spl.f90 Source File

Source Code

module splines

   implicit none

   public :: geo_spline, linear_interp_periodic

   type :: spline
      integer :: n
      real, dimension(:), pointer :: x, y, y2
   end type spline

   type :: periodic_spline
      integer :: n
      real :: period
      real, dimension(:), pointer :: x, y, y2
   end type periodic_spline

   interface geo_spline
      module procedure geo_spline_real
      module procedure geo_spline_array
   end interface


!   subroutine new_spline (n, x, y, spl)
!     implicit none
!     integer, intent (in) :: n
!     real, dimension (n), intent (in) :: x, y
!     type (spline), intent (out) :: spl
!     real, dimension (n) :: temp
!     integer :: ierr

!     spl%n = n
!     allocate (spl%x(n),spl%y(n))
!     spl%x = x
!     spl%y = y
!     allocate (spl%y2(n))
!     call fitp_curv1 (n, x, y, 0.0, 0.0, 3, spl%y2, temp, 1.0, ierr)
!   end subroutine new_spline

!   subroutine new_periodic_spline (n, x, y, period, spl)
!     implicit none
!     integer, intent (in) :: n
!     real, dimension (n), intent (in) :: x, y
!     real, intent (in) :: period
!     type (periodic_spline), intent (out) :: spl
!     real, dimension (2*n) :: temp
!     integer :: ierr

!     spl%n = n
!     spl%period = period
!     allocate (spl%x(n),spl%y(n))
!     spl%x = x
!     spl%y = y
!     allocate (spl%y2(n))
!     call fitp_curvp1 (n,x,y,period,spl%y2,temp,1.0,ierr)
!   end subroutine new_periodic_spline

!   subroutine delete_spline (spl)
!     implicit none
!     type (spline), intent (in out) :: spl
!     spl%n = 0
!     deallocate (spl%x,spl%y)
!     nullify (spl%x)
!     nullify (spl%y)
!     deallocate (spl%y2)
!     nullify (spl%y2)
!   end subroutine delete_spline

!   subroutine delete_periodic_spline (spl)
!     implicit none
!     type (periodic_spline), intent (in out) :: spl
!     spl%n = 0
!     spl%period = 0.0
!     deallocate (spl%x,spl%y)
!     nullify (spl%x)
!     nullify (spl%y)
!     deallocate (spl%y2)
!     nullify (spl%y2)
!   end subroutine delete_periodic_spline

!   function splint (x, spl)
!     implicit none
!     real, intent (in) :: x
!     type (spline), intent (in) :: spl
!     real :: splint

!     splint = fitp_curv2 (x, spl%n, spl%x, spl%y, spl%y2, 1.0)
!   end function splint

!   function periodic_splint (x, spl)
!     implicit none
!     real, intent (in) :: x
!     type (periodic_spline), intent (in) :: spl
!     real :: periodic_splint
!     periodic_splint = fitp_curvp2 &
!          (x, spl%n, spl%x, spl%y, spl%period, spl%y2, 1.0)
!   end function periodic_splint

!   function dsplint (x, spl)
!     implicit none
!     real, intent (in) :: x
!     type (spline), intent (in) :: spl
!     real :: dsplint
!     dsplint = fitp_curvd (x, spl%n, spl%x, spl%y, spl%y2, 1.0)
!   end function dsplint

!   function splintint (x0, x1, spl)
!     implicit none
!     real, intent (in) :: x0, x1
!     type (spline), intent (in) :: spl
!     real :: splintint
!     splintint = fitp_curvi (x0,x1,spl%n,spl%x,spl%y,spl%y2,1.0)
!   end function splintint

!   function periodic_splintint (x0, x1, spl)
!     implicit none
!     real, intent (in) :: x0, x1
!     type (periodic_spline), intent (in) :: spl
!     real :: periodic_splintint
!     periodic_splintint = fitp_curvpi &
!          (x0,x1,spl%n,spl%x,spl%y,spl%period,spl%y2, 1.0)
!   end function periodic_splintint

!   subroutine inter_d_cspl(n,r,data,m,x,dint,ddint)
!     integer n
!     integer m
!     real r(n), data(n), x(m), dint(m), ddint(m)

!     integer max
!     parameter (max=1000)
!     real ddata(max),temp(max)
!     integer i,ierr

!     if (n .gt. max) then
!        write (*,*) 'error in inter_d_cspl'
!        write (*,*) 'increase max'
!        stop
!     endif

!     ierr = 0
!     call fitp_curv1(n,r,data,0.0,0.0,3,ddata,temp,1.0,ierr)
!     if (ierr .ne. 0) then
!        if (ierr .eq. 1) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error: n < 2'
!        elseif (ierr .eq. 2) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error: x-values not increasing'
!        else
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error'
!        endif
!        stop
!     endif
!     do i=1,m
!        dint(i) = fitp_curv2 (x(i),n,r,data,ddata,1.0)
!        ddint(i)= fitp_curvd (x(i),n,r,data,ddata,1.0)
!     enddo

!   end subroutine inter_d_cspl

!   subroutine inter_cspl(n,r,data,m,x,dint)
!     integer n
!     integer m
!     real r(n), data(n), x(m), dint(m)

!     integer max
!     parameter (max=1000)
!     real ddata(max),temp(max)
!     integer i,ierr

!     if (n .gt. max) then
!        write (*,*) 'error in inter_cspl'
!        write (*,*) 'increase max'
!        stop
!     endif

!     ierr = 0
!     call fitp_curv1(n,r,data,0.0,0.0,3,ddata,temp,1.0,ierr)
!     if (ierr .ne. 0) then
!        if (ierr .eq. 1) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error: n < 2'
!        elseif (ierr .eq. 2) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error: x-values not increasing'
!        else
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error'
!        endif
!        stop
!     endif
!     do i=1,m
!        dint(i) = fitp_curv2 (x(i),n,r,data,ddata,1.0)
!     enddo

!   end subroutine inter_cspl

!   subroutine inter_getspl (n, x, y, y2)
!     integer n
!     real x(n), y(n), y2(n)

!     integer max
!     parameter (max=1000)
!     real temp(max)
!     integer ierr

!     if (n .gt. max) then
!        write (*,*) 'error in inter_getspl'
!        write (*,*) 'increase max'
!        stop
!     endif

!     ierr = 0
!     call fitp_curv1(n,x,y,0.0,0.0,3,y2,temp,1.0,ierr)
!     if (ierr .ne. 0) then
!        if (ierr .eq. 1) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error: n < 2'
!        elseif (ierr .eq. 2) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error: x-values not increasing'
!        else
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error'
!        endif
!        stop
!     endif

!   end subroutine inter_getspl

!   real function inter_splint (x0, n, x, y, y2)
!     real x0
!     integer n
!     real x(n), y(n), y2(n)

!     inter_splint = fitp_curv2 (x0, n, x, y, y2, 1.0)

!   end function inter_splint

!   real function inter_dsplint (x0, n, x, y, y2)
!     real x0
!     integer n
!     real x(n), y(n), y2(n)

!     inter_dsplint = fitp_curvd (x0, n, x, y, y2, 1.0)

!   end function inter_dsplint

!   real function inter_d2splint (x0, n, x, y, y2)
!     real x0
!     integer n
!     real x(n), y(n), y2(n)

!     real yx(500)
!     data yx(1)/1.0/
!     save yx
!     integer i

!     if (yx(1) .ne. 0.0) then
!        do i=1,500
!           yx(i) = 0.0
!        enddo
!     endif
!     inter_d2splint = fitp_curv2 (x0, n, x, y2, yx, 1e5)

!   end function inter_d2splint

!   subroutine inter_getpspl (n, x, p, y, y2)
!     integer n
!     real x(n), p, y(n), y2(n)

!     integer max
!     parameter (max=1000)
!     real temp(max)
!     integer ierr

!     if (n .gt. max) then
!        write (*,*) 'error in inter_getpspl'
!        write (*,*) 'increase max'
!        stop
!     endif

!     ierr=0
!     call fitp_curvp1(n,x,y,p,y2,temp,1.0,ierr)
!     if (ierr .ne. 0) then
!        if (ierr .eq. 1) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curvp1 error: n < 2'
!        elseif (ierr .eq. 2) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curvp1 error: p <= x(n)-x(1)'
!        elseif (ierr .eq. 3) then
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curvp1 error: x-values not increasing'
!        else
!           write (*,*) 'FITPACK: curv1 error'
!        endif
!        stop
!     endif

!   end subroutine inter_getpspl

!   real function inter_psplint (x0, n, x, p, y, y2)
!     real x0
!     integer n
!     real x(n), p, y(n), y2(n)

!     inter_psplint = fitp_curvp2 (x0, n, x, y, p, y2, 1.0)

!   end function inter_psplint

!   real function inter_pdsplint (x0, n, x, p, y, y2)
!     real x0
!     integer n
!     real x(n), p, y(n), y2(n)

!     inter_pdsplint = fitp_curvpd (x0, n, x, y, p, y2, 1.0)
!   end function inter_pdsplint

! From inet!cs.utexas.edu!cline Tue Oct 31 17:10:31 CST 1989
! Received: from mojave.cs.utexas.edu by cs.utexas.edu (5.59/1.44)
!         id AA29509; Tue, 31 Oct 89 17:11:51 CST
! Posted-Date: Tue, 31 Oct 89 17:10:31 CST
! Message-Id: <8910312310.AA04442@mojave.cs.utexas.edu>
! Received: by mojave.cs.utexas.edu (14.5/1.4-Client)
!         id AA04442; Tue, 31 Oct 89 17:10:34 cst
! Date: Tue, 31 Oct 89 17:10:31 CST
! X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.5 4/17/89)
! From: cline@cs.utexas.edu (Alan Cline)
! To: ehg@research.att.com
! Subject: New FITPACK Subset for netlib
! This new version of FITPACK distributed by netlib is about 20% of
! the total package in terms of characters, lines of code, and num-
! ber of subprograms. However, these 25 subprograms represent about
! 95% of usages of the package.  What has been omitted are such ca-
! pabilities as:
!   1. Automatic tension determination,
!   2. Derivatives, arclengths, and enclosed areas for planar
!      curves,
!   3. Three dimensional curves,
!   4. Special surface fitting using equispacing assumptions,
!   5. Surface fitting in annular, wedge, polar, toroidal, lunar,
!      and spherical geometries,
!   6. B-splines in tension generation and usage,
!   7. General surface fitting in three dimensional space.
! (The code previously circulated in netlib is less than 10% of the
! total  package  and is more than a decade old.  Its usage is dis-
! couraged.)
! Please note:  Two versions of the subroutine snhcsh are included.
! Both serve the same purpose:  obtaining approximations to certain
! hyperbolic trigonometric-like functions.  The first is less accu-
! rate (but more efficient) than the second.  Installers should se-
! lect the one with the precision they desire.
! Interested parties can obtain the entire package on disk or  tape
! from Pleasant  Valley Software, 8603 Altus Cove, Austin TX (USA),
! 78759 at a cost of $495 US. A 340 page manual  is  available  for
! $30  US  per  copy.  The  package  includes  examples and machine
! readable documentation.
   subroutine fitp_curv1(n, x, y, slp1, slpn, islpsw, yp, temp, sigma, ierr)

      integer n, islpsw, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), slp1, slpn, yp(n), temp(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute an interpolatory spline under tension through
! a sequence of functional values. the slopes at the two
! ends of the curve may be specified or omitted.  for actual
! computation of points on the curve it is necessary to call
! the function curv2.
! on input--
!   n is the number of values to be interpolated (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array of the n increasing abscissae of the
!   functional values.
!   y is an array of the n ordinates of the values, (i. e.
!   y(k) is the functional value corresponding to x(k) ).
!   slp1 and slpn contain the desired values for the first
!   derivative of the curve at x(1) and x(n), respectively.
!   the user may omit values for either or both of these
!   parameters and signal this with islpsw.
!   islpsw contains a switch indicating which slope data
!   should be used and which should be estimated by this
!   subroutine,
!          = 0 if slp1 and slpn are to be used,
!          = 1 if slp1 is to be used but not slpn,
!          = 2 if slpn is to be used but not slp1,
!          = 3 if both slp1 and slpn are to be estimated
!              internally.
!   yp is an array of length at least n.
!   temp is an array of length at least n which is used for
!   scratch storage.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the curviness desired. if abs(sigma) is nearly zero
!   (e.g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a
!   cubic spline. if abs(sigma) is large (e.g. 50.) the
!   resulting curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma
!   equals zero a cubic spline results.  a standard value
!   for sigma is approximately 1. in absolute value.
! on output--
!   yp contains the values of the second derivative of the
!   curve at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if x-values are not strictly increasing.
! and
!   n, x, y, slp1, slpn, islpsw and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules ceez, terms,
! and snhcsh.
      integer i, ibak, nm1, np1
      real sdiag1, diag1, delxnm, dx1, diag, sdiag2, dx2, diag2
      real delxn, slpp1, delx1, sigmap, c3, c2, c1, slppn, delx2

      nm1 = n - 1
      np1 = n + 1
      ierr = 0
      if (n <= 1) go to 8
      if (x(n) <= x(1)) go to 9
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (x(n) - x(1))
! approximate end slopes
      if (islpsw >= 2) go to 1
      slpp1 = slp1
      go to 2
1     delx1 = x(2) - x(1)
      delx2 = delx1 + delx1
      if (n > 2) delx2 = x(3) - x(1)
      if (delx1 <= 0. .or. delx2 <= delx1) go to 9
      call fitp_ceez(delx1, delx2, sigmap, c1, c2, c3, n)
      slpp1 = c1 * y(1) + c2 * y(2)
      if (n > 2) slpp1 = slpp1 + c3 * y(3)
2     if (islpsw == 1 .or. islpsw == 3) go to 3
      slppn = slpn
      go to 4
3     delxn = x(n) - x(nm1)
      delxnm = delxn + delxn
      if (n > 2) delxnm = x(n) - x(n - 2)
      if (delxn <= 0. .or. delxnm <= delxn) go to 9
      call fitp_ceez(-delxn, -delxnm, sigmap, c1, c2, c3, n)
      slppn = c1 * y(n) + c2 * y(nm1)
      if (n > 2) slppn = slppn + c3 * y(n - 2)
! set up right hand side and tridiagonal system for yp and
! perform forward elimination
4     delx1 = x(2) - x(1)
      if (delx1 <= 0.) go to 9
      dx1 = (y(2) - y(1)) / delx1
      call fitp_terms(diag1, sdiag1, sigmap, delx1)
      yp(1) = (dx1 - slpp1) / diag1
      temp(1) = sdiag1 / diag1
      if (n == 2) go to 6
      do i = 2, nm1
         delx2 = x(i + 1) - x(i)
         if (delx2 <= 0.) go to 9
         dx2 = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / delx2
         call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, delx2)
         diag = diag1 + diag2 - sdiag1 * temp(i - 1)
         yp(i) = (dx2 - dx1 - sdiag1 * yp(i - 1)) / diag
         temp(i) = sdiag2 / diag
         dx1 = dx2
         diag1 = diag2
         sdiag1 = sdiag2
      end do
6     diag = diag1 - sdiag1 * temp(nm1)
      yp(n) = (slppn - dx1 - sdiag1 * yp(nm1)) / diag
! perform back substitution
      do i = 2, n
         ibak = np1 - i
         yp(ibak) = yp(ibak) - temp(ibak) * yp(ibak + 1)
      end do
! too few points
8     ierr = 1
! x-values not strictly increasing
9     ierr = 2
   end subroutine fitp_curv1
   subroutine fitp_curvs(n, x, y, d, isw, s, eps, ys, ysp, sigma, temp, ierr)

