module sfincs_interface implicit none public :: get_neo_from_sfincs private # ifdef USE_SFINCS integer :: nproc_sfincs integer :: irad_min, irad_max real :: Er_window logical :: includeXDotTerm logical :: includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot ! logical :: includeRadialExBDrive integer :: magneticDriftScheme logical :: includePhi1 logical :: includePhi1InKineticEquation ! logical :: includePhi1InCollisionOperator integer :: geometryScheme integer :: VMECRadialOption integer :: coordinateSystem integer :: inputRadialCoordinate integer :: inputRadialCoordinateForGradients character(200) :: equilibriumFile real :: aHat, psiAHat, Delta real :: nu_n, dPhiHatdrN integer :: nxi, nx, ntheta, nzeta logical :: calculate_radial_electric_field logical :: read_sfincs_output_from_file logical :: sfincs_finished = .true. real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fprim_local, tprim_local # endif contains subroutine get_neo_from_sfincs(nradii, drho, f_neoclassical, phi_neoclassical, & dfneo_dalpha, dphineo_dalpha) # ifdef USE_SFINCS use mp, only: proc0, iproc use mp, only: comm_split, comm_free use geometry, only: geo_surf use species, only: spec, nspec # endif use mp, only: mp_abort use zgrid, only: nzgrid implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nradii real, intent(in) :: drho real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, :, :, :, -nradii/2:), intent(out) :: f_neoclassical real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, -nradii/2:), intent(out) :: phi_neoclassical real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, :, :, :), intent(out) :: dfneo_dalpha real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(out) :: dphineo_dalpha # ifdef USE_SFINCS integer :: sfincs_comm integer :: color, ierr integer :: irad real :: dPhiHatdrN_best_guess logical :: Er_converged integer :: nsfincs_calls if (.not. allocated(fprim_local)) allocate (fprim_local(nspec)) if (.not. allocated(tprim_local)) allocate (tprim_local(nspec)) if (proc0) call read_sfincs_parameters(nradii) call broadcast_sfincs_parameters if (iproc < nproc_sfincs) then color = 0 else color = 1 end if call comm_split(color, sfincs_comm, ierr) if (iproc < nproc_sfincs) then do irad = irad_min, irad_max ! get local values of -dlog(ns)/drho and -dlog(Ts)/drho ! using dlog(n)/drho = dlog(n0)/drho + delrho*d/drho(dlog(n)/drho) fprim_local = 1.0 / geo_surf%drhotordrho * (spec%fprim & + irad * drho * (spec%fprim**2 - spec%d2ndr2) / geo_surf%drhotordrho) tprim_local = 1.0 / geo_surf%drhotordrho * (spec%tprim & + irad * drho * (spec%tprim**2 - spec%d2Tdr2) / geo_surf%drhotordrho) ! fprim_local = 1.0/geo_surf%drhotordrho*(spec%fprim - irad*drho*spec%d2ndr2) ! tprim_local = 1.0/geo_surf%drhotordrho*(spec%tprim - irad*drho*spec%d2Tdr2) if (calculate_radial_electric_field) then ! get best guess at radial electric field ! using force balance with radial pressure gradient if (dPhiHatdrN > -9999.0) then dPhiHatdrN_best_guess = dPhiHatdrN else dPhiHatdrN_best_guess = fprim_local(1) + tprim_local(1) end if call iterate_sfincs_until_electric_field_converged(sfincs_comm, & irad, drho, irad_max, dPhiHatdrN_best_guess, & Er_converged, nsfincs_calls) if (proc0) then write (*, *) write (*, *) 'At irad= ', irad, 'Er_converged= ', Er_converged, & 'nsfincs_calls_required= ', nsfincs_calls, 'dPhiHatdrN= ', dPhiHatdrN write (*, *) end if ! write_and_finish_sfincs manipulates sfincs output ! to get the neoclassical distribution function and potential ! on the stella (zed,alpha,vpa,mu) grid; it then ! deallocates sfincs arrays, etc. to make it ready ! for running again if need be call write_and_finish_sfincs(f_neoclassical(:, :, :, :, :, irad), & phi_neoclassical(:, :, irad), dfneo_dalpha, dphineo_dalpha, irad) else ! init_and_run_sfincs initializes sfincs, ! including passing geometry info if necessary; ! and runs sfincs (if requested) call init_and_run_sfincs(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, irad_max) ! write_and_finish_sfincs