: units
      !> Long descriptive name
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: long_name
      integer, dimension(:), optional, intent(in) :: start

      real, dimension(2, &
                      size(values, 1), &
                      size(values, 2) &
                      ) :: real_values

      call c2r(values, real_values)
      call neasyf_write(parent_id, name, real_values, dim_names=dim_names, units=units, long_name=long_name, start=start)
   end subroutine write_complex_rank2

   subroutine write_complex_rank4(parent_id, name, values, dim_names, units, long_name, start)
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write
      use convert, only: c2r
      !> Name of the variable
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
      !> NetCDF ID of the parent group/file
      integer, intent(in) :: parent_id
      !> Array to be written
      complex, dimension(:, :, :, :), intent(in) :: values
      !> Array of dimension names
      character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_names
      !> Units of coordinate
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: units
      !> Long descriptive name
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: long_name
      integer, dimension(:), optional, intent(in) :: start

      real, dimension(2, &
                      size(values, 1), &
                      size(values, 2), &
                      size(values, 3), &
                      size(values, 4) &
                      ) :: real_values

      call c2r(values, real_values)
      call neasyf_write(parent_id, name, real_values, dim_names=dim_names, units=units, long_name=long_name, start=start)
   end subroutine write_complex_rank4

   subroutine write_complex_rank5(parent_id, name, values, dim_names, units, long_name, start)
      use neasyf, only: neasyf_write
      use convert, only: c2r
      !> Name of the variable
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
      !> NetCDF ID of the parent group/file
      integer, intent(in) :: parent_id
      !> Array to be written
      complex, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), intent(in) :: values
      !> Array of dimension names
      character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: dim_names
      !> Units of coordinate
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: units
      !> Long descriptive name
      character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: long_name
      integer, dimension(:), optional, intent(in) :: start

      real, dimension(2, &
                      size(values, 1), &
                      size(values, 2), &
                      size(values, 3), &
                      size(values, 4), &
                      size(values, 5) &
                      ) :: real_values

      call c2r(values, real_values)
      call neasyf_write(parent_id, name, real_values, dim_names=dim_names, units=units, long_name=long_name, start=start)
   end subroutine write_complex_rank5

end module stella_io