      integer n, isw, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), d(n), s, eps, ys(n), ysp(n), sigma, temp(n, 9)
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a smoothing spline under tension. for a given
! increasing sequence of abscissae (x(i)), i = 1,..., n and
! associated ordinates (y(i)), i = 1,..., n, the function
! determined minimizes the summation from i = 1 to n-1 of
! the square of the second derivative of f plus sigma
! squared times the difference of the first derivative of f
! and (f(x(i+1))-f(x(i)))/(x(i+1)-x(i)) squared, over all
! functions f with two continuous derivatives such that the
! summation of the square of (f(x(i))-y(i))/d(i) is less
! than or equal to a given constant s, where (d(i)), i = 1,
! ..., n are a given set of observation weights. the
! function determined is a spline under tension with third
! derivative discontinuities at (x(i)), i = 2,..., n-1. for
! actual computation of points on the curve it is necessary
! to call the function curv2. the determination of the curve
! is performed by subroutine curvss, the subroutine curvs
! only decomposes the workspace for curvss.
! on input--
!   n is the number of values to be smoothed (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array of the n increasing abscissae of the
!   values to be smoothed.
!   y is an array of the n ordinates of the values to be
!   smoothed, (i. e. y(k) is the functional value
!   corresponding to x(k) ).
!   d is a parameter containing the observation weights.
!   this may either be an array of length n or a scalar
!   (interpreted as a constant). the value of d
!   corresponding to the observation (x(k),y(k)) should
!   be an approximation to the standard deviation of error.
!   isw contains a switch indicating whether the parameter
!   d is to be considered a vector or a scalar,
!          = 0 if d is an array of length n,
!          = 1 if d is a scalar.
!   s contains the value controlling the smoothing. this
!   must be non-negative. for s equal to zero, the
!   subroutine does interpolation, larger values lead to
!   smoother funtions. if parameter d contains standard
!   deviation estimates, a reasonable value for s is
!   float(n).
!   eps contains a tolerance on the relative precision to
!   which s is to be interpreted. this must be greater than
!   or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. a
!   reasonable value for eps is sqrt(2./float(n)).
!   ys is an array of length at least n.
!   ysp is an array of length at least n.
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the degree to which the first derivative part of the
!   smoothing functional is emphasized. if sigma is nearly
!   zero (e. g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a
!   cubic spline. if sigma is large (e. g. 50.) the
!   resulting curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma
!   equals zero a cubic spline results. a standard value for
!   sigma is approximately 1.
! and
!   temp is an array of length at least 9*n which is used
!   for scratch storage.
! on output--
!   ys contains the smoothed ordinate values.
!   ysp contains the values of the second derivative of the
!   smoothed curve at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if s is negative,
!        = 3 if eps is negative or greater than one,
!        = 4 if x-values are not strictly increasing,
!        = 5 if a d-value is non-positive.
! and
!   n, x, y, d, isw, s, eps, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules curvss, terms,
! and snhcsh.
! decompose temp into nine arrays and call curvss
      call fitp_curvss(n, x, y, d, isw, s, eps, ys, ysp, sigma, temp(1, 1), &
                       temp(1, 2), temp(1, 3), temp(1, 4), temp(1, 5), &
                       temp(1, 6), temp(1, 7), temp(1, 8), temp(1, 9), &

   end subroutine fitp_curvs
   real function fitp_curv2(t, n, x, y, yp, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, x(n), y(n), yp(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function interpolates a curve at a given point
! using a spline under tension. the subroutine curv1 should
! be called earlier to determine certain necessary
! parameters.
! on input--
!   t contains a real value to be mapped onto the interpo-
!   lating curve.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified to
!   determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the abscissae and
!   ordinates, respectively, of the specified points.
!   yp is an array of second derivative values of the curve
!   at the nodes.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, yp, and sigma should be input
! unaltered from the output of curv1.
! on output--
!   curv2 contains the interpolated value.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, im1
      real ss, sigdel, dummy, s1, s2, sum, sigmap
      real del1, del2, dels
! determine interval
      im1 = fitp_intrvl(t, x, n)
      i = im1 + 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (x(n) - x(1))
! set up and perform interpolation
      del1 = t - x(im1)
      del2 = x(i) - t
      dels = x(i) - x(im1)
      sum = (y(i) * del1 + y(im1) * del2) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 1
      fitp_curv2 = sum - del1 * del2 * (yp(i) * (del1 + dels) + yp(im1) * (del2 + dels)) / (6.*dels)
1     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s1, dummy, sigmap * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s2, dummy, sigmap * del2, -1)
      fitp_curv2 = sum + (yp(i) * del1 * (s1 - ss) + yp(im1) * del2 * (s2 - ss)) / (sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss))
   end function fitp_curv2

   real function fitp_curvd(t, n, x, y, yp, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, x(n), y(n), yp(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function differentiates a curve at a given point
! using a spline under tension. the subroutine curv1 should
! be called earlier to determine certain necessary
! parameters.
! on input--
!   t contains a real value at which the derivative is to be
!   determined.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified to
!   determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the abscissae and
!   ordinates, respectively, of the specified points.
!   yp is an array of second derivative values of the curve
!   at the nodes.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, yp, and sigma should be input
! unaltered from the output of curv1.
! on output--
!   curvd contains the derivative value.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, im1
      real ss, sigdel, dummy, c1, c2, sum, sigmap
      real del1, del2, dels
! determine interval
      im1 = fitp_intrvl(t, x, n)
      i = im1 + 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (x(n) - x(1))
! set up and perform differentiation
      del1 = t - x(im1)
      del2 = x(i) - t
      dels = x(i) - x(im1)
      sum = (y(i) - y(im1)) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 1
      fitp_curvd = sum + (yp(i) * (2.*del1 * del1 - del2 * (del1 + dels)) - &
                          yp(im1) * (2.*del2 * del2 - del1 * (del2 + dels))) &
                   / (6.*dels)
1     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 1)
      fitp_curvd = sum + (yp(i) * (c1 - ss) - yp(im1) * (c2 - ss)) / (sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss))
   end function fitp_curvd

   real function fitp_curvi(xl, xu, n, x, y, yp, sigma)

      integer n
      real xl, xu, x(n), y(n), yp(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function integrates a curve specified by a spline
! under tension between two given limits. the subroutine
! curv1 should be called earlier to determine necessary
! parameters.
! on input--
!   xl and xu contain the upper and lower limits of inte-
!   gration, respectively. (sl need not be less than or
!   equal to xu, curvi (xl,xu,...) .eq. -curvi (xu,xl,...) ).
!   n contains the number of points which were specified to
!   determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the abscissae and
!   ordinates, respectively, of the specified points.
!   yp is an array from subroutine curv1 containing
!   the values of the second derivatives at the nodes.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, yp, and sigma should be input
! unaltered from the output of curv1.
! on output--
!   curvi contains the integral value.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, ilp1, ilm1, il, ium1, iu
      real delu1, delu2, c2, ss, cs, cu2, cl1, cl2, cu1
      real dell1, dell2, deli, c1, ssign, sigmap
      real xxl, xxu, t1, t2, dummy, dels, sum, del1, del2
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (x(n) - x(1))
! determine actual upper and lower bounds
      xxl = xl
      xxu = xu
      ssign = 1.
      if (xl < xu) go to 1
      xxl = xu
      xxu = xl
      ssign = -1.
      if (xl > xu) go to 1
! return zero if xl .eq. xu
      fitp_curvi = 0.
! search for proper intervals
1     ilm1 = fitp_intrvl(xxl, x, n)
      il = ilm1 + 1
      ium1 = fitp_intrvl(xxu, x, n)
      iu = ium1 + 1
      if (il == iu) go to 8
! integrate from xxl to x(il)
      sum = 0.
      if (xxl == x(il)) go to 3
      del1 = xxl - x(ilm1)
      del2 = x(il) - xxl
      dels = x(il) - x(ilm1)
      t1 = (del1 + dels) * del2 / (2.*dels)
      t2 = del2 * del2 / (2.*dels)
      sum = t1 * y(il) + t2 * y(ilm1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 2
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
      sum = sum + ((dels * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) - del1 * del1 * (c1 - ss / 2.)) &
                   * yp(il) + del2 * del2 * (c2 - ss / 2.) * yp(ilm1)) / &
            (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 3
2     sum = sum - t1 * t1 * dels * yp(il) / 6. &
            -t2 * (del1 * (del2 + dels) + dels * dels) * yp(ilm1) / 12.
! integrate over interior intervals
3     if (iu - il == 1) go to 6
      ilp1 = il + 1
      do i = ilp1, ium1
         dels = x(i) - x(i - 1)
         sum = sum + (y(i) + y(i - 1)) * dels / 2.
         if (sigma == 0.) go to 4
         call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
         sum = sum + (yp(i) + yp(i - 1)) * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) / (sigmap * sigmap * (1.+ss))
         go to 5
4        sum = sum - (yp(i) + yp(i - 1)) * dels * dels * dels / 24.
5        continue
      end do
! integrate from x(iu-1) to xxu
6     if (xxu == x(ium1)) go to 10
      del1 = xxu - x(ium1)
      del2 = x(iu) - xxu
      dels = x(iu) - x(ium1)
      t1 = del1 * del1 / (2.*dels)
      t2 = (del2 + dels) * del1 / (2.*dels)
      sum = sum + t1 * y(iu) + t2 * y(ium1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 7
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
      sum = sum + (yp(iu) * del1 * del1 * (c1 - ss / 2.) + yp(ium1) * &
                   (dels * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) - del2 * del2 * (c2 - ss / 2.))) &
            / (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 10
7     sum = sum - t1 * (del2 * (del1 + dels) + dels * dels) * yp(iu) / 12.-t2 * t2 * dels * yp(ium1) / 6.

      go to 10
! integrate from xxl to xxu
8     delu1 = xxu - x(ium1)
      delu2 = x(iu) - xxu
      dell1 = xxl - x(ium1)
      dell2 = x(iu) - xxl
      dels = x(iu) - x(ium1)
      deli = xxu - xxl
      t1 = (delu1 + dell1) * deli / (2.*dels)
      t2 = (delu2 + dell2) * deli / (2.*dels)
      sum = t1 * y(iu) + t2 * y(ium1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 9
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cu1, sigmap * delu1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cu2, sigmap * delu2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cl1, sigmap * dell1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cl2, sigmap * dell2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigmap * dels, -1)
      sum = sum + (yp(iu) * (delu1 * delu1 * (cu1 - ss / 2.) &
                             - dell1 * dell1 * (cl1 - ss / 2.)) &
                   + yp(ium1) * (dell2 * dell2 * (cl2 - ss / 2.) &
                                 - delu2 * delu2 * (cu2 - ss / 2.))) / &
            (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 10
9     sum = sum - t1 * (delu2 * (dels + delu1) + dell2 * (dels + dell1)) * &
            yp(iu) / 12. &
            -t2 * (dell1 * (dels + dell2) + delu1 * (dels + delu2)) * &
            yp(ium1) / 12.
! correct sign and return
10    fitp_curvi = ssign * sum
   end function fitp_curvi

   subroutine fitp_curvp1(n, x, y, p, yp, temp, sigma, ierr)

      integer n, ierr
      real, dimension(:) :: x, y, yp, temp
      real :: p, sigma
!!    real x(n),y(n),p,yp(n),temp(2*n),sigma
!      real x(n),y(n),p,yp(n),temp(1),sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a periodic interpolatory spline under tension
! through a sequence of functional values. for actual ends
! of the curve may be specified or omitted.  for actual
! computation of points on the curve it is necessary to call
! the function curvp2.
! on input--
!   n is the number of values to be interpolated (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array of the n increasing abscissae of the
!   functional values.
!   y is an array of the n ordinates of the values, (i. e.
!   y(k) is the functional value corresponding to x(k) ).
!   p is the period (p .gt. x(n)-x(1)).
!   yp is an array of length at least n.
!   temp is an array of length at least 2*n which is used
!   for scratch storage.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor.  this value indicates
!   the curviness desired. if abs(sigma) is nearly zero
!   (e.g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a
!   cubic spline. if abs(sigma) is large (e.g. 50.) the
!   resulting curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma
!   equals zero a cubic spline results.  a standard value
!   for sigma is approximately 1. in absolute value.
! on output--
!   yp contains the values of the second derivative of the
!   curve at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if p is less than or equal to x(n)-x(1),
!        = 3 if x-values are not strictly increasing.
! and
!  n, x, y, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules terms and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, npibak, npi, ibak, nm1, np1
      real diag, diag2, sdiag2, ypn, dx2, sigmap, delx1
      real sdiag1, delx2, dx1, diag1

      nm1 = n - 1
      np1 = n + 1
      ierr = 0
      if (n <= 1) go to 6
      if (p <= x(n) - x(1) .or. p <= 0.) go to 7
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / p
! set up right hand side and tridiagonal system for yp and
! perform forward elimination
      delx1 = p - (x(n) - x(1))
      dx1 = (y(1) - y(n)) / delx1
      call fitp_terms(diag1, sdiag1, sigmap, delx1)
      delx2 = x(2) - x(1)
      if (delx2 <= 0.) go to 8
      dx2 = (y(2) - y(1)) / delx2
      call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, delx2)
      diag = diag1 + diag2
      yp(1) = (dx2 - dx1) / diag
      temp(np1) = -sdiag1 / diag
      temp(1) = sdiag2 / diag
      dx1 = dx2
      diag1 = diag2
      sdiag1 = sdiag2
      if (n == 2) go to 2
      do i = 2, nm1
         npi = n + i
         delx2 = x(i + 1) - x(i)
         if (delx2 <= 0.) go to 8
         dx2 = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / delx2
         call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, delx2)
         diag = diag1 + diag2 - sdiag1 * temp(i - 1)
         yp(i) = (dx2 - dx1 - sdiag1 * yp(i - 1)) / diag
         temp(npi) = -temp(npi - 1) * sdiag1 / diag
         temp(i) = sdiag2 / diag
         dx1 = dx2
         diag1 = diag2
         sdiag1 = sdiag2
      end do
2     delx2 = p - (x(n) - x(1))
      dx2 = (y(1) - y(n)) / delx2
      call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, delx2)
      yp(n) = dx2 - dx1
      temp(nm1) = temp(2 * n - 1) - temp(nm1)
      if (n == 2) go to 4
! perform first step of back substitution
      do i = 3, n
         ibak = np1 - i
         npibak = n + ibak
         yp(ibak) = yp(ibak) - temp(ibak) * yp(ibak + 1)
         temp(ibak) = temp(npibak) - temp(ibak) * temp(ibak + 1)
      end do
4     yp(n) = (yp(n) - sdiag2 * yp(1) - sdiag1 * yp(nm1)) / &
              (diag1 + diag2 + sdiag2 * temp(1) + sdiag1 * temp(nm1))
! perform second step of back substitution
      ypn = yp(n)
      do i = 1, nm1
         yp(i) = yp(i) + temp(i) * ypn
      end do
! too few points
6     ierr = 1
! period too small
7     ierr = 2
! x-values not strictly increasing
8     ierr = 3
   end subroutine fitp_curvp1

   subroutine fitp_curvps(n, x, y, p, d, isw, s, eps, ys, ysp, sigma, temp, ierr)

      integer n, isw, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), p, d(n), s, eps, ys(n), ysp(n), sigma, temp(n, 11)
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a periodic smoothing spline under tension. for a
! given increasing sequence of abscissae (x(i)), i = 1,...,n
! and associated ordinates (y(i)), i = 1,...,n, letting p be
! the period, x(n+1) = x(1)+p, and y(n+1) = y(1), the
! function determined minimizes the summation from i = 1 to
! n of the square of the second derivative of f plus sigma
! squared times the difference of the first derivative of f
! and (f(x(i+1))-f(x(i)))/(x(i+1)-x(i)) squared, over all
! functions f with period p and two continuous derivatives
! such that the summation of the square of
! (f(x(i))-y(i))/d(i) is less than or equal to a given
! constant s, where (d(i)), i = 1,...,n are a given set of
! observation weights. the function determined is a periodic
! spline under tension with third derivative discontinuities
! at (x(i)) i = 1,...,n (and all periodic translations of
! these values). for actual computation of points on the
! curve it is necessary to call the function curvp2. the
! determination of the curve is performed by subroutine
! curvpp, the subroutin curvps only decomposes the workspace
! for curvpp.
! on input--
!   n is the number of values to be smoothed (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array of the n increasing abscissae of the
!   values to be smoothed.
!   y is an array of the n ordinates of the values to be
!   smoothed, (i. e. y(k) is the functional value
!   corresponding to x(k) ).
!   p is the period (p .gt. x(n)-x(1)).
!   d is a parameter containing the observation weights.
!   this may either be an array of length n or a scalar
!   (interpreted as a constant). the value of d
!   corresponding to the observation (x(k),y(k)) should
!   be an approximation to the standard deviation of error.
!   isw contains a switch indicating whether the parameter
!   d is to be considered a vector or a scalar,
!          = 0 if d is an array of length n,
!          = 1 if d is a scalar.
!   s contains the value controlling the smoothing. this
!   must be non-negative. for s equal to zero, the
!   subroutine does interpolation, larger values lead to
!   smoother funtions. if parameter d contains standard
!   deviation estimates, a reasonable value for s is
!   float(n).
!   eps contains a tolerance on the relative precision to
!   which s is to be interpreted. this must be greater than
!   or equal to zero and less than or equal to one. a
!   reasonable value for eps is sqrt(2./float(n)).
!   ys is an array of length at least n.
!   ysp is an array of length at least n.
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the degree to which the first derivative part of the
!   smoothing functional is emphasized. if sigma is nearly
!   zero (e. g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a
!   cubic spline. if sigma is large (e. g. 50.) the
!   resulting curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma
!   equals zero a cubic spline results. a standard value for
!   sigma is approximately 1.
! and
!   temp is an array of length at least 11*n which is used
!   for scratch storage.
! on output--
!   ys contains the smoothed ordinate values.
!   ysp contains the values of the second derivative of the
!   smoothed curve at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if s is negative,
!        = 3 if eps is negative or greater than one,
!        = 4 if x-values are not strictly increasing,
!        = 5 if a d-value is non-positive,
!        = 6 if p is less than or equal to x(n)-x(1).
! and
!   n, x, y, p, d, isw, s, eps, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules curvpp, terms,
! and snhcsh.
! decompose temp into eleven arrays and call curvpp
      call fitp_curvpp(n, x, y, p, d, isw, s, eps, ys, ysp, sigma, &
                       temp(1, 1), temp(1, 2), temp(1, 3), temp(1, 4), &
                       temp(1, 5), temp(1, 6), temp(1, 7), temp(1, 8), &
                       temp(1, 9), temp(1, 10), temp(1, 11), ierr)
   end subroutine fitp_curvps

   real function fitp_curvp2(t, n, x, y, p, yp, sigma)

      integer n
      real, dimension(:) :: x, y, yp
      real :: t, p, sigma
!    real t,x(n),y(n),p,yp(n),sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function interpolates a curve at a given point using
! a periodic spline under tension. the subroutine curvp1
! should be called earlier to determine certain necessary
! parameters.
! on input--
!   t contains a real value to be mapped onto the interpo-
!   lating curve.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified to
!   determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the abscissae and
!   ordinates, respectively, of the specified points.
!   p contains the period.
!   yp is an array of second derivative values of the curve
!   at the nodes.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, p, yp, and sigma should be input
! unaltered from the output of curvp1.
! on output--
!   curvp2 contains the interpolated value.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvp and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, im1
      real ss, sigdel, sum, s2, s1, dummy
      real tp, sigmap, dels, del2, del1