manipulates sfincs output ! to get the neoclassical distribution function and potential ! on the stella (zed,alpha,vpa,mu) grid; it then ! deallocates sfincs arrays, etc. to make it ready ! for running again if need be call write_and_finish_sfincs(f_neoclassical(:, :, :, :, :, irad), & phi_neoclassical(:, :, irad), dfneo_dalpha, dphineo_dalpha, irad) end if end do end if call comm_free(sfincs_comm, ierr) ! NB: NEED TO CHECK THIS BROADCAST OF SFINCS RESULTS do irad = irad_min, irad_max call broadcast_sfincs_output & (f_neoclassical(:, :, :, :, :, irad), phi_neoclassical(:, :, irad)) end do call broadcast_sfincs_output(dfneo_dalpha, dphineo_dalpha) deallocate (fprim_local, tprim_local) if (proc0) then write (*, *) write (*, *) 'maxval(fneo): ', maxval(f_neoclassical(:, :, :, :, :, irad_min:irad_max)), & 'maxval(phineo): ', maxval(phi_neoclassical(:, :, irad_min:irad_max)) write (*, *) end if if ((irad_min /= -nradii / 2) .or. (irad_max /= nradii / 2)) & call mp_abort('WARNING: irad_min must equal -nradii/2 and irad_max must equal & & nradii/2 to proceed to stella calculation. aborting.') # else real :: dum ! this pointless dum assignment only here to avoid ! annoying warning messages during compilation ! about unused variable drho dum = drho f_neoclassical = 0.; phi_neoclassical = 0. dfneo_dalpha = 0.; dphineo_dalpha = 0. call mp_abort("to run with include_neoclassical_terms=.true., & & USE_SFINCS must be defined at compilation time. Aborting.") # endif end subroutine get_neo_from_sfincs # ifdef USE_SFINCS subroutine iterate_sfincs_until_electric_field_converged( & sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, dPhiHatdrN_best_guess, & dphiHatdrN_is_converged, number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence) use mp, only: proc0, iproc implicit none integer, intent(in) :: sfincs_comm, irad, nrad_max real, intent(in) :: drho, dPhiHatdrN_best_guess logical, intent(out) :: dPhiHatdrN_is_converged integer, intent(out) :: number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence integer :: itmax_bracket = 10 integer :: itmax_root = 10 real :: window = 0.3 real :: tol = 0.1 integer :: it real :: a, b, c, d, e, fa, fb, fc, p, q, r, s, tol1, xm, eps real :: converged_dPhiHatdrN dPhiHatdrN_is_converged = .false. a = dPhiHatdrN_best_guess * (1.0 - Er_window) b = dPhiHatdrN_best_guess * (1.0 + Er_window) ! initialize sfincs, run it, and return the total charge flux as fa call get_total_charge_flux(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, a, fa) call get_total_charge_flux(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, b, fb) number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence = 2 do it = 1, itmax_bracket eps = epsilon(a) if ((fa > 0.0 .and. fb > 0.0) .or. (fa < 0.0 .and. fb < 0.0)) then if (proc0) then write (*, *) write (*, *) 'dPhiHatdrN values ', a, ' and ', b, ' do not bracket root.' write (*, *) 'flux at ', a, ' is ', fa, '.' write (*, *) 'flux at ', b, ' is ', fb, '.' end if a = a * (1.0 - Er_window) b = b * (1.0 + Er_window) if (proc0) then write (*, *) 'Trying again with values ', a, ' and ', b, ' .' write (*, *) end if call get_total_charge_flux(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, a, fa) call get_total_charge_flux(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, b, fb) number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence = number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence + 2 ! ! eliminate the endpoint corresonding to the flux that is furthest from zero in magnitude ! if (abs(fa) > abs(fb)) then ! ! keep b as an endpoint and eliminate a ! a = b ; fa = fb ! b = a*(1.0+window) ! if (proc0) then ! write (*,*) 'Trying again with values ', a, ' and ', b, ' .' ! write (*,*) ! end if ! call get_total_charge_flux (sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, b, fb) ! else ! ! keep a as an endpoint and eliminate b ! b = a ; fb = fa ! a = b*(1.0-window) ! if (proc0) then ! write (*,*) 'Trying again with values ', a, ' and ', b, ' .' ! write (*,*) ! end if ! call get_total_charge_flux (sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, a, fa) ! end if else exit end if end do c = b fc = fb do it = 1, itmax_root if ((fb > 0.0 .and. fc > 0.0) .or. (fb < 0.0 .and. fc < 0.0)) then c = a fc = fa d = b - a e = d end if if (abs(fc) < abs(fb)) then a = b b = c c = a fa = fb fb = fc fc = fa end if tol1 = 2.0 * eps * abs(b) + 0.5 * tol xm = 0.5 * (c - b) if (abs(xm) <= tol1 .or. fb == 0.0) then converged_dPhiHatdrN = b dPhiHatdrN_is_converged = .true. ! number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence = it+1 exit end if if (abs(e) >= tol1 .and. abs(fa) > abs(fb)) then s = fb / fa if (a == c) then p = 2.0 * xm * s q = 1.0 - s else q = fa / fc r = fb / fc p = s * (2.0 * xm * q * (q - r) - (b - a) * (r - 1.0)) q = (q - 1.0) * (r - 1.0) * (s - 1.0) end if if (p > 0.0) q = -q p = abs(p) if (2.0 * p < min(3.0 * xm * q - abs(tol1 * q), abs(e * q))) then e = d d = p / q else d = xm e = d end if else d = xm e = d end if a = b fa = fb b = b + merge(d, sign(tol1, xm), abs(d) > tol1) call get_total_charge_flux(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, b, fb) number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence = number_of_sfincs_calls_for_convergence + 1 end do end subroutine iterate_sfincs_until_electric_field_converged subroutine get_total_charge_flux(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max, & dPhiHatdrN_in, total_charge_flux) use mp, only: iproc, broadcast_with_comm use sfincs_main, only: finish_sfincs use globalVariables, only: Zs, particleFlux_vd_psiHat use species, only: nspec implicit none integer, intent(in) :: sfincs_comm, irad, nrad_max real, intent(in) :: drho real, intent(in) :: dPhiHatdrN_in real, intent(out) :: total_charge_flux dPhiHatdrN = dPhiHatdrN_in call init_and_run_sfincs(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max) call broadcast_with_comm(Zs, sfincs_comm) call broadcast_with_comm(particleFlux_vd_psiHat, sfincs_comm) total_charge_flux = sum(Zs(:nspec) * particleFlux_vd_psiHat(:nspec)) end subroutine get_total_charge_flux subroutine init_and_run_sfincs(sfincs_comm, irad, drho, nrad_max) use mp, only: proc0, iproc use sfincs_main, only: init_sfincs, prepare_sfincs, run_sfincs, finish_sfincs use globalVariables, only: Zs, particleFlux_vd_psiHat use species, only: nspec implicit none integer, intent(in) :: sfincs_comm, irad, nrad_max real, intent(in) :: drho if (.not. sfincs_finished) then call finish_sfincs sfincs_finished = .true. end if call init_sfincs(sfincs_comm) call pass_inputoptions_to_sfincs(irad * drho) call pass_outputoptions_to_sfincs call prepare_sfincs ! if geometryScheme = 5, then sfincs will read in equilibrium ! parameters from vmec file separately ! otherwise, assume system is axisymmetric and pass geometry ! from stella (miller local equilibrium or similar) if (geometryScheme /= 5) call pass_geometry_to_sfincs(irad * drho) if (read_sfincs_output_from_file) then if (proc0) call read_sfincs_output(irad, nrad_max) else if (proc0) then write (*, *) write (*, *) 'Running sfincs at irad= ', irad, ', with dPhiHatdrN= ', dPhiHatdrN end if call run_sfincs if (proc0) then write (*, *) 'sfincs finished running. total charge flux= ', sum(Zs(:nspec) * particleFlux_vd_psiHat(:nspec)) write (*, *) end if ! write Phi1Hat and delta_f to file ! so we have the option of using it ! again without re-running sfincs if (proc0) call write_sfincs(irad, nrad_max) end if sfincs_finished = .false. end subroutine init_and_run_sfincs subroutine write_and_finish_sfincs(fneo, phineo, dfneo, dphineo, irad) use mp, only: proc0 use sfincs_main, only: finish_sfincs use zgrid, only: nzgrid implicit none real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, :, :, :), intent(out) :: fneo real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(out) :: phineo real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, :, :, :), intent(in out) :: dfneo real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(in