! determine interval
      im1 = fitp_intrvp(t, x, n, p, tp)
      i = im1 + 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / p
! set up and perform interpolation
      del1 = tp - x(im1)
      if (im1 == n) go to 1
      del2 = x(i) - tp
      dels = x(i) - x(im1)
      go to 2
1     i = 1
      del2 = x(1) + p - tp
      dels = p - (x(n) - x(1))
2     sum = (y(i) * del1 + y(im1) * del2) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 3
      fitp_curvp2 = sum - del1 * del2 * (yp(i) * (del1 + dels) + yp(im1) * (del2 + dels)) / (6.*dels)
3     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s1, dummy, sigmap * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s2, dummy, sigmap * del2, -1)
      fitp_curvp2 = sum + (yp(i) * del1 * (s1 - ss) + yp(im1) * del2 * (s2 - ss)) / (sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss))
   end function fitp_curvp2
   real function fitp_curvpd(t, n, x, y, p, yp, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, x(n), y(n), p, yp(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function is the derivative of curvp2
! interpolates a curve at a given point using
! a periodic spline under tension. the subroutine curvp1
! should be called earlier to determine certain necessary
! parameters.
! on input--
!   t contains a real value to be mapped onto the interpo-
!   lating curve.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified to
!   determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the abscissae and
!   ordinates, respectively, of the specified points.
!   p contains the period.
!   yp is an array of second derivative values of the curve
!   at the nodes.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, p, yp, and sigma should be input
! unaltered from the output of curvp1.
! on output--
!   curvpd contains the interpolated derivative
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvp and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, im1
      real ss, sigdel, sum, c2, c1, dummy
      real tp, sigmap, dels, del2, del1
! determine interval
      im1 = fitp_intrvp(t, x, n, p, tp)
      i = im1 + 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / p
! set up and perform interpolation
      del1 = tp - x(im1)
      if (im1 == n) go to 1
      del2 = x(i) - tp
      dels = x(i) - x(im1)
      go to 2
1     i = 1
      del2 = x(1) + p - tp
      dels = p - (x(n) - x(1))
2     sum = (y(i) - y(im1)) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 3
      fitp_curvpd = sum + (yp(i) * (2.*del1 * del1 - del2 * (del1 + dels)) - &
                           yp(im1) * (2.*del2 * del2 - del1 * (del2 + dels))) &
                    / (6.*dels)
3     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, -1)
      fitp_curvpd = sum + (yp(i) * (c1 - ss) - yp(im1) * (c2 - ss)) / (sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss))
   end function fitp_curvpd
   real function fitp_curvpi(xl, xu, n, x, y, p, yp, sigma)

      integer n
      real xl, xu, x(n), y(n), p, yp(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function integrates a curve specified by a periodic
! spline under tension between two given limits. the
! subroutine curvp1 should be called earlier to determine
! necessary parameters.
! on input--
!   xl and xu contain the upper and lower limits of inte-
!   gration, respectively. (sl need not be less than or
!   equal to xu, curvpi (xl,xu,...) .eq. -curvpi (xu,xl,...) ).
!   n contains the number of points which were specified to
!   determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the abscissae and
!   ordinates, respectively, of the specified points.
!   p contains the period.
!   yp is an array from subroutine curvp1 containing
!   the values of the second derivatives at the nodes.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, p, yp, and sigma should be input
! unaltered from the output of curvp1.
! on output--
!   curvpi contains the integral value.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvp and
! snhcsh.
      integer np1, im1, ii, iup1, ilp1, ideltp
      real s7, s6, s3, c2, c1, s5, s4, cl1, cu2, cu1, si, so
      real cl2, delu2, delu1, s8, deli, dell2, dell1, dummy
      integer ium1, il, isave, isign, lper, ilm1, iu, i
      real xxu, xsave, x1pp, sigmap, xxl, xil, del1, s2, cs
      real t2, t1, del2, s1, xiu, ss, dels

      integer uper
      logical bdy
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / p
! determine actual upper and lower bounds
      x1pp = x(1) + p
      isign = 1
      ilm1 = fitp_intrvp(xl, x, n, p, xxl)
      lper = int((xl - x(1)) / p)
      if (xl < x(1)) lper = lper - 1
      ium1 = fitp_intrvp(xu, x, n, p, xxu)
      uper = int((xu - x(1)) / p)
      if (xu < x(1)) uper = uper - 1
      ideltp = uper - lper
      bdy = real(ideltp) * (xxu - xxl) < 0.
      if ((ideltp == 0 .and. xxu < xxl) .or. ideltp < 0) isign = -1
      if (bdy) ideltp = ideltp - isign
      if (xxu >= xxl) go to 1
      xsave = xxl
      xxl = xxu
      xxu = xsave
      isave = ilm1
      ilm1 = ium1
      ium1 = isave
1     il = ilm1 + 1
      if (ilm1 == n) il = 1
      xil = x(il)
      if (ilm1 == n) xil = x1pp
      iu = ium1 + 1
      if (ium1 == n) iu = 1
      xiu = x(iu)
      if (ium1 == n) xiu = x1pp
      s1 = 0.
      if (ilm1 == 1 .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. .not. bdy)) go to 4
! integrate from x(1) to x(ilm1), store in s1
      do i = 2, ilm1
         dels = x(i) - x(i - 1)
         s1 = s1 + (y(i) + y(i - 1)) * dels / 2.
         if (sigma == 0.) go to 2
         call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
         s1 = s1 + (yp(i) + yp(i - 1)) * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) / (sigmap * sigmap * (1.+ss))
2        s1 = s1 - (yp(i) + yp(i - 1)) * dels * dels * dels / 24.
      end do
4     s2 = 0.
      if (x(ilm1) >= xxl .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. .not. bdy)) go to 6
! integrate from x(ilm1) to xxl, store in s2
      del1 = xxl - x(ilm1)
      del2 = xil - xxl
      dels = xil - x(ilm1)
      t1 = del1 * del1 / (2.*dels)
      t2 = (del2 + dels) * del1 / (2.*dels)
      s2 = t1 * y(il) + t2 * y(ilm1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 5
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
      s2 = s2 + (yp(il) * del1 * del1 * (c1 - ss / 2.) + yp(ilm1) * &
                 (dels * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) - del2 * del2 * (c2 - ss / 2.))) &
           / (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 6
5     s2 = s2 - t1 * (del2 * (del1 + dels) &
                      + dels * dels) * yp(il) / 12. &
           -t2 * t2 * dels * yp(ilm1) / 6.
6     s3 = 0.
      if (xxl >= xil .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. bdy) .or. ilm1 == ium1) go to 8

! integrate from xxl to xil, store in s3
      del1 = xxl - x(ilm1)
      del2 = xil - xxl
      dels = xil - x(ilm1)
      t1 = (del1 + dels) * del2 / (2.*dels)
      t2 = del2 * del2 / (2.*dels)
      s3 = t1 * y(il) + t2 * y(ilm1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 7
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
      s3 = s3 + ((dels * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) - del1 * del1 * (c1 - ss / 2.)) &
                 * yp(il) + del2 * del2 * (c2 - ss / 2.) * yp(ilm1)) / &
           (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 8
7     s3 = s3 - t1 * t1 * dels * yp(il) / 6. &
           -t2 * (del1 * (del2 + dels) + dels * dels) * &
           yp(ilm1) / 12.
8     s4 = 0.
      if (ilm1 >= ium1 - 1 .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. bdy)) go to 11
! integrate from xil to x(ium1), store in s4
      ilp1 = il + 1
      do i = ilp1, ium1
         dels = x(i) - x(i - 1)
         s4 = s4 + (y(i) + y(i - 1)) * dels / 2.
         if (sigma == 0.) go to 9
         call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
         s4 = s4 + (yp(i) + yp(i - 1)) * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) / (sigmap * sigmap * (1.+ss))
9        s4 = s4 - (yp(i) + yp(i - 1)) * dels * dels * dels / 24.
      end do
11    s5 = 0.
      if (x(ium1) >= xxu .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. bdy) .or. ilm1 == ium1) go to 13
! integrate from x(ium1) to xxu, store in s5
      del1 = xxu - x(ium1)
      del2 = xiu - xxu
      dels = xiu - x(ium1)
      t1 = del1 * del1 / (2.*dels)
      t2 = (del2 + dels) * del1 / (2.*dels)
      s5 = t1 * y(iu) + t2 * y(ium1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 12
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
      s5 = s5 + (yp(iu) * del1 * del1 * (c1 - ss / 2.) + yp(ium1) * &
                 (dels * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) - del2 * del2 * (c2 - ss / 2.))) &
           / (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 13
12    s5 = s5 - t1 * (del2 * (del1 + dels) + dels * dels) * yp(iu) / 12.-t2 * t2 * dels * yp(ium1) / 6.
13    s6 = 0.
      if (xxu >= xiu .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. .not. bdy)) go to 15
! integrate from xxu to xiu, store in s6
      del1 = xxu - x(ium1)
      del2 = xiu - xxu
      dels = xiu - x(ium1)
      t1 = (del1 + dels) * del2 / (2.*dels)
      t2 = del2 * del2 / (2.*dels)
      s6 = t1 * y(iu) + t2 * y(ium1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 14
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c1, sigmap * del1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, c2, sigmap * del2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
      s6 = s6 + ((dels * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) - del1 * del1 * (c1 - ss / 2.)) &
                 * yp(iu) + del2 * del2 * (c2 - ss / 2.) * yp(ium1)) / &
           (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 15
14    s6 = s6 - t1 * t1 * dels * yp(iu) / 6.-t2 * (del1 * (del2 + dels) + dels * dels) * yp(ium1) / 12.
15    s7 = 0.
      if (iu == 1 .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. .not. bdy)) go to 18
! integrate from xiu to x1pp, store in s7
      np1 = n + 1
      iup1 = iu + 1
      do ii = iup1, np1
         im1 = ii - 1
         i = ii
         if (i == np1) i = 1
         dels = x(i) - x(im1)
         if (dels <= 0.) dels = dels + p
         s7 = s7 + (y(i) + y(im1)) * dels / 2.
         if (sigma == 0.) go to 16
         call fitp_snhcsh(ss, cs, sigmap * dels, 3)
         s7 = s7 + (yp(i) + yp(im1)) * dels * (cs - ss / 2.) / (sigmap * sigmap * (1.+ss))
16       s7 = s7 - (yp(i) + yp(im1)) * dels * dels * dels / 24.
      end do
18    s8 = 0.
      if (ilm1 < ium1 .or. (ideltp == 0 .and. bdy)) go to 20

! integrate from xxl to xxu, store in s8
      delu1 = xxu - x(ium1)
      delu2 = xiu - xxu
      dell1 = xxl - x(ium1)
      dell2 = xiu - xxl
      dels = xiu - x(ium1)
      deli = xxu - xxl
      t1 = (delu1 + dell1) * deli / (2.*dels)
      t2 = (delu2 + dell2) * deli / (2.*dels)
      s8 = t1 * y(iu) + t2 * y(ium1)
      if (sigma == 0.) go to 19
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cu1, sigmap * delu1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cu2, sigmap * delu2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cl1, sigmap * dell1, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, cl2, sigmap * dell2, 2)
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigmap * dels, -1)
      s8 = s8 + (yp(iu) * (delu1 * delu1 * (cu1 - ss / 2.) &
                           - dell1 * dell1 * (cl1 - ss / 2.)) &
                 + yp(ium1) * (dell2 * dell2 * (cl2 - ss / 2.) &
                               - delu2 * delu2 * (cu2 - ss / 2.))) / &
           (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+ss))
      go to 20
19    s8 = s8 - t1 * (delu2 * (dels + delu1) &
                      + dell2 * (dels + dell1)) * yp(iu) / 12. &
           -t2 * (dell1 * (dels + dell2) &
                  + delu1 * (dels + delu2)) * yp(ium1) / 12.
20    so = s1 + s2 + s6 + s7
      si = s3 + s4 + s5 + s8
      if (bdy) go to 21
      fitp_curvpi = real(ideltp) * (so + si) + real(isign) * si
21    fitp_curvpi = real(ideltp) * (so + si) + real(isign) * so
   end function fitp_curvpi
   subroutine fitp_kurv1(n, x, y, slp1, slpn, islpsw, xp, yp, temp, s, sigma, ierr)

      integer n, islpsw, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), slp1, slpn, xp(n), yp(n), temp(n), s(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a spline under tension forming a curve in the
! plane and passing through a sequence of pairs (x(1),y(1)),
! ...,(x(n),y(n)). for actual computation of points on the
! curve it is necessary to call the subroutine kurv2.
! on input--
!   n is the number of points to be interpolated (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array containing the n x-coordinates of the
!   points.
!   y is an array containing the n y-coordinates of the
!   points. (adjacent x-y pairs must be distinct, i. e.
!   either x(i) .ne. x(i+1) or y(i) .ne. y(i+1), for
!   i = 1,...,n-1.)
!   slp1 and slpn contain the desired values for the angles
!   (in radians) of the slope at (x(1),y(1)) and (x(n),y(n))
!   respectively. the angles are measured counter-clock-
!   wise from the x-axis and the positive sense of the curve
!   is assumed to be that moving from point 1 to point n.
!   the user may omit values for either or both of these
!   parameters and signal this with islpsw.
!   islpsw contains a switch indicating which slope data
!   should be used and which should be estimated by this
!   subroutine,
!          = 0 if slp1 and slpn are to be used,
!          = 1 if slp1 is to be used but not slpn,
!          = 2 if slpn is to be used but not slp1,
!          = 3 if both slp1 and slpn are to be estimated
!              internally.
!   xp and yp are arrays of length at least n.
!   temp is an array of length at least n which is used
!   for scratch storage.
!   s is an array of length at least n.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the curviness desired. if abs(sigma) is nearly zero
!   (e.g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a cubic
!   spline. if abs(sigma) is large (e. g. 50.) the resulting
!   curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma equals zero a
!   cubic spline results. a standard value for sigma is
!   approximately 1. in absolute value.
! on output--
!   xp and yp contain information about the curvature of the
!   curve at the given nodes.
!   s contains the polygonal arclengths of the curve.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if adjacent coordinate pairs coincide.
! and
!   n, x, y, slp1, slpn, islpsw, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules ceez, terms,
! and snhcsh.
      integer ibak, im1, nm1, np1, i
      real dx1, dy1, diag1, delsnm, slppnx, slppny, delsn
      real diag, diagin, sdiag1, sdiag2, dx2, dy2, diag2
      real sigmap, slpp1x, slpp1y, dels1, sx, sy, delt
      real c3, dels2, c1, c2

      nm1 = n - 1
      np1 = n + 1
      ierr = 0
      if (n <= 1) go to 11
! determine polygonal arclengths
      s(1) = 0.
      do i = 2, n
         im1 = i - 1
         s(i) = s(im1) + sqrt((x(i) - x(im1))**2 + (y(i) - y(im1))**2)
      end do
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / s(n)
! approximate end slopes
      if (islpsw >= 2) go to 2
      slpp1x = cos(slp1)
      slpp1y = sin(slp1)
      go to 4
2     dels1 = s(2) - s(1)
      dels2 = dels1 + dels1
      if (n > 2) dels2 = s(3) - s(1)
      if (dels1 == 0. .or. dels2 == 0.) go to 12
      call fitp_ceez(dels1, dels2, sigmap, c1, c2, c3, n)
      sx = c1 * x(1) + c2 * x(2)
      sy = c1 * y(1) + c2 * y(2)
      if (n == 2) go to 3
      sx = sx + c3 * x(3)
      sy = sy + c3 * y(3)
3     delt = sqrt(sx * sx + sy * sy)
      slpp1x = sx / delt
      slpp1y = sy / delt
4     if (islpsw == 1 .or. islpsw == 3) go to 5
      slppnx = cos(slpn)
      slppny = sin(slpn)
      go to 7
5     delsn = s(n) - s(nm1)
      delsnm = delsn + delsn
      if (n > 2) delsnm = s(n) - s(n - 2)
      if (delsn == 0. .or. delsnm == 0.) go to 12
      call fitp_ceez(-delsn, -delsnm, sigmap, c1, c2, c3, n)
      sx = c1 * x(n) + c2 * x(nm1)
      sy = c1 * y(n) + c2 * y(nm1)
      if (n == 2) go to 6
      sx = sx + c3 * x(n - 2)
      sy = sy + c3 * y(n - 2)
6     delt = sqrt(sx * sx + sy * sy)
      slppnx = sx / delt
      slppny = sy / delt
! set up right hand sides and tridiagonal system for xp and
! yp and perform forward elimination
7     dx1 = (x(2) - x(1)) / s(2)
      dy1 = (y(2) - y(1)) / s(2)
      call fitp_terms(diag1, sdiag1, sigmap, s(2))
      xp(1) = (dx1 - slpp1x) / diag1
      yp(1) = (dy1 - slpp1y) / diag1
      temp(1) = sdiag1 / diag1
      if (n == 2) go to 9
      do i = 2, nm1
         dels2 = s(i + 1) - s(i)
         if (dels2 == 0.) go to 12
         dx2 = (x(i + 1) - x(i)) / dels2
         dy2 = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / dels2
         call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, dels2)
         diag = diag1 + diag2 - sdiag1 * temp(i - 1)
         diagin = 1./diag
         xp(i) = (dx2 - dx1 - sdiag1 * xp(i - 1)) * diagin
         yp(i) = (dy2 - dy1 - sdiag1 * yp(i - 1)) * diagin
         temp(i) = sdiag2 * diagin
         dx1 = dx2
         dy1 = dy2
         diag1 = diag2
         sdiag1 = sdiag2
      end do
9     diag = diag1 - sdiag1 * temp(nm1)
      xp(n) = (slppnx - dx1 - sdiag1 * xp(nm1)) / diag
      yp(n) = (slppny - dy1 - sdiag1 * yp(nm1)) / diag
! perform back substitution
      do i = 2, n
         ibak = np1 - i
         xp(ibak) = xp(ibak) - temp(ibak) * xp(ibak + 1)
         yp(ibak) = yp(ibak) - temp(ibak) * yp(ibak + 1)
      end do
! too few points
11    ierr = 1
! coincident adjacent points
12    ierr = 2
   end subroutine fitp_kurv1
   subroutine fitp_kurv2(t, xs, ys, n, x, y, xp, yp, s, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, xs, ys, x(n), y(n), xp(n), yp(n), s(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine performs the mapping of points in the
! interval (0.,1.) onto a curve in the plane. the subroutine
! kurv1 should be called earlier to determine certain
! necessary parameters. the resulting curve has a parametric
! representation both of whose components are splines under
! tension and functions of the polygonal arclength
! parameter.
! on input--
!   t contains a real value to be mapped to a point on the
!   curve. the interval (0.,1.) is mapped onto the entire
!   curve, with 0. mapping to (x(1),y(1)) and 1. mapping
!   to (x(n),y(n)). values outside this interval result in
!   extrapolation.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified
!   to determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the x- and y-coordinates
!   of the specified points.
!   xp and yp are the arrays output from kurv1 containing
!   curvature information.
!   s is an array containing the polygonal arclengths of
!   the curve.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, xp, yp, s, and sigma should be
! input unaltered from the output of kurv1.
! on output--
!   xs and ys contain the x- and y-coordinates of the image
!   point on the curve.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this subroutine references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, im1
      real c2, sigdel, d, c1, s1, s2, ss, dummy
      real sigmap, tn, del1, sumx, sumy, del2, dels
! determine interval
      tn = s(n) * t
      im1 = fitp_intrvl(tn, s, n)
      i = im1 + 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / s(n)
! set up and perform interpolation
      del1 = tn - s(im1)
      del2 = s(i) - tn
      dels = s(i) - s(im1)
      sumx = (x(i) * del1 + x(im1) * del2) / dels
      sumy = (y(i) * del1 + y(im1) * del2) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 1
      d = del1 * del2 / (6.*dels)
      c1 = (del1 + dels) * d
      c2 = (del2 + dels) * d
      xs = sumx - xp(i) * c1 - xp(im1) * c2
      ys = sumy - yp(i) * c1 - yp(im1) * c2
1     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s1, dummy, sigmap * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s2, dummy, sigmap * del2, -1)
      d = sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss)
      c1 = del1 * (s1 - ss) / d
      c2 = del2 * (s2 - ss) / d
      xs = sumx + xp(i) * c1 + xp(im1) * c2
      ys = sumy + yp(i) * c1 + yp(im1) * c2
   end subroutine fitp_kurv2

   subroutine fitp_kurvd(t, xs, ys, xst, yst, xstt, ystt, n, x, y, xp, yp, s, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, xs, ys, xst, yst, xstt, ystt, x(n), y(n), xp(n), yp(n), s(n), sigma

!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine performs the mapping of points in the
! interval (0.,1.) onto a curve in the plane. it also
! returns the first and second derivatives of the component
! functions. the subroutine kurv1 should be called earlier
! to determine certain necessary parameters. the resulting
! curve has a parametric representation both of whose
! components are splines under tension and functions of the
! polygonal arclength parameter.
! on input--
!   t contains a real value to be mapped to a point on the
!   curve. the interval (0.,1.) is mapped onto the entire
!   curve, with 0. mapping to (x(1),y(1)) and 1. mapping
!   to (x(n),y(n)). values outside this interval result in
!   extrapolation.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified
!   to determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the x- and y-coordinates
!   of the specified points.
!   xp and yp are the arrays output from kurv1 containing
!   curvature information.
!   s is an array containing the polygonal arclengths of
!   the curve.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, xp, yp, s, and sigma should be
! input unaltered from the output of kurv1.
! on output--
!   xs and ys contain the x- and y-coordinates of the image
!   point on the curve. xst and yst contain the first
!   derivatives of the x- and y-components of the mapping
!   with respect to t. xstt and ystt contain the second
!   derivatives of the x- and y-components of the mapping
!   with respect to t.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this subroutine references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer im1, i
      real ctt1, ctt2, sigdel, c2, ct1, ct2, co1, s2, co2, ss
      real dummy, s1, c1, sigmap, del1, del2, tn, dels, sumyt
      real dels6, d, sumx, sumy, sumxt
! determine interval
      tn = s(n) * t
      im1 = fitp_intrvl(tn, s, n)
      i = im1 + 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / s(n)
! set up and perform interpolation
      del1 = tn - s(im1)
      del2 = s(i) - tn
      dels = s(i) - s(im1)
      sumx = (x(i) * del1 + x(im1) * del2) / dels
      sumy = (y(i) * del1 + y(im1) * del2) / dels
      sumxt = s(n) * (x(i) - x(im1)) / dels
      sumyt = s(n) * (y(i) - y(im1)) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 1
      dels6 = 6.*dels
      d = del1 * del2 / dels6
      c1 = -(del1 + dels) * d
      c2 = -(del2 + dels) * d
      dels6 = dels6 / s(n)
      ct1 = (2.*del1 * del1 - del2 * (del1 + dels)) / dels6
      ct2 = -(2.*del2 * del2 - del1 * (del2 + dels)) / dels6
      dels = dels / (s(n) * s(n))
      ctt1 = del1 / dels
      ctt2 = del2 / dels
      go to 2
1     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s1, co1, sigmap * del1, 0)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s2, co2, sigmap * del2, 0)
      d = sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss)
      c1 = del1 * (s1 - ss) / d
      c2 = del2 * (s2 - ss) / d
      ct1 = (co1 - ss) * s(n) / d
      ct2 = -(co2 - ss) * s(n) / d
      ctt1 = del1 * (1.+s1) * s(n) * s(n) / (dels * (1.+ss))
      ctt2 = del2 * (1.+s2) * s(n) * s(n) / (dels * (1.+ss))
2     xs = sumx + c1 * xp(i) + c2 * xp(im1)
      ys = sumy + c1 * yp(i) + c2 * yp(im1)
      xst = sumxt + ct1 * xp(i) + ct2 * xp(im1)
      yst = sumyt + ct1 * yp(i) + ct2 * yp(im1)
      xstt = ctt1 * xp(i) + ctt2 * xp(im1)
      ystt = ctt1 * yp(i) + ctt2 * yp(im1)
   end subroutine fitp_kurvd
   subroutine fitp_kurvp1(n, x, y, xp, yp, temp, s, sigma, ierr)

      integer n, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), xp(n), yp(n), temp(1), s(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a spline under tension forming a closed curve in
! the plane and passing through a sequence of pairs
! (x(1),y(1)),...,(x(n),y(n)). for actual computation of
! points on the curve it is necessary to call the subroutine
! kurvp2.
! on input--
!   n is the number of points to be interpolated (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array containing the n x-coordinates of the
!   points.
!   y is an array containing the n y-coordinates of the
!   points. (adjacent x-y pairs must be distinct, i. e.
!   either x(i) .ne. x(i+1) or y(i) .ne. y(i+1), for
!   i = 1,...,n-1 and either x(1) .ne. x(n) or y(1) .ne. y(n).)
!   xp and yp are arrays of length at least n.
!   temp is an array of length at least 2*n which is used
!   for scratch storage.
!   s is an array of length at least n.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the curviness desired. if abs(sigma) is nearly zero
!   (e.g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a cubic
!   spline. if abs(sigma) is large (e. g. 50.) the resulting
!   curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma equals zero a
!   cubic spline results. a standard value for sigma is
!   approximately 1. in absolute value.
! on output--
!   xp and yp contain information about the curvature of the
!   curve at the given nodes.
!   s contains the polygonal arclengths of the curve.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if adjacent coordinate pairs coincide.
! and
!   n, x, y, and sigma are unaltered,
! this subroutine references package modules terms and
! snhcsh.
      integer npibak, npi, ibak, im1, i, nm1, np1
      real sdiag2, diag, diag2, dx2, dy2, diagin, xpn, ypn
      real sigmap, dels1, sdiag1, dels2, diag1, dx1, dy1

      nm1 = n - 1
      np1 = n + 1
      ierr = 0
      if (n <= 1) go to 7
! determine polygonal arclengths
      s(1) = sqrt((x(n) - x(1))**2 + (y(n) - y(1))**2)
      do i = 2, n
         im1 = i - 1
         s(i) = s(im1) + sqrt((x(i) - x(im1))**2 + (y(i) - y(im1))**2)
      end do
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / s(n)
! set up right hand sides of tridiagonal (with corner
! elements) linear system for xp and yp
      dels1 = s(1)
      if (dels1 == 0.) go to 8
      dx1 = (x(1) - x(n)) / dels1
      dy1 = (y(1) - y(n)) / dels1
      call fitp_terms(diag1, sdiag1, sigmap, dels1)
      dels2 = s(2) - s(1)
      if (dels2 == 0.) go to 8
      dx2 = (x(2) - x(1)) / dels2
      dy2 = (y(2) - y(1)) / dels2
      call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, dels2)
      diag = diag1 + diag2
      diagin = 1./diag
      xp(1) = (dx2 - dx1) * diagin
      yp(1) = (dy2 - dy1) * diagin
      temp(np1) = -sdiag1 * diagin
      temp(1) = sdiag2 * diagin
      dx1 = dx2
      dy1 = dy2
      diag1 = diag2
      sdiag1 = sdiag2
      if (n == 2) go to 3
      do i = 2, nm1
         npi = n + i
         dels2 = s(i + 1) - s(i)
         if (dels2 == 0.) go to 8
         dx2 = (x(i + 1) - x(i)) / dels2
         dy2 = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / dels2
         call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, dels2)
         diag = diag1 + diag2 - sdiag1 * temp(i - 1)
         diagin = 1./diag
         xp(i) = (dx2 - dx1 - sdiag1 * xp(i - 1)) * diagin
         yp(i) = (dy2 - dy1 - sdiag1 * yp(i - 1)) * diagin
         temp(npi) = -temp(npi - 1) * sdiag1 * diagin
         temp(i) = sdiag2 * diagin
         dx1 = dx2
         dy1 = dy2
         diag1 = diag2
         sdiag1 = sdiag2
      end do
3     dels2 = s(1)
      dx2 = (x(1) - x(n)) / dels2
      dy2 = (y(1) - y(n)) / dels2
      call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmap, dels2)
      xp(n) = dx2 - dx1
      yp(n) = dy2 - dy1
      temp(nm1) = temp(2 * n - 1) - temp(nm1)
      if (n == 2) go to 5
! perform first step of back substitution
      do i = 3, n
         ibak = np1 - i
         npibak = n + ibak
         xp(ibak) = xp(ibak) - temp(ibak) * xp(ibak + 1)
         yp(ibak) = yp(ibak) - temp(ibak) * yp(ibak + 1)
         temp(ibak) = temp(npibak) - temp(ibak) * temp(ibak + 1)
      end do
5     xp(n) = (xp(n) - sdiag2 * xp(1) - sdiag1 * xp(nm1)) / &
              (diag1 + diag2 + sdiag2 * temp(1) + sdiag1 * temp(nm1))
      yp(n) = (yp(n) - sdiag2 * yp(1) - sdiag1 * yp(nm1)) / &
              (diag1 + diag2 + sdiag2 * temp(1) + sdiag1 * temp(nm1))
! perform second step of back substitution
      xpn = xp(n)
      ypn = yp(n)
      do i = 1, nm1
         xp(i) = xp(i) + temp(i) * xpn
         yp(i) = yp(i) + temp(i) * ypn
      end do
! too few points
7     ierr = 1
! coincident adjacent points
8     ierr = 2
   end subroutine fitp_kurvp1

   subroutine fitp_kurvp2(t, xs, ys, n, x, y, xp, yp, s, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, xs, ys, x(n), y(n), xp(n), yp(n), s(n), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine performs the mapping of points in the
! interval (0.,1.) onto a closed curve in the plane. the
! subroutine kurvp1 should be called earlier to determine
! certain necessary parameters. the resulting curve has a
! parametric representation both of whose components are
! periodic splines under tension and functions of the poly-
! gonal arclength parameter.
! on input--
!   t contains a value to be mapped onto the curve. the
!   interval (0.,1.) is mapped onto the entire closed curve
!   with both 0. and 1. mapping to (x(1),y(1)). the mapping
!   is periodic with period one thus any interval of the
!   form (tt,tt+1.) maps onto the entire curve.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified
!   to determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the x- and y-coordinates
!   of the specified points.
!   xp and yp are the arrays output from kurvp1 containing
!   curvature information.
!   s is an array containing the polygonal arclengths of
!   the curve.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, xp, yp, s and sigma should
! be input unaltered from the output of kurvp1.
! on output--
!   xs and ys contain the x- and y-coordinates of the image
!   point on the curve.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this subroutine references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer i, im1
      real sigdel, ss, c1, c2, dummy, ci, cim1, s1, s2, d
      real sigmap, si, tn, sumx, sumy, dels, del1, del2
! determine interval
      tn = t - real(int(t))
      if (tn < 0.) tn = tn + 1.
      tn = s(n) * tn + s(1)
      im1 = n
      if (tn < s(n)) im1 = fitp_intrvl(tn, s, n)
      i = im1 + 1
      if (i > n) i = 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / s(n)
! set up and perform interpolation
      si = s(i)
      if (im1 == n) si = s(n) + s(1)
      del1 = tn - s(im1)
      del2 = si - tn
      dels = si - s(im1)
      sumx = (x(i) * del1 + x(im1) * del2) / dels
      sumy = (y(i) * del1 + y(im1) * del2) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 1
      d = del1 * del2 / (6.*dels)
      c1 = (del1 + dels) * d
      c2 = (del2 + dels) * d
      xs = sumx - xp(i) * c1 - xp(im1) * c2
      ys = sumy - yp(i) * c1 - yp(im1) * c2
1     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s1, dummy, sigmap * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s2, dummy, sigmap * del2, -1)
      d = sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss)
      ci = del1 * (s1 - ss) / d
      cim1 = del2 * (s2 - ss) / d
      xs = sumx + xp(i) * ci + xp(im1) * cim1
      ys = sumy + yp(i) * ci + yp(im1) * cim1
   end subroutine fitp_kurvp2
   subroutine fitp_kurvpd(t, xs, ys, xst, yst, xstt, ystt, n, x, y, xp, yp, s, sigma)

      integer n
      real t, xs, ys, xst, yst, xstt, ystt, x(n), y(n), xp(n), yp(n), s(n), sigma

!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine performs the mapping of points in the
! interval (0.,1.) onto a closed curve in the plane. it also
! returns the first and second derivatives of the component
! functions. the subroutine kurvp1 should be called earlier
! to determine certain necessary parameters. the resulting
! curve has a parametric representation both of whose
! components are periodic splines under tension and
! functions of the polygonal arclength parameter.
! on input--
!   t contains a value to be mapped onto the curve. the
!   interval (0.,1.) is mapped onto the entire closed curve
!   with both 0. and 1. mapping to (x(1),y(1)). the mapping
!   is periodic with period one thus any interval of the
!   form (tt,tt+1.) maps onto the entire curve.
!   n contains the number of points which were specified
!   to determine the curve.
!   x and y are arrays containing the x- and y-coordinates
!   of the specified points.
!   xp and yp are the arrays output from kurvp1 containing
!   curvature information.
!   s is an array containing the polygonal arclengths of
!   the curve.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters n, x, y, xp, yp, s and sigma should
! be input unaltered from the output of kurvp1.
! on output--
!   xs and ys contain the x- and y-coordinates of the image
!   point on the curve. xst and yst contain the first
!   derivatives of the x- and y-components of the mapping
!   with respect to t. xstt and ystt contain the second
!   derivatives of the x- and y-components of the mapping
!   with respect to t.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this subroutine references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer im1, i
      real ct2, ctt1, ctt2, c1, c2, ct1, sigdel, co1, s2, co2, ss
      real dummy, s1, si, del1, del2, sigmap, tn
      real sumyt, dels6, d, sumxt, dels, sumx, sumy
! determine interval
      tn = t - real(int(t))
      if (tn < 0.) tn = tn + 1.
      tn = s(n) * tn + s(1)
      im1 = n
      if (tn < s(n)) im1 = fitp_intrvl(tn, s, n)
      i = im1 + 1
      if (i > n) i = 1
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / s(n)
! set up and perform interpolation
      si = s(i)
      if (im1 == n) si = s(n) + s(1)
      del1 = tn - s(im1)
      del2 = si - tn
      dels = si - s(im1)
      sumx = (x(i) * del1 + x(im1) * del2) / dels
      sumy = (y(i) * del1 + y(im1) * del2) / dels
      sumxt = s(n) * (x(i) - x(im1)) / dels
      sumyt = s(n) * (y(i) - y(im1)) / dels
      if (sigmap /= 0.) go to 1
      dels6 = 6.*dels
      d = del1 * del2 / dels6
      c1 = -(del1 + dels) * d
      c2 = -(del2 + dels) * d
      dels6 = dels6 / s(n)
      ct1 = (2.*del1 * del1 - del2 * (del1 + dels)) / dels6
      ct2 = -(2.*del2 * del2 - del1 * (del2 + dels)) / dels6
      dels = dels / (s(n) * s(n))
      ctt1 = del1 / dels
      ctt2 = del2 / dels
      go to 2
1     sigdel = sigmap * dels
      call fitp_snhcsh(ss, dummy, sigdel, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s1, co1, sigmap * del1, 0)
      call fitp_snhcsh(s2, co2, sigmap * del2, 0)
      d = sigdel * sigmap * (1.+ss)
      c1 = del1 * (s1 - ss) / d
      c2 = del2 * (s2 - ss) / d
      ct1 = (co1 - ss) * s(n) / d
      ct2 = -(co2 - ss) * s(n) / d
      ctt1 = del1 * (1.+s1) * s(n) * s(n) / (dels * (1.+ss))
      ctt2 = del2 * (1.+s2) * s(n) * s(n) / (dels * (1.+ss))
2     xs = sumx + c1 * xp(i) + c2 * xp(im1)
      ys = sumy + c1 * yp(i) + c2 * yp(im1)
      xst = sumxt + ct1 * xp(i) + ct2 * xp(im1)
      yst = sumyt + ct1 * yp(i) + ct2 * yp(im1)
      xstt = ctt1 * xp(i) + ctt2 * xp(im1)
      ystt = ctt1 * yp(i) + ctt2 * yp(im1)
   end subroutine fitp_kurvpd
   subroutine fitp_surf1(m, n, x, y, z, iz, zx1, zxm, zy1, zyn, zxy11, &
                         zxym1, zxy1n, zxymn, islpsw, zp, temp, sigma, ierr)

      integer m, n, iz, islpsw, ierr
      real x(m), y(n), z(iz, n), zx1(n), zxm(n), zy1(m), zyn(m), &
         zxy11, zxym1, zxy1n, zxymn, zp(m, n, 3), temp(n + n + m), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute an interpolatory surface passing through a rect-
! angular grid of functional values. the surface determined
! can be represented as the tensor product of splines under
! tension. the x- and y-partial derivatives around the
! boundary and the x-y-partial derivatives at the four
! corners may be specified or omitted. for actual mapping
! of points onto the surface it is necessary to call the
! function surf2.
! on input--
!   m is the number of grid lines in the x-direction, i. e.
!   lines parallel to the y-axis (m .ge. 2).
!   n is the number of grid lines in the y-direction, i. e.
!   lines parallel to the x-axis (n .ge. 2).
!   x is an array of the m x-coordinates of the grid lines
!   in the x-direction. these should be strictly increasing.
!   y is an array of the n y-coordinates of the grid lines
!   in the y-direction. these should be strictly increasing.
!   z is an array of the m * n functional values at the grid
!   points, i. e. z(i,j) contains the functional value at
!   (x(i),y(j)) for i = 1,...,m and j = 1,...,n.
!   iz is the row dimension of the matrix z used in the
!   calling program (iz .ge. m).
!   zx1 and zxm are arrays of the m x-partial derivatives
!   of the function along the x(1) and x(m) grid lines,
!   respectively. thus zx1(j) and zxm(j) contain the x-part-
!   ial derivatives at the points (x(1),y(j)) and
!   (x(m),y(j)), respectively, for j = 1,...,n. either of
!   these parameters will be ignored (and approximations
!   supplied internally) if islpsw so indicates.
!   zy1 and zyn are arrays of the n y-partial derivatives
!   of the function along the y(1) and y(n) grid lines,
!   respectively. thus zy1(i) and zyn(i) contain the y-part-
!   ial derivatives at the points (x(i),y(1)) and
!   (x(i),y(n)), respectively, for i = 1,...,m. either of
!   these parameters will be ignored (and estimations
!   supplied internally) if islpsw so indicates.
!   zxy11, zxym1, zxy1n, and zxymn are the x-y-partial
!   derivatives of the function at the four corners,
!   (x(1),y(1)), (x(m),y(1)), (x(1),y(n)), and (x(m),y(n)),
!   respectively. any of the parameters will be ignored (and
!   estimations supplied internally) if islpsw so indicates.
!   islpsw contains a switch indicating which boundary
!   derivative information is user-supplied and which
!   should be estimated by this subroutine. to determine
!   islpsw, let
!        i1 = 0 if zx1 is user-supplied (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i2 = 0 if zxm is user-supplied (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i3 = 0 if zy1 is user-supplied (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i4 = 0 if zyn is user-supplied (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i5 = 0 if zxy11 is user-supplied
!                                       (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i6 = 0 if zxym1 is user-supplied
!                                       (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i7 = 0 if zxy1n is user-supplied
!                                       (and = 1 otherwise),
!        i8 = 0 if zxymn is user-supplied
!                                       (and = 1 otherwise),
!   then islpsw = i1 + 2*i2 + 4*i3 + 8*i4 + 16*i5 + 32*i6
!                   + 64*i7 + 128*i8
!   thus islpsw = 0 indicates all derivative information is
!   user-supplied and islpsw = 255 indicates no derivative
!   information is user-supplied. any value between these
!   limits is valid.
!   zp is an array of at least 3*m*n locations.
!   temp is an array of at least n+n+m locations which is
!   used for scratch storage.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the curviness desired. if abs(sigma) is nearly zero
!   (e. g. .001) the resulting surface is approximately the
!   tensor product of cubic splines. if abs(sigma) is large
!   (e. g. 50.) the resulting surface is approximately
!   bi-linear. if sigma equals zero tensor products of
!   cubic splines result. a standard value for sigma is
!   approximately 1. in absolute value.
! on output--
!   zp contains the values of the xx-, yy-, and xxyy-partial
!   derivatives of the surface at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2 or m is less than 2,
!        = 2 if the x-values or y-values are not strictly
!            increasing.
! and
!   m, n, x, y, z, iz, zx1, zxm, zy1, zyn, zxy11, zxym1,
!   zxy1n, zxymn, islpsw, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules ceez, terms,
! and snhcsh.
      integer jbak, jbakp1, jm1, jp1, im1, ibakp1
      integer npibak, ip1, ibak, nm1, np1, mm1, mp1, npm, j
      integer npmpj, i, npi
      real diagi, sdiag1, del2, zxymns, delxmm, del1
      real diag1, deli, diag2, diagin, sdiag2, t
      real delxm, sigmay, dely1, c1, dely2, c2
      real delx1, delx2, zxy1ns, c3, delyn, sigmax, delynm

      mm1 = m - 1
      mp1 = m + 1
      nm1 = n - 1
      np1 = n + 1
      npm = n + m
      ierr = 0
      if (n <= 1 .or. m <= 1) go to 46
      if (y(n) <= y(1)) go to 47
! denormalize tension factor in y-direction
      sigmay = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (y(n) - y(1))
! obtain y-partial derivatives along y = y(1)
      if ((islpsw / 8) * 2 /= (islpsw / 4)) go to 2
      do i = 1, m
         zp(i, 1, 1) = zy1(i)
      end do
      go to 5
2     dely1 = y(2) - y(1)
      dely2 = dely1 + dely1
      if (n > 2) dely2 = y(3) - y(1)
      if (dely1 <= 0. .or. dely2 <= dely1) go to 47
      call fitp_ceez(dely1, dely2, sigmay, c1, c2, c3, n)
      do i = 1, m
         zp(i, 1, 1) = c1 * z(i, 1) + c2 * z(i, 2)
      end do
      if (n == 2) go to 5
      do i = 1, m
         zp(i, 1, 1) = zp(i, 1, 1) + c3 * z(i, 3)
      end do
! obtain y-partial derivatives along y = y(n)
5     if ((islpsw / 16) * 2 /= (islpsw / 8)) go to 7
      do i = 1, m
         npi = n + i
         temp(npi) = zyn(i)
      end do
      go to 10
7     delyn = y(n) - y(nm1)
      delynm = delyn + delyn
      if (n > 2) delynm = y(n) - y(n - 2)
      if (delyn <= 0. .or. delynm <= delyn) go to 47
      call fitp_ceez(-delyn, -delynm, sigmay, c1, c2, c3, n)
      do i = 1, m
         npi = n + i
         temp(npi) = c1 * z(i, n) + c2 * z(i, nm1)
      end do
      if (n == 2) go to 10
      do i = 1, m
         npi = n + i
         temp(npi) = temp(npi) + c3 * z(i, n - 2)
      end do
10    if (x(m) <= x(1)) go to 47
! denormalize tension factor in x-direction
      sigmax = abs(sigma) * real(m - 1) / (x(m) - x(1))
! obtain x-partial derivatives along x = x(1)
      if ((islpsw / 2) * 2 /= islpsw) go to 12
      do j = 1, n
         zp(1, j, 2) = zx1(j)
      end do
      if ((islpsw / 32) * 2 == (islpsw / 16) .and. (islpsw / 128) * 2 == (islpsw / 64)) go to 15
12    delx1 = x(2) - x(1)
      delx2 = delx1 + delx1
      if (m > 2) delx2 = x(3) - x(1)
      if (delx1 <= 0. .or. delx2 <= delx1) go to 47
      call fitp_ceez(delx1, delx2, sigmax, c1, c2, c3, m)
      if ((islpsw / 2) * 2 == islpsw) go to 15
      do j = 1, n
         zp(1, j, 2) = c1 * z(1, j) + c2 * z(2, j)
      end do
      if (m == 2) go to 15
      do j = 1, n
         zp(1, j, 2) = zp(1, j, 2) + c3 * z(3, j)
      end do
! obtain x-y-partial derivative at (x(1),y(1))
15    if ((islpsw / 32) * 2 /= (islpsw / 16)) go to 16
      zp(1, 1, 3) = zxy11
      go to 17
16    zp(1, 1, 3) = c1 * zp(1, 1, 1) + c2 * zp(2, 1, 1)
      if (m > 2) zp(1, 1, 3) = zp(1, 1, 3) + c3 * zp(3, 1, 1)
! obtain x-y-partial derivative at (x(1),y(n))
17    if ((islpsw / 128) * 2 /= (islpsw / 64)) go to 18
      zxy1ns = zxy1n
      go to 19
18    zxy1ns = c1 * temp(n + 1) + c2 * temp(n + 2)
      if (m > 2) zxy1ns = zxy1ns + c3 * temp(n + 3)
! obtain x-partial derivative along x = x(m)
19    if ((islpsw / 4) * 2 /= (islpsw / 2)) go to 21
      do j = 1, n
         npmpj = npm + j
         temp(npmpj) = zxm(j)
      end do
      if ((islpsw / 64) * 2 == (islpsw / 32) .and. (islpsw / 256) * 2 == (islpsw / 128)) go to 24
21    delxm = x(m) - x(mm1)
      delxmm = delxm + delxm
      if (m > 2) delxmm = x(m) - x(m - 2)
      if (delxm <= 0. .or. delxmm <= delxm) go to 47
      call fitp_ceez(-delxm, -delxmm, sigmax, c1, c2, c3, m)
      if ((islpsw / 4) * 2 == (islpsw / 2)) go to 24
      do j = 1, n
         npmpj = npm + j
         temp(npmpj) = c1 * z(m, j) + c2 * z(mm1, j)
      end do
      if (m == 2) go to 24
      do j = 1, n
         npmpj = npm + j
         temp(npmpj) = temp(npmpj) + c3 * z(m - 2, j)
      end do
! obtain x-y-partial derivative at (x(m),y(1))
24    if ((islpsw / 64) * 2 /= (islpsw / 32)) go to 25
      zp(m, 1, 3) = zxym1
      go to 26
25    zp(m, 1, 3) = c1 * zp(m, 1, 1) + c2 * zp(mm1, 1, 1)
      if (m > 2) zp(m, 1, 3) = zp(m, 1, 3) + c3 * zp(m - 2, 1, 1)
! obtain x-y-partial derivative at (x(m),y(n))
26    if ((islpsw / 256) * 2 /= (islpsw / 128)) go to 27
      zxymns = zxymn
      go to 28
27    zxymns = c1 * temp(npm) + c2 * temp(npm - 1)
      if (m > 2) zxymns = zxymns + c3 * temp(npm - 2)
! set up right hand sides and tridiagonal system for y-grid
! perform forward elimination
28    del1 = y(2) - y(1)
      if (del1 <= 0.) go to 47
      deli = 1./del1
      do i = 1, m
         zp(i, 2, 1) = deli * (z(i, 2) - z(i, 1))
      end do
      zp(1, 2, 3) = deli * (zp(1, 2, 2) - zp(1, 1, 2))
      zp(m, 2, 3) = deli * (temp(npm + 2) - temp(npm + 1))
      call fitp_terms(diag1, sdiag1, sigmay, del1)
      diagi = 1./diag1
      do i = 1, m
         zp(i, 1, 1) = diagi * (zp(i, 2, 1) - zp(i, 1, 1))
      end do
      zp(1, 1, 3) = diagi * (zp(1, 2, 3) - zp(1, 1, 3))
      zp(m, 1, 3) = diagi * (zp(m, 2, 3) - zp(m, 1, 3))
      temp(1) = diagi * sdiag1
      if (n == 2) go to 34
      do j = 2, nm1
         jm1 = j - 1
         jp1 = j + 1
         npmpj = npm + j
         del2 = y(jp1) - y(j)
         if (del2 <= 0.) go to 47
         deli = 1./del2
         do i = 1, m
            zp(i, jp1, 1) = deli * (z(i, jp1) - z(i, j))
         end do
         zp(1, jp1, 3) = deli * (zp(1, jp1, 2) - zp(1, j, 2))
         zp(m, jp1, 3) = deli * (temp(npmpj + 1) - temp(npmpj))
         call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmay, del2)
         diagin = 1./(diag1 + diag2 - sdiag1 * temp(jm1))
         do i = 1, m
            zp(i, j, 1) = diagin * (zp(i, jp1, 1) - zp(i, j, 1) - sdiag1 * zp(i, jm1, 1))
         end do
         zp(1, j, 3) = diagin * (zp(1, jp1, 3) - zp(1, j, 3) - sdiag1 * zp(1, jm1, 3))
         zp(m, j, 3) = diagin * (zp(m, jp1, 3) - zp(m, j, 3) - sdiag1 * zp(m, jm1, 3))
         temp(j) = diagin * sdiag2
         diag1 = diag2
         sdiag1 = sdiag2
      end do
34    diagin = 1./(diag1 - sdiag1 * temp(nm1))
      do i = 1, m
         npi = n + i
         zp(i, n, 1) = diagin * (temp(npi) - zp(i, n, 1) - sdiag1 * zp(i, nm1, 1))
      end do
      zp(1, n, 3) = diagin * (zxy1ns - zp(1, n, 3) - sdiag1 * zp(1, nm1, 3))
      temp(n) = diagin * (zxymns - zp(m, n, 3) - sdiag1 * zp(m, nm1, 3))
! perform back substitution
      do j = 2, n
         jbak = np1 - j
         jbakp1 = jbak + 1
         t = temp(jbak)
         do i = 1, m
            zp(i, jbak, 1) = zp(i, jbak, 1) - t * zp(i, jbakp1, 1)
         end do
         zp(1, jbak, 3) = zp(1, jbak, 3) - t * zp(1, jbakp1, 3)
         temp(jbak) = zp(m, jbak, 3) - t * temp(jbakp1)
      end do
! set up right hand sides and tridiagonal system for x-grid
! perform forward elimination
      del1 = x(2) - x(1)
      if (del1 <= 0.) go to 47
      deli = 1./del1
      do j = 1, n
         zp(2, j, 2) = deli * (z(2, j) - z(1, j))
         zp(2, j, 3) = deli * (zp(2, j, 1) - zp(1, j, 1))
      end do
      call fitp_terms(diag1, sdiag1, sigmax, del1)
      diagi = 1./diag1
      do j = 1, n
         zp(1, j, 2) = diagi * (zp(2, j, 2) - zp(1, j, 2))
         zp(1, j, 3) = diagi * (zp(2, j, 3) - zp(1, j, 3))
      end do
      temp(n + 1) = diagi * sdiag1
      if (m == 2) go to 43
      do i = 2, mm1
         im1 = i - 1
         ip1 = i + 1
         npi = n + i
         del2 = x(ip1) - x(i)
         if (del2 <= 0.) go to 47
         deli = 1./del2
         do j = 1, n
            zp(ip1, j, 2) = deli * (z(ip1, j) - z(i, j))
            zp(ip1, j, 3) = deli * (zp(ip1, j, 1) - zp(i, j, 1))
         end do
         call fitp_terms(diag2, sdiag2, sigmax, del2)
         diagin = 1./(diag1 + diag2 - sdiag1 * temp(npi - 1))
         do j = 1, n
            zp(i, j, 2) = diagin * (zp(ip1, j, 2) - zp(i, j, 2) - sdiag1 * zp(im1, j, 2))
            zp(i, j, 3) = diagin * (zp(ip1, j, 3) - zp(i, j, 3) - sdiag1 * zp(im1, j, 3))
         end do
         temp(npi) = diagin * sdiag2
         diag1 = diag2
         sdiag1 = sdiag2
      end do
43    diagin = 1./(diag1 - sdiag1 * temp(npm - 1))
      do j = 1, n
         npmpj = npm + j
         zp(m, j, 2) = diagin * (temp(npmpj) - zp(m, j, 2) - sdiag1 * zp(mm1, j, 2))
         zp(m, j, 3) = diagin * (temp(j) - zp(m, j, 3) - sdiag1 * zp(mm1, j, 3))
      end do
! perform back substitution
      do i = 2, m
         ibak = mp1 - i
         ibakp1 = ibak + 1
         npibak = n + ibak
         t = temp(npibak)
         do j = 1, n
            zp(ibak, j, 2) = zp(ibak, j, 2) - t * zp(ibakp1, j, 2)
            zp(ibak, j, 3) = zp(ibak, j, 3) - t * zp(ibakp1, j, 3)
         end do
      end do
! too few points
46    ierr = 1
! points not strictly increasing
47    ierr = 2
   end subroutine fitp_surf1
   real function fitp_surf2(xx, yy, m, n, x, y, z, iz, zp, sigma)

      integer m, n, iz
      real xx, yy, x(m), y(n), z(iz, n), zp(m, n, 3), sigma
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function interpolates a surface at a given coordinate
! pair using a bi-spline under tension. the subroutine surf1
! should be called earlier to determine certain necessary
! parameters.
! on input--
!   xx and yy contain the x- and y-coordinates of the point
!   to be mapped onto the interpolating surface.
!   m and n contain the number of grid lines in the x- and
!   y-directions, respectively, of the rectangular grid
!   which specified the surface.
!   x and y are arrays containing the x- and y-grid values,
!   respectively, each in increasing order.
!   z is a matrix containing the m * n functional values
!   corresponding to the grid values (i. e. z(i,j) is the
!   surface value at the point (x(i),y(j)) for i = 1,...,m
!   and j = 1,...,n).
!   iz contains the row dimension of the array z as declared
!   in the calling program.
!   zp is an array of 3*m*n locations stored with the
!   various surface derivative information determined by
!   surf1.
! and
!   sigma contains the tension factor (its sign is ignored).
! the parameters m, n, x, y, z, iz, zp, and sigma should be
! input unaltered from the output of surf1.
! on output--
!   surf2 contains the interpolated surface value.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this function references package modules intrvl and
! snhcsh.
      integer im1, i, j, jm1
      real hermz, hermnz, zxxi, dummy, zxxim1, zim1, zi
      real sigmax, fp2, del1, fp1, f1, f2, del2
      real sinhms, sinhm2, sinhm1, dels, sigmay, sigmap
! inline one dimensional cubic spline interpolation
      hermz(f1, f2, fp1, fp2) = (f2 * del1 + f1 * del2) / dels - del1 * &
                                del2 * (fp2 * (del1 + dels) + &
                                        fp1 * (del2 + dels)) / (6.*dels)
! inline one dimensional spline under tension interpolation
      hermnz(f1, f2, fp1, fp2, sigmap) = (f2 * del1 + f1 * del2) / dels &
                                         + (fp2 * del1 * (sinhm1 - sinhms) &
                                            + fp1 * del2 * (sinhm2 - sinhms) &
                                            ) / (sigmap * sigmap * dels * (1.+sinhms))
! denormalize tension factor in x and y direction
      sigmax = abs(sigma) * real(m - 1) / (x(m) - x(1))
      sigmay = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (y(n) - y(1))
! determine y interval
      jm1 = fitp_intrvl(yy, y, n)
      j = jm1 + 1
! determine x interval
      im1 = fitp_intrvl(xx, x, m)
      i = im1 + 1
      del1 = yy - y(jm1)
      del2 = y(j) - yy
      dels = y(j) - y(jm1)
      if (sigmay /= 0.) go to 1
! perform four interpolations in y-direction
      zim1 = hermz(z(i - 1, j - 1), z(i - 1, j), zp(i - 1, j - 1, 1), zp(i - 1, j, 1))
      zi = hermz(z(i, j - 1), z(i, j), zp(i, j - 1, 1), zp(i, j, 1))
      zxxim1 = hermz(zp(i - 1, j - 1, 2), zp(i - 1, j, 2), zp(i - 1, j - 1, 3), zp(i - 1, j, 3))
      zxxi = hermz(zp(i, j - 1, 2), zp(i, j, 2), zp(i, j - 1, 3), zp(i, j, 3))
      go to 2
1     call fitp_snhcsh(sinhm1, dummy, sigmay * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhm2, dummy, sigmay * del2, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhms, dummy, sigmay * dels, -1)
      zim1 = hermnz(z(i - 1, j - 1), z(i - 1, j), zp(i - 1, j - 1, 1), zp(i - 1, j, 1), sigmay)
      zi = hermnz(z(i, j - 1), z(i, j), zp(i, j - 1, 1), zp(i, j, 1), sigmay)
      zxxim1 = hermnz(zp(i - 1, j - 1, 2), zp(i - 1, j, 2), zp(i - 1, j - 1, 3), zp(i - 1, j, 3), sigmay)
      zxxi = hermnz(zp(i, j - 1, 2), zp(i, j, 2), zp(i, j - 1, 3), zp(i, j, 3), sigmay)
! perform final interpolation in x-direction
2     del1 = xx - x(im1)
      del2 = x(i) - xx
      dels = x(i) - x(im1)
      if (sigmax /= 0.) go to 3
      fitp_surf2 = hermz(zim1, zi, zxxim1, zxxi)
3     call fitp_snhcsh(sinhm1, dummy, sigmax * del1, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhm2, dummy, sigmax * del2, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhms, dummy, sigmax * dels, -1)
      fitp_surf2 = hermnz(zim1, zi, zxxim1, zxxi, sigmax)
   end function fitp_surf2
   subroutine fitp_ceez(del1, del2, sigma, c1, c2, c3, n)

      real del1, del2, sigma, c1, c2, c3
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the coefficients c1, c2, and c3
! used to determine endpoint slopes. specifically, if
! function values y1, y2, and y3 are given at points x1, x2,
! and x3, respectively, the quantity c1*y1 + c2*y2 + c3*y3
! is the value of the derivative at x1 of a spline under
! tension (with tension factor sigma) passing through the
! three points and having third derivative equal to zero at
! x1. optionally, only two values, c1 and c2 are determined.
! on input--
!   del1 is x2-x1 (.gt. 0.).
!   del2 is x3-x1 (.gt. 0.). if n .eq. 2, this parameter is
!   ignored.
!   sigma is the tension factor.
! and
!   n is a switch indicating the number of coefficients to
!   be returned. if n .eq. 2 only two coefficients are
!   returned. otherwise all three are returned.
! on output--
!   c1, c2, and c3 contain the coefficients.
! none of the input parameters are altered.
! this subroutine references package module snhcsh.
      integer n
      real delm, delp, sinhmp, denom, sinhmm, del, dummy, coshm2, coshm1

      if (n == 2) go to 2
      if (sigma /= 0.) go to 1
      del = del2 - del1
! tension .eq. 0.
      c1 = -(del1 + del2) / (del1 * del2)
      c2 = del2 / (del1 * del)
      c3 = -del1 / (del2 * del)
! tension .ne. 0.
1     call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, coshm1, sigma * del1, 1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(dummy, coshm2, sigma * del2, 1)
      delp = sigma * (del2 + del1) / 2.
      delm = sigma * (del2 - del1) / 2.
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhmp, dummy, delp, -1)
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhmm, dummy, delm, -1)
      denom = coshm1 * (del2 - del1) - 2.*del1 * delp * delm * (1.+sinhmp) * (1.+sinhmm)
      c1 = 2.*delp * delm * (1.+sinhmp) * (1.+sinhmm) / denom
      c2 = -coshm2 / denom
      c3 = coshm1 / denom
! two coefficients
2     c1 = -1./del1
      c2 = -c1
   end subroutine fitp_ceez
   subroutine fitp_curvpp(n, x, y, p, d, isw, s, eps, ys, ysp, sigma, &
                          td, tsd1, hd, hsd1, hsd2, rd, rsd1, rsd2, rnm1, rn, v, ierr)

      integer n, isw, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), p, d(n), s, eps, ys(n), ysp(n), sigma, td(n), &
         tsd1(n), hd(n), hsd1(n), hsd2(n), rd(n), rsd1(n), &
         rsd2(n), rnm1(n), rn(n), v(n)
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a periodic smoothing spline under tension. for a
! given increasing sequence of abscissae (x(i)), i = 1,...,n
! and associated ordinates (y(i)), i = 1,...,n, letting p be
! the period, x(n+1) = x(1)+p, and y(n+1) = y(1), the
! function determined minimizes the summation from i = 1 to
! n of the square of the second derivative of f plus sigma
! squared times the difference of the first derivative of f
! and (f(x(i+1))-f(x(i)))/(x(i+1)-x(i)) squared, over all
! functions f with period p and two continuous derivatives
! such that the summation of the square of
! (f(x(i))-y(i))/d(i) is less than or equal to a given
! constant s, where (d(i)), i = 1,...,n are a given set of
! observation weights. the function determined is a periodic
! spline under tension with third derivative discontinuities
! at (x(i)) i = 1,...,n (and all periodic translations of
! these values). for actual computation of points on the
! curve it is necessary to call the function curvp2.
! on input--
!   n is the number of values to be smoothed (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array of the n increasing abscissae of the
!   values to be smoothed.
!   y is an array of the n ordinates of the values to be
!   smoothed, (i. e. y(k) is the functional value
!   corresponding to x(k) ).
!   p is the period (p .gt. x(n)-x(1)).
!   d is a parameter containing the observation weights.
!   this may either be an array of length n or a scalar
!   (interpreted as a constant). the value of d
!   corresponding to the observation (x(k),y(k)) should
!   be an approximation to the standard deviation of error.
!   isw contains a switch indicating whether the parameter
!   d is to be considered a vector or a scalar,
!          = 0 if d is an array of length n,
!          = 1 if d is a scalar.
!   s contains the value controlling the smoothing. this
!   must be non-negative. for s equal to zero, the
!   subroutine does interpolation, larger values lead to
!   smoother funtions. if parameter d contains standard
!   deviation estimates, a reasonable value for s is
!   float(n).
!   eps contains a tolerance on the relative precision to
!   which s is to be interpreted. this must be greater than
!   or equal to zero and less than equal or equal to one. a
!   reasonable value for eps is sqrt(2./float(n)).
!   ys is an array of length at least n.
!   ysp is an array of length at least n.
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the degree to which the first derivative part of the
!   smoothing functional is emphasized. if sigma is nearly
!   zero (e. g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a
!   cubic spline. if sigma is large (e. g. 50.) the
!   resulting curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma
!   equals zero a cubic spline results. a standard value for
!   sigma is approximately 1.
! and
!   td, tsd1, hd, hsd1, hsd2, rd, rsd1, rsd2, rnm1, rn, and
!   v are arrays of length at least n which are used for
!   scratch storage.
! on output--
!   ys contains the smoothed ordinate values.
!   ysp contains the values of the second derivative of the
!   smoothed curve at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if s is negative,
!        = 3 if eps is negative or greater than one,
!        = 4 if x-values are not strictly increasing,
!        = 5 if a d-value is non-positive,
!        = 6 if p is less than or equal to x(n)-x(1).
! and
!   n, x, y, d, isw, s, eps, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules terms and
! snhcsh.
      real f, g, rnm1sm
      integer ibak
      real rnm1t, rnt, rdn, wi, h, step, tui, rnsm
      real wim1, wim2, hsd1p, hdim1, hdi, sum, hsd11
      real sl, con, sum2, sumn, rsd2i, sumnm1, yspnm1, yspn, rsd1i
      integer ip1, i
      real dim1, di, delyi, delxi, delyi1
      real sigmap, q, delxi1
      integer nm3, nm2, nm1
      real disq, sumy, sumd, beta, hsd1ip, alpha
      integer im1
      real su, alphap, betap, betapp

      if (n < 2) go to 25
      if (s < 0.) go to 26
      if (eps < 0. .or. eps > 1.) go to 27
      if (p <= x(n) - x(1)) go to 30
      ierr = 0
      q = 0.
      rsd1(1) = 0.
      rsd2(1) = 0.
      rsd2(2) = 0.
      rsd1(n - 1) = 0.
      rsd2(n - 1) = 0.
      rsd2(n) = 0.
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n) / p
! form t matrix and second differences of y into ys
      nm1 = n - 1
      nm2 = n - 2
      nm3 = n - 3
      delxi1 = x(1) + p - x(n)
      delyi1 = (y(1) - y(n)) / delxi1
      call fitp_terms(dim1, tsd1(1), sigmap, delxi1)
      hsd1(1) = 1./delxi1
      do i = 1, n
         ip1 = i + 1
         if (i == n) ip1 = 1
         delxi = x(ip1) - x(i)
         if (i == n) delxi = x(1) + p - x(n)
         if (delxi <= 0.) go to 28
         delyi = (y(ip1) - y(i)) / delxi
         ys(i) = delyi - delyi1
         call fitp_terms(di, tsd1(ip1), sigmap, delxi)
         td(i) = di + dim1
         hd(i) = -(1./delxi + 1./delxi1)
         hsd1(ip1) = 1./delxi
         delxi1 = delxi
         delyi1 = delyi
         dim1 = di
      end do
      hsd11 = hsd1(1)
      if (n >= 3) go to 2
      tsd1(2) = tsd1(1) + tsd1(2)
      tsd1(1) = 0.
      hsd1(2) = hsd1(1) + hsd1(2)
      hsd1(1) = 0.
! calculate lower and upper tolerances
2     sl = s * (1.-eps)
      su = s * (1.+eps)
      if (d(1) <= 0.) go to 29
      if (isw == 1) go to 5
! form h matrix - d array
      betapp = hsd1(n) * d(n) * d(n)
      betap = hsd1(1) * d(1) * d(1)
      alphap = hd(n) * d(n) * d(n)
      im1 = n
      sumd = 0.
      sumy = 0.
      do i = 1, n
         disq = d(i) * d(i)
         sumd = sumd + 1./disq
         sumy = sumy + y(i) / disq
         ip1 = i + 1
         if (i == n) ip1 = 1
         alpha = hd(i) * disq
         if (d(ip1) <= 0.) go to 29
         hsd1ip = hsd1(ip1)
         if (i == n) hsd1ip = hsd11
         beta = hsd1ip * d(ip1) * d(ip1)
         hd(i) = (hsd1(i) * d(im1))**2 + alpha * hd(i) + beta * hsd1ip
         hsd2(i) = hsd1(i) * betapp
         hsd1(i) = hsd1(i) * (alpha + alphap)
         im1 = i
         alphap = alpha
         betapp = betap
         betap = beta
      end do
      if (n == 3) hsd1(3) = hsd1(3) + hsd2(2)
! test for straight line fit
      con = sumy / sumd
      sum = 0.
      do i = 1, n
         sum = sum + ((y(i) - con) / d(i))**2
      end do
      if (sum <= su) go to 23
      go to 8
! form h matrix - d constant
5     sl = d(1) * d(1) * sl
      su = d(1) * d(1) * su
      hsd1p = hsd1(n)
      hdim1 = hd(n)
      sumy = 0.
      do i = 1, n
         sumy = sumy + y(i)
         hsd1ip = hsd11
         if (i < n) hsd1ip = hsd1(i + 1)
         hdi = hd(i)
         hd(i) = hsd1(i) * hsd1(i) + hdi * hdi + hsd1ip * hsd1ip
         hsd2(i) = hsd1(i) * hsd1p
         hsd1p = hsd1(i)
         hsd1(i) = hsd1p * (hdi + hdim1)
         hdim1 = hdi
      end do
      if (n == 3) hsd1(3) = hsd1(3) + hsd2(2)
! test for straight line fit
      con = sumy / real(n)
      sum = 0.
      do i = 1, n
         sum = sum + (y(i) - con)**2
      end do
      if (sum <= su) go to 23
! top of iteration
! cholesky factorization of q*t+h into r
! i = 1
8     rd(1) = 1./(q * td(1) + hd(1))
      rnm1(1) = hsd2(1)
      yspnm1 = ys(nm1)
      rn(1) = q * tsd1(1) + hsd1(1)
      yspn = ys(n)
      ysp(1) = ys(1)
      rsd1i = q * tsd1(2) + hsd1(2)
      rsd1(2) = rsd1i * rd(1)
      sumnm1 = 0.
      sum2 = 0.
      sumn = 0.
      if (n == 3) go to 11
      if (n == 2) go to 12
! i = 2
      rd(2) = 1./(q * td(2) + hd(2) - rsd1i * rsd1(2))
      rnm1(2) = -rnm1(1) * rsd1(2)
      rn(2) = hsd2(2) - rn(1) * rsd1(2)
      ysp(2) = ys(2) - rsd1(2) * ysp(1)
      if (n == 4) go to 10
      do i = 3, nm2
         rsd2i = hsd2(i)
         rsd1i = q * tsd1(i) + hsd1(i) - rsd2i * rsd1(i - 1)
         rsd2(i) = rsd2i * rd(i - 2)
         rsd1(i) = rsd1i * rd(i - 1)
         rd(i) = 1./(q * td(i) + hd(i) - rsd1i * rsd1(i) - rsd2i * rsd2(i))
         rnm1(i) = -rnm1(i - 2) * rsd2(i) - rnm1(i - 1) * rsd1(i)
         rnm1t = rnm1(i - 2) * rd(i - 2)
         sumnm1 = sumnm1 + rnm1t * rnm1(i - 2)
         rnm1(i - 2) = rnm1t
         sum2 = sum2 + rnm1t * rn(i - 2)
         yspnm1 = yspnm1 - rnm1t * ysp(i - 2)
         rn(i) = -rn(i - 2) * rsd2(i) - rn(i - 1) * rsd1(i)
         rnt = rn(i - 2) * rd(i - 2)
         sumn = sumn + rnt * rn(i - 2)
         rn(i - 2) = rnt
         yspn = yspn - rnt * ysp(i - 2)
         ysp(i) = ys(i) - rsd1(i) * ysp(i - 1) - rsd2(i) * ysp(i - 2)
      end do
! i = n-3
10    rnm1(nm3) = hsd2(nm1) + rnm1(nm3)
      rnm1(nm2) = rnm1(nm2) - hsd2(nm1) * rsd1(nm2)
      rnm1t = rnm1(nm3) * rd(nm3)
      sumnm1 = sumnm1 + rnm1t * rnm1(nm3)
      rnm1(nm3) = rnm1t
      sum2 = sum2 + rnm1t * rn(nm3)
      yspnm1 = yspnm1 - rnm1t * ysp(nm3)
      rnt = rn(nm3) * rd(nm3)
      sumn = sumn + rnt * rn(nm3)
      rn(nm3) = rnt
      yspn = yspn - rnt * ysp(nm3)
! i = n-2
11    rnm1(nm2) = q * tsd1(nm1) + hsd1(nm1) + rnm1(nm2)
      rnm1t = rnm1(nm2) * rd(nm2)
      sumnm1 = sumnm1 + rnm1t * rnm1(nm2)
      rnm1(nm2) = rnm1t
      rn(nm2) = hsd2(n) + rn(nm2)
      sum2 = sum2 + rnm1t * rn(nm2)
      yspnm1 = yspnm1 - rnm1t * ysp(nm2)
      rnt = rn(nm2) * rd(nm2)
      sumn = sumn + rnt * rn(nm2)
      rn(nm2) = rnt
      yspn = yspn - rnt * ysp(nm2)
! i = n-1
12    rd(nm1) = 1./(q * td(nm1) + hd(nm1) - sumnm1)
      ysp(nm1) = yspnm1
      rn(nm1) = q * tsd1(n) + hsd1(n) - sum2
      rnt = rn(nm1) * rd(nm1)
      sumn = sumn + rnt * rn(nm1)
      rn(nm1) = rnt
      yspn = yspn - rnt * ysp(nm1)
! i = n
      rdn = q * td(n) + hd(n) - sumn
      rd(n) = 0.
      if (rdn > 0.) rd(n) = 1./rdn
      ysp(n) = yspn
! back solve of r(transpose)* r * ysp = ys
      ysp(n) = rd(n) * ysp(n)
      ysp(nm1) = rd(nm1) * ysp(nm1) - rn(nm1) * ysp(n)
      if (n == 2) go to 14
      yspn = ysp(n)
      yspnm1 = ysp(nm1)
      do ibak = 1, nm2
         i = nm1 - ibak
         ysp(i) = rd(i) * ysp(i) - rsd1(i + 1) * ysp(i + 1) - rsd2(i + 2) * ysp(i + 2) - rnm1(i) * yspnm1 - rn(i) * yspn
      end do
14    sum = 0.
      delyi1 = (ysp(1) - ysp(n)) / (x(1) + p - x(n))
      if (isw == 1) go to 16
! calculation of residual norm
!  - d array
      do i = 1, nm1
         delyi = (ysp(i + 1) - ysp(i)) / (x(i + 1) - x(i))
         v(i) = (delyi - delyi1) * d(i) * d(i)
         sum = sum + v(i) * (delyi - delyi1)
         delyi1 = delyi
      end do
      delyi = (ysp(1) - ysp(n)) / (x(1) + p - x(n))
      v(n) = (delyi - delyi1) * d(n) * d(n)
      go to 18
! calculation of residual norm
!  - d constant
16    do i = 1, nm1
         delyi = (ysp(i + 1) - ysp(i)) / (x(i + 1) - x(i))
         v(i) = delyi - delyi1
         sum = sum + v(i) * (delyi - delyi1)
         delyi1 = delyi
      end do
      delyi = (ysp(1) - ysp(n)) / (x(1) + p - x(n))
      v(n) = delyi - delyi1
18    sum = sum + v(n) * (delyi - delyi1)
! test for convergence
      if (sum <= su .and. sum >= sl .and. q > 0.) go to 21
! calculation of newton correction
      f = 0.
      g = 0.
      rnm1sm = 0.
      rnsm = 0.
      im1 = n
      if (n == 2) go to 20
      wim2 = 0.
      wim1 = 0.
      do i = 1, nm2
         tui = tsd1(i) * ysp(im1) + td(i) * ysp(i) + tsd1(i + 1) * ysp(i + 1)
         wi = tui - rsd1(i) * wim1 - rsd2(i) * wim2
         rnm1sm = rnm1sm - rnm1(i) * wi
         rnsm = rnsm - rn(i) * wi
         f = f + tui * ysp(i)
         g = g + wi * wi * rd(i)
         im1 = i
         wim2 = wim1
         wim1 = wi
      end do
20    tui = tsd1(nm1) * ysp(im1) + td(nm1) * ysp(nm1) + tsd1(n) * ysp(n)
      wi = tui + rnm1sm
      f = f + tui * ysp(nm1)
      g = g + wi * wi * rd(nm1)
      tui = tsd1(n) * ysp(nm1) + td(n) * ysp(n) + tsd1(1) * ysp(1)
      wi = tui + rnsm - rn(nm1) * wi
      f = f + tui * ysp(n)
      g = g + wi * wi * rd(n)
      h = f - q * g
      if (h <= 0. .and. q > 0.) go to 21
! update q - newton step
      step = (sum - sqrt(sum * sl)) / h
      if (sl /= 0.) step = step * sqrt(sum / sl)
      q = q + step
      go to 8
! store smoothed y-values and second derivatives
21    do i = 1, n
         ys(i) = y(i) - v(i)
         ysp(i) = q * ysp(i)
      end do
! store constant ys and zero ysp
23    do i = 1, n
         ys(i) = con
         ysp(i) = 0.
      end do
! n less than 2
25    ierr = 1
! s negative
26    ierr = 2
! eps negative or greater than 1
27    ierr = 3
! x-values not strictly increasing
28    ierr = 4
! weight non-positive
29    ierr = 5
! incorrect period
30    ierr = 6
   end subroutine fitp_curvpp
   subroutine fitp_curvss(n, x, y, d, isw, s, eps, ys, ysp, sigma, td, &
                          tsd1, hd, hsd1, hsd2, rd, rsd1, rsd2, v, ierr)

      integer n, isw, ierr
      real x(n), y(n), d(n), s, eps, ys(n), ysp(n), sigma, td(n), &
         tsd1(n), hd(n), hsd1(n), hsd2(n), rd(n), rsd1(n), rsd2(n), v(n)
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine determines the parameters necessary to
! compute a smoothing spline under tension. for a given
! increasing sequence of abscissae (x(i)), i = 1,..., n and
! associated ordinates (y(i)), i = 1,..., n, the function
! determined minimizes the summation from i = 1 to n-1 of
! the square of the second derivative of f plus sigma
! squared times the difference of the first derivative of f
! and (f(x(i+1))-f(x(i)))/(x(i+1)-x(i)) squared, over all
! functions f with two continuous derivatives such that the
! summation of the square of (f(x(i))-y(i))/d(i) is less
! than or equal to a given constant s, where (d(i)), i = 1,
! ..., n are a given set of observation weights. the
! function determined is a spline under tension with third
! derivative discontinuities at (x(i)), i = 2,..., n-1. for
! actual computation of points on the curve it is necessary
! to call the function curv2.
! on input--
!   n is the number of values to be smoothed (n.ge.2).
!   x is an array of the n increasing abscissae of the
!   values to be smoothed.
!   y is an array of the n ordinates of the values to be
!   smoothed, (i. e. y(k) is the functional value
!   corresponding to x(k) ).
!   d is a parameter containing the observation weights.
!   this may either be an array of length n or a scalar
!   (interpreted as a constant). the value of d
!   corresponding to the observation (x(k),y(k)) should
!   be an approximation to the standard deviation of error.
!   isw contains a switch indicating whether the parameter
!   d is to be considered a vector or a scalar,
!          = 0 if d is an array of length n,
!          = 1 if d is a scalar.
!   s contains the value controlling the smoothing. this
!   must be non-negative. for s equal to zero, the
!   subroutine does interpolation, larger values lead to
!   smoother funtions. if parameter d contains standard
!   deviation estimates, a reasonable value for s is
!   float(n).
!   eps contains a tolerance on the relative precision to
!   which s is to be interpreted. this must be greater than
!   or equal to zero and less than equal or equal to one. a
!   reasonable value for eps is sqrt(2./float(n)).
!   ys is an array of length at least n.
!   ysp is an array of length at least n.
!   sigma contains the tension factor. this value indicates
!   the degree to which the first derivative part of the
!   smoothing functional is emphasized. if sigma is nearly
!   zero (e. g. .001) the resulting curve is approximately a
!   cubic spline. if sigma is large (e. g. 50.) the
!   resulting curve is nearly a polygonal line. if sigma
!   equals zero a cubic spline results. a standard value for
!   sigma is approximately 1.
! and
!   td, tsd1, hd, hsd1, hsd2, rd, rsd1, rsd2, and v are
!   arrays of length at least n which are used for scratch
!   storage.
! on output--
!   ys contains the smoothed ordinate values.
!   ysp contains the values of the second derivative of the
!   smoothed curve at the given nodes.
!   ierr contains an error flag,
!        = 0 for normal return,
!        = 1 if n is less than 2,
!        = 2 if s is negative,
!        = 3 if eps is negative or greater than one,
!        = 4 if x-values are not strictly increasing,
!        = 5 if a d-value is non-positive.
! and
!   n, x, y, d, isw, s, eps, and sigma are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package modules terms and
! snhcsh.
      integer ibak
      real rsd1i, rsd2i, sum, hdi, beta, alpha, hdim1, hsd1p
      real wi, tui, step, h, g, f, wim1, wim2, alphap
      integer nm1, nm3
      real delyi1, delxi1, rdim1, p, sigmap, yspim2
      real dim1, su, sl, betap, betapp, delxi
      integer i
      real di, delyi

      if (n < 2) go to 16
      if (s < 0.) go to 17
      if (eps < 0. .or. eps > 1.) go to 18
      ierr = 0
      p = 0.
      v(1) = 0.
      v(n) = 0.
      ysp(1) = 0.
      ysp(n) = 0.
      if (n == 2) go to 14
      rsd1(1) = 0.
      rd(1) = 0.
      rsd2(n) = 0.
      rdim1 = 0.
      yspim2 = 0.
! denormalize tension factor
      sigmap = abs(sigma) * real(n - 1) / (x(n) - x(1))
! form t matrix and second differences of y into ys
      nm1 = n - 1
      nm3 = n - 3
      delxi1 = 1.
      delyi1 = 0.
      dim1 = 0.
      do i = 1, nm1
         delxi = x(i + 1) - x(i)
         if (delxi <= 0.) go to 19
         delyi = (y(i + 1) - y(i)) / delxi
         ys(i) = delyi - delyi1
         call fitp_terms(di, tsd1(i + 1), sigmap, delxi)
         td(i) = di + dim1
         hd(i) = -(1./delxi + 1./delxi1)
         hsd1(i + 1) = 1./delxi
         delxi1 = delxi
         delyi1 = delyi
         dim1 = di
      end do
! calculate lower and upper tolerances
      sl = s * (1.-eps)
      su = s * (1.+eps)
      if (isw == 1) go to 3
! form h matrix - d array
      if (d(1) <= 0. .or. d(2) <= 0.) go to 20
      betapp = 0.
      betap = 0.
      alphap = 0.
      do i = 2, nm1
         alpha = hd(i) * d(i) * d(i)
         if (d(i + 1) <= 0.) go to 20
         beta = hsd1(i + 1) * d(i + 1) * d(i + 1)
         hd(i) = (hsd1(i) * d(i - 1))**2 + alpha * hd(i) + beta * hsd1(i + 1)
         hsd2(i) = hsd1(i) * betapp
         hsd1(i) = hsd1(i) * (alpha + alphap)
         alphap = alpha
         betapp = betap
         betap = beta
      end do
      go to 5
! form h matrix - d constant
3     if (d(1) <= 0.) go to 20
      sl = d(1) * d(1) * sl
      su = d(1) * d(1) * su
      hsd1p = 0.
      hdim1 = 0.
      do i = 2, nm1
         hdi = hd(i)
         hd(i) = hsd1(i) * hsd1(i) + hdi * hdi + hsd1(i + 1) * hsd1(i + 1)
         hsd2(i) = hsd1(i) * hsd1p
         hsd1p = hsd1(i)
         hsd1(i) = hsd1p * (hdi + hdim1)
         hdim1 = hdi
      end do
! top of iteration
! cholesky factorization of p*t+h into r
5     do i = 2, nm1
         rsd2i = hsd2(i)
         rsd1i = p * tsd1(i) + hsd1(i) - rsd2i * rsd1(i - 1)
         rsd2(i) = rsd2i * rdim1
         rdim1 = rd(i - 1)
         rsd1(i) = rsd1i * rdim1
         rd(i) = 1./(p * td(i) + hd(i) - rsd1i * rsd1(i) - rsd2i * rsd2(i))
         ysp(i) = ys(i) - rsd1(i) * ysp(i - 1) - rsd2(i) * yspim2
         yspim2 = ysp(i - 1)
      end do
! back solve of r(transpose)* r * ysp = ys
      ysp(nm1) = rd(nm1) * ysp(nm1)
      if (n == 3) go to 8
      do ibak = 1, nm3
         i = nm1 - ibak
         ysp(i) = rd(i) * ysp(i) - rsd1(i + 1) * ysp(i + 1) - rsd2(i + 2) * ysp(i + 2)
      end do
8     sum = 0.
      delyi1 = 0.
      if (isw == 1) go to 10
! calculation of residual norm
!  - d array
      do i = 1, nm1
         delyi = (ysp(i + 1) - ysp(i)) / (x(i + 1) - x(i))
         v(i) = (delyi - delyi1) * d(i) * d(i)
         sum = sum + v(i) * (delyi - delyi1)
         delyi1 = delyi
      end do
      v(n) = -delyi1 * d(n) * d(n)
      go to 12
! calculation of residual norm
!  - d constant
10    do i = 1, nm1
         delyi = (ysp(i + 1) - ysp(i)) / (x(i + 1) - x(i))
         v(i) = delyi - delyi1
         sum = sum + v(i) * (delyi - delyi1)
         delyi1 = delyi
      end do
      v(n) = -delyi1
12    sum = sum - v(n) * delyi1
! test for convergence
      if (sum <= su) go to 14
! calculation of newton correction
      f = 0.
      g = 0.
      wim2 = 0.
      wim1 = 0.
      do i = 2, nm1
         tui = tsd1(i) * ysp(i - 1) + td(i) * ysp(i) + tsd1(i + 1) * ysp(i + 1)
         wi = tui - rsd1(i) * wim1 - rsd2(i) * wim2
         f = f + tui * ysp(i)
         g = g + wi * wi * rd(i)
         wim2 = wim1
         wim1 = wi
      end do
      h = f - p * g
      if (h <= 0.) go to 14
! update p - newton step
      step = (sum - sqrt(sum * sl)) / h
      if (sl /= 0.) step = step * sqrt(sum / sl)
      p = p + step
      go to 5
! store smoothed y-values and second derivatives
14    do i = 1, n
         ys(i) = y(i) - v(i)
         ysp(i) = p * ysp(i)
      end do
! n less than 2
16    ierr = 1
! s negative
17    ierr = 2
! eps negative or greater than 1
18    ierr = 3
! x-values not strictly increasing
19    ierr = 4
! weight non-positive
20    ierr = 5
   end subroutine fitp_curvss
   integer function fitp_intrvl(t, x, n)

      integer n
      real t, x(n)
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function determines the index of the interval
! (determined by a given increasing sequence) in which
! a given value lies.
! on input--
!   t is the given value.
!   x is a vector of strictly increasing values.
! and
!   n is the length of x (n .ge. 2).
! on output--
!   intrvl returns an integer i such that
!          i =  1       if         e   t .lt. x(2)  ,
!          i =  n-1     if x(n-1) .le. t            ,
!          otherwise       x(i)  .le. t .le. x(i+1),
! none of the input parameters are altered.
      integer il, ih, i
      real tt

      save i
      data i/1/

      tt = t
! check for illegal i
      if (i >= n) i = n / 2
! check old interval and extremes
      if (tt < x(i)) then
         if (tt <= x(2)) then
            i = 1
            fitp_intrvl = 1
            il = 2
            ih = i
         end if
      else if (tt <= x(i + 1)) then
         fitp_intrvl = i
      else if (tt >= x(n - 1)) then
         i = n - 1
         fitp_intrvl = n - 1
         il = i + 1
         ih = n - 1
      end if
! binary search loop
1     i = (il + ih) / 2
      if (tt < x(i)) then
         ih = i
      else if (tt > x(i + 1)) then
         il = i + 1
         fitp_intrvl = i
      end if
      go to 1
   end function fitp_intrvl

   integer function fitp_intrvp(t, x, n, p, tp)

      integer n
      real t, x(n), p, tp
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this function determines the index of the interval
! (determined by a given increasing sequence) in which a
! given value lies, after translating the value to within
! the correct period.  it also returns this translated value.
! on input--
!   t is the given value.
!   x is a vector of strictly increasing values.
!   n is the length of x (n .ge. 2).
! and
!   p contains the period.
! on output--
!   tp contains a translated value of t (i. e. x(1) .le. tp,
!   tp .lt. x(1)+p, and tp = t + k*p for some integer k).
!   intrvl returns an integer i such that
!          i = 1       if             tp .lt. x(2)  ,
!          i = n       if   x(n) .le. tp            ,
!          otherwise       x(i)  .le. tp .lt. x(i+1),
! none of the input parameters are altered.
      integer il, ih, i, nper
      real tt

      save i
      data i/1/

      nper = int((t - x(1)) / p)
      tp = t - real(nper) * p
      if (tp < x(1)) tp = tp + p
      tt = tp
! check for illegal i
      if (i >= n) i = n / 2
! check old interval and extremes
      if (tt < x(i)) then
         if (tt <= x(2)) then
            i = 1
            fitp_intrvp = 1
            il = 2
            ih = i
         end if
      else if (tt <= x(i + 1)) then
         fitp_intrvp = i
      else if (tt >= x(n)) then
         i = n
         fitp_intrvp = n
         il = i + 1
         ih = n
      end if
! binary search loop
1     i = (il + ih) / 2
      if (tt < x(i)) then
         ih = i
      else if (tt > x(i + 1)) then
         il = i + 1
         fitp_intrvp = i
      end if
      go to 1
   end function fitp_intrvp
   subroutine fitp_snhcsh(sinhm, coshm, x, isw)

      integer isw
      real sinhm, coshm, x
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine returns approximations to
!       sinhm(x) = sinh(x)/x-1
!       coshm(x) = cosh(x)-1
! and
!       coshmm(x) = (cosh(x)-1-x*x/2)/(x*x)
! with relative error less than 1.0e-6
! on input--
!   x contains the value of the independent variable.
!   isw indicates the function desired
!           = -1 if only sinhm is desired,
!           =  0 if both sinhm and coshm are desired,
!           =  1 if only coshm is desired,
!           =  2 if only coshmm is desired,
!           =  3 if both sinhm and coshmm are desired.
! on output--
!   sinhm contains the value of sinhm(x) if isw .le. 0 or
!   isw .eq. 3 (sinhm is unaltered if isw .eq.1 or isw .eq.
!   2).
!   coshm contains the value of coshm(x) if isw .eq. 0 or
!   isw .eq. 1 and contains the value of coshmm(x) if isw
!   .ge. 2 (coshm is unaltered if isw .eq. -1).
! and
!   x and isw are unaltered.
      real sp10, sp11, sp12, sp13
      real sp20, sp21, sp22, sp23, sp24
      real sp31, sp32, sp33
      real sq30, sq31, sq32
      real sp41, sp42, sp43
      real sq40, sq41, sq42
      real cp0, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4
      real ax, xs, expx

      data sp13/.3029390e-5/, sp12/.1975135e-3/, sp11/.8334261e-2/, sp10/.1666665e0/
      data sp24/.3693467e-7/, sp23/.2459974e-5/, sp22/.2018107e-3/, sp21/.8315072e-2/, sp20/.1667035e0/
      data sp33/.6666558e-5/, sp32/.6646307e-3/, sp31/.4001477e-1/, sq32/.2037930e-3/, sq31/-.6372739e-1/, sq30/.6017497e1/
      data sp43/.2311816e-4/, sp42/.2729702e-3/, sp41/.9868757e-1/, sq42/.1776637e-3/, sq41/-.7549779e-1/, sq40/.9110034e1/
      data cp4/.2982628e-6/, cp3/.2472673e-4/, cp2/.1388967e-2/, cp1/.4166665e-1/, cp0/.5000000e0/

      ax = abs(x)
      if (isw >= 0) go to 5
! sinhm approximation
      if (ax > 4.45) go to 2
      xs = ax * ax
      if (ax > 2.3) go to 1
! sinhm approximation on (0.,2.3)
      sinhm = xs * (((sp13 * xs + sp12) * xs + sp11) * xs + sp10)
! sinhm approximation on (2.3,4.45)
1     sinhm = xs * ((((sp24 * xs + sp23) * xs + sp22) * xs + sp21) * xs + sp20)
2     if (ax > 7.65) go to 3
! sinhm approximation on (4.45,7.65)
      xs = ax * ax
      sinhm = xs * (((sp33 * xs + sp32) * xs + sp31) * xs + 1.) / ((sq32 * xs + sq31) * xs + sq30)
3     if (ax > 10.1) go to 4
! sinhm approximation on (7.65,10.1)
      xs = ax * ax
      sinhm = xs * (((sp43 * xs + sp42) * xs + sp41) * xs + 1.) / ((sq42 * xs + sq41) * xs + sq40)
! sinhm approximation above 10.1
4     sinhm = exp(ax) / (ax + ax) - 1.
! coshm and (possibly) sinhm approximation
5     if (isw >= 2) go to 7
      if (ax > 2.3) go to 6
      xs = ax * ax
      coshm = xs * ((((cp4 * xs + cp3) * xs + cp2) * xs + cp1) * xs + cp0)
      if (isw == 0) sinhm = xs * (((sp13 * xs + sp12) * xs + sp11) * xs + sp10)
6     expx = exp(ax)
      coshm = (expx + 1./expx) / 2.-1.
      if (isw == 0) sinhm = (expx - 1./expx) / (ax + ax) - 1.
! coshmm and (possibly) sinhm approximation
7     xs = ax * ax
      if (ax > 2.3) go to 8
      coshm = xs * (((cp4 * xs + cp3) * xs + cp2) * xs + cp1)
      if (isw == 3) sinhm = xs * (((sp13 * xs + sp12) * xs + sp11) * xs + sp10)
8     expx = exp(ax)
      coshm = ((expx + 1./expx - xs) / 2.-1.) / xs
      if (isw == 3) sinhm = (expx - 1./expx) / (ax + ax) - 1.
   end subroutine fitp_snhcsh
   subroutine fitp_terms(diag, sdiag, sigma, del)
      real diag, sdiag, sigma, del
!                                 coded by alan kaylor cline
!                           from fitpack -- january 26, 1987
!                        a curve and surface fitting package
!                      a product of pleasant valley software
!                  8603 altus cove, austin, texas 78759, usa
! this subroutine computes the diagonal and superdiagonal
! terms of the tridiagonal linear system associated with
! spline under tension interpolation.
! on input--
!   sigma contains the tension factor.
! and
!   del contains the step size.
! on output--
!                sigma*del*cosh(sigma*del) - sinh(sigma*del)
!   diag = del*--------------------------------------------.
!                     (sigma*del)**2 * sinh(sigma*del)
!                   sinh(sigma*del) - sigma*del
!   sdiag = del*----------------------------------.
!                (sigma*del)**2 * sinh(sigma*del)
! and
!   sigma and del are unaltered.
! this subroutine references package module snhcsh.
      real coshm, denom, sigdel, sinhm

      if (sigma /= 0.) go to 1
      diag = del / 3.
      sdiag = del / 6.
1     sigdel = sigma * del
      call fitp_snhcsh(sinhm, coshm, sigdel, 0)
      denom = sigma * sigdel * (1.+sinhm)
      diag = (coshm - sinhm) / denom
      sdiag = sinhm / denom
   end subroutine fitp_terms

   real function dedge(a, r, n, iside)
      integer n, iside
      real a(n), r(n)
! Not quite right for non-uniform r mesh
      if (iside == 1) then
         dedge = -(3.*a(1) - 4.*a(2) + a(3)) / (r(3) - r(1))
         dedge = (3.*a(iside) - 4.*a(iside - 1) + a(iside - 2)) / (r(iside) - r(iside - 2))
      end if

   end function dedge

   subroutine geo_spline_real(x, y, xint, yint)
      implicit none
      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y
      real, intent(in) :: xint
      real, intent(out) :: yint
      integer :: n, ierr
      real :: dum1, dum2, sigma
      real, dimension(:), allocatable :: ypp, dum3
      n = size(x)
      allocate (ypp(n), dum3(n))
      sigma = 1.0
      call fitp_curv1(n, x, y, dum1, dum2, 3, ypp, dum3, sigma, ierr)
      yint = fitp_curv2(xint, n, x, y, ypp, sigma)
      deallocate (ypp, dum3)
   end subroutine geo_spline_real

   subroutine geo_spline_array(x, y, xint, yint)
      implicit none
      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y, xint
      real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: yint
      integer :: n, ierr, ix
      real :: dum1, dum2, sigma
      real, dimension(:), allocatable :: ypp, dum3
      real :: zero 
      n = size(x)
      allocate (ypp(n), dum3(n))
      sigma = 1.0
      call fitp_curv1(n, x, y, dum1, dum2, 3, ypp, dum3, sigma, ierr)
      do ix = 1, size(xint)
         yint(ix) = fitp_curv2(xint(ix), n, x, y, ypp, sigma)
      end do

      zero = 1000 * epsilon(0.0)
      if(abs(yint(1)) <= zero) yint(1) = 0.0
      if(abs(yint(size(xint))) <= zero) yint(size(xint)) = 0.0
      deallocate (ypp, dum3)
   end subroutine geo_spline_array

   ! assumes that y is periodic in x
   ! if x has m entries, then assumes that y(m+1)=y(1)
   subroutine linear_interp_periodic(x, y, xint, yint, period)

      use constants, only: pi

      implicit none

      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x, y, xint
      real, intent(in), optional :: period
      real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: yint

      integer :: i, j, m, n
      logical :: not_finished
      real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp, yp

      m = size(x) + 1
      n = size(xint)

      allocate (xp(m), yp(m))
      xp(:m - 1) = x
      if (present(period)) then
         xp(m) = x(1) + period
         xp(m) = x(1) + 2.*pi
      end if
      yp(:m - 1) = y
      yp(m) = y(1)

      j = 1
      do i = 1, n
         not_finished = .true.
         do while (not_finished)
            if (abs(xint(i) - xp(j)) < 100.*epsilon(0.)) then
               yint(i) = yp(j)
               not_finished = .false.
            else if (xint(i) > xp(j)) then
               j = j + 1
               yint(i) = (yp(j - 1) * (xp(j) - xint(i)) + yp(j) * (xint(i) - xp(j - 1))) / (xp(j) - xp(j - 1))
               not_finished = .false.
            end if
         end do
      end do

      deallocate (xp, yp)

   end subroutine linear_interp_periodic

end module splines