out) :: dphineo integer, intent(in) :: irad if (proc0) then ! only need to compute dfneo_dalpha and dphineo_dalpha ! for central radius and for stellarator calculation if (irad == 0 .and. geometryScheme == 5) then call get_sfincs_output(fneo, phineo, dfneo, dphineo) else call get_sfincs_output(fneo, phineo) end if end if call finish_sfincs end subroutine write_and_finish_sfincs subroutine read_sfincs_parameters(nradii) use constants, only: pi use mp, only: nproc use file_utils, only: input_unit_exist use species, only: nspec use physics_parameters, only: rhostar, vnew_ref use geometry, only: geo_surf, aref, bref implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nradii namelist /sfincs_input/ nproc_sfincs, & calculate_radial_electric_field, & includeXDotTerm, & includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot, & irad_min, irad_max, & magneticDriftScheme, & includePhi1, & includePhi1InKineticEquation, & ! includePhi1InCollisionOperator, & geometryScheme, & VMECRadialOption, & equilibriumFile, & coordinateSystem, & inputRadialCoordinate, & inputRadialCoordinateForGradients, & aHat, psiAHat, nu_N, nxi, nx, Delta, & dPhiHatdrN, & ntheta, nzeta, & read_sfincs_output_from_file, Er_window logical :: exist integer :: in_file ! if read_sfincs_output_from_file=.true., ! will try to read in Phi1Hat and delta_f ! from pre-saved file named sfincs.output ! otherwise, run sfincs to compute these ! quantities on the fly read_sfincs_output_from_file = .false. ! number of processors to use for sfincs calculation nproc_sfincs = 1 ! minimum and maximum radial index (irad=0 corresponds to central radius) irad_min = -nradii / 2; irad_max = nradii / 2 ! if calculate_radial_electric_field, then ! will scan in radial electric field to find value ! for which ambipolarity is satisfied, and then ! use this value to obtain neoclassical fluxes, ! distribution function, and potential calculate_radial_electric_field = .true. ! do not include radial electric field term if set to .false. includeXDotTerm = .true. includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .true. ! include v_E . grad r term ! includeRadialExBDrive = .true. ! no poloidal or toroidal magnetic drifts magneticDriftScheme = 0 ! combo of next two variables means ! phi1 will be calculated via quasineutrality includePhi1 = .true. includePhi1InKineticEquation = .false. ! includePhi1InCollisionOperator = .false. ! will be overridden by direct input of geometric quantities ! unless geometryScheme = 5 (vmec equilibrium) geometryScheme = 1 ! only relevant if geometryScheme = 5 ! radial option to use for vmec equilibrium ! 0 corresponds to using radial interpolation to get desired surface ! 1 corresponds to using nearest surface on VMEC HALF grid ! 2 corresponds to using nearest surface on VMEC FULL grid ! should not change this unless self-consistently change in the ! vmec input namelist VMECRadialOption = 0 ! path of vmec equilibrium file equilibriumFile = '' ! seems to be a nonsensical option coordinateSystem = 3 ! option 3 corresponds to using sqrt of toroidal flux ! normalized by toroidal flux enclosed by the LCFS inputRadialCoordinate = 3 ! option 3 corresponds to same choice ! when calculating gradients of density, temperature, and potential inputRadialCoordinateForGradients = 3 ! corresponds to r_LCFS as reference length in sfincs ! only used in sfincs when geometryScheme=1 aHat = 1.0 ! psitor_LCFS / (B_ref * a_ref^2) psiAHat = geo_surf%psitor_lcfs ! Delta is rho* = mref*vt_ref/(e*Bref*aref), with reference ! quantities given in SI units ! unless geometryScheme = 5, in which case Bref=1T ! and aref = 1m (these are hardwired in sfincs) ! set negative to allow check later to see if any value given in input file Delta = -1.0 ! nu_n = nu_ref * aref/vt_ref ! nu_ref = 4*sqrt(2*pi)*nref*e**4*loglam/(3*sqrt(mref)*Tref**3/2) ! (with nref, Tref, and mref in Gaussian units) ! set negative to allow check later to see if any value given in input file nu_n = -1.0 ! radial derivative of normalized phi dPhiHatdrN = -9999.9 Er_window = 0.3 ! number of spectral coefficients in pitch angle nxi = 48 ! number of speeds nx = 12 ! number of poloidal angles Ntheta = 65 ! number of toroidal angles, 1 is appropriate for tokamak Nzeta = 1 in_file = input_unit_exist("sfincs_input", exist) if (exist) read (unit=in_file, nml=sfincs_input) if (nproc_sfincs > nproc) then write (*, *) 'requested number of processors for sfincs is greater & & than total processor count.' write (*, *) 'allocating ', nproc, ' processors for sfincs.' end if if (Delta < 0.0) then Delta = rhostar ! if geometryScheme=5, Bref=1T and aref=1m are hard-wired in sfincs ! but these are not the values used in stella to define rhostar if (geometryScheme == 5) Delta = rhostar * bref * aref end if if (nu_n < 0.0) then nu_n = vnew_ref * (4./(3.*sqrt(pi))) ! if geometryScheme=5, aref=1m is hard-wired in sfincs ! but this is not the value used in stella if (geometryScheme == 5) nu_n = nu_n / aref end if ! FLAG -- NOT YET SURE IF THIS SHOULD BE HERE ! if (nspec == 1 .and. includePhi1) then ! write (*,*) 'includePhi1 = .true. is incompatible with a single-species run.' ! write (*,*) 'forcing includePhi1 = .false.' ! includePhi1 = .false. ! end if ! ensure that ntheta and nzeta are odd for SFINCS ntheta = 2 * (ntheta / 2) + 1 nzeta = 2 * (nzeta / 2) + 1 end subroutine read_sfincs_parameters subroutine broadcast_sfincs_parameters use mp, only: broadcast use physics_parameters, only: rhostar implicit none call broadcast(read_sfincs_output_from_file) call broadcast(nproc_sfincs) call broadcast(irad_min) call broadcast(irad_max) call broadcast(calculate_radial_electric_field) call broadcast(includeXDotTerm) call broadcast(includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot) ! call broadcast (includeRadialExBDrive) call broadcast(magneticDriftScheme) call broadcast(includePhi1) call broadcast(includePhi1InKineticEquation) ! call broadcast (includePhi1InCollisionOperator) call broadcast(geometryScheme) call broadcast(VMECRadialOption) call broadcast(equilibriumFile) call broadcast(coordinateSystem) call broadcast(inputRadialCoordinate) call broadcast(inputRadialCoordinateForGradients) call broadcast(aHat) call broadcast(psiAHat) call broadcast(Delta) call broadcast(nu_N) call broadcast(dPhiHatdrN) call broadcast(Er_window) call broadcast(nxi) call broadcast(nx) call broadcast(ntheta) call broadcast(nzeta) write (*, *) 'Delta stella', Delta, rhostar end subroutine broadcast_sfincs_parameters subroutine pass_inputoptions_to_sfincs(delrho) use mp, only: mp_abort use geometry, only: geo_surf use species, only: spec, nspec use zgrid, only: nzed use physics_parameters, only: nine, tite use globalVariables, only: includeXDotTerm_sfincs => includeXDotTerm use globalVariables, only: includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot_sfincs => includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot ! use globalVariables, only: includeRadialExBDrive_sfincs => includeRadialExBDrive use globalVariables, only: magneticDriftScheme_sfincs => magneticDriftScheme use globalVariables, only: includePhi1_sfincs => includePhi1 use globalVariables, only: includePhi1InKineticEquation_sfincs => includePhi1InKineticEquation ! use globalVariables, only: includePhi1InCollisionOperator_sfincs => includePhi1InCollisionOperator use globalVariables, only: geometryScheme_sfincs => geometryScheme use globalVariables, only: equilibriumFile_sfincs => equilibriumFile use globalVariables, only: VMECRadialOption_sfincs => VMECRadialOption use globalVariables, only: coordinateSystem_sfincs => coordinateSystem use globalVariables, only: RadialCoordinate => inputRadialCoordinate use globalVariables, only: RadialCoordinateForGradients => inputRadialCoordinateForGradients use globalVariables, only: rN_wish use globalVariables, only: Nspecies, nHats, THats, MHats, Zs use globalVariables, only: adiabaticNHat, adiabaticTHat, adiabaticZ use globalVariables, only: nxi_sfincs => Nxi use globalVariables, only: nx_sfincs => Nx use globalVariables, only: ntheta_sfincs => Ntheta use globalVariables, only: nzeta_sfincs => Nzeta use globalVariables, only: dnHatdrNs, dTHatdrNs use globalVariables, only: aHat_sfincs => aHat use globalVariables, only: psiAHat_sfincs => psiAHat use globalVariables, only: Delta_sfincs => Delta use globalVariables, only: nu_n_sfincs => nu_n use globalVariables, only: dPhiHatdrN_sfincs => dPhiHatdrN use globalVariables, only: withAdiabatic implicit none real, intent(in) :: delrho includeXDotTerm_sfincs = includeXDotTerm includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot_sfincs = includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot ! includeRadialExBDrive_sfincs = includeRadialExBDrive magneticDriftScheme_sfincs = magneticDriftScheme includePhi1_sfincs = includePhi1 includePhi1InKineticEquation_sfincs = includePhi1InKineticEquation ! includePhi1InCollisionOperator_sfincs = includePhi1InCollisionOperator geometryScheme_sfincs = geometryScheme VMECRadialOption_sfincs = VMECRadialOption equilibriumFile_sfincs = trim(equilibriumFile) coordinateSystem_sfincs = coordinateSystem RadialCoordinate = inputRadialCoordinate RadialCoordinateForGradients = inputRadialCoordinateForGradients Nspecies = nspec nHats(:nspec) = spec%dens * (1.0 - delrho * spec%fprim) THats(:nspec) = spec%temp * (1.0 - delrho * spec%tprim) mHats(:nspec) = spec%mass Zs(:nspec) = spec%z nzeta_sfincs = nzeta ntheta_sfincs = ntheta nx_sfincs = nx nxi_sfincs = nxi aHat_sfincs = aHat psiAHat_sfincs = psiAHat Delta_sfincs = Delta nu_n_sfincs = nu_n dPhiHatdrN_sfincs = dPhiHatdrN if (nspec == 1) then withAdiabatic = .true. adiabaticNHat = nHats(1) / nine adiabaticTHat = THats(1) / tite adiabaticZ = -1 end if if (inputRadialCoordinate == 3) then rN_wish = geo_surf%rhotor + delrho * geo_surf%drhotordrho else call mp_abort('only inputRadialCoordinate=3 currently supported. aborting.') end if if (inputRadialCoordinateForGradients == 3) then ! radial density gradient with respect to rhotor = sqrt(psitor/psitor_LCFS) ! normalized by reference density (not species density) dnHatdrNs(:nspec) = -spec%dens * fprim_local ! radial temperature gradient with respect to rhotor = sqrt(psitor/psitor_LCFS) ! normalized by reference tmperatures (not species temperature) dTHatdrNs(:nspec) = -spec%temp * tprim_local else call mp_abort('only inputRadialCoordinateForGradients=3 currently supported. aborting.') end if end subroutine pass_inputoptions_to_sfincs subroutine pass_outputoptions_to_sfincs use export_f, only: export_f_theta_option use export_f, only: export_f_zeta_option use export_f, only: export_f_xi_option use export_f, only: export_f_x_option use export_f, only: export_delta_f, export_full_f use export_f, only: export_f_stella implicit none export_f_theta_option = 0 export_f_zeta_option = 0 export_f_xi_option = 0 export_f_x_option = 0 export_delta_f = .true. export_full_f = .false. export_f_stella = .true. end subroutine pass_outputoptions_to_sfincs ! if this subroutine is being called, then ! using sfincs in tokamak geometry ! so zed in stella is theta subroutine pass_geometry_to_sfincs(delrho) use constants, only: pi use splines, only: linear_interp_periodic use zgrid, only: nz2pi, zed use geometry, only: bmag, dbdzed, gradpar use geometry, only: dBdrho, d2Bdrdth, dgradpardrho, dIdrho use geometry, only: geo_surf use globalVariables, only: BHat use globalVariables, only: dBHatdtheta use globalVariables, only: iota use globalVariables, only: DHat use globalVariables, only: BHat_sup_theta use globalVariables, only: BHat_sub_zeta use export_f, only: export_f_theta implicit none real, intent(in) :: delrho integer :: nzeta = 1 integer :: nzpi real :: q_local real, dimension(:), allocatable :: B_local, dBdz_local, gradpar_local real, dimension(:), allocatable :: zed_stella real, dimension(:), allocatable :: theta_sfincs nzpi = nz2pi / 2 allocate (B_local(-nzpi:nzpi)) allocate (dBdz_local(-nzpi:nzpi)) allocate (gradpar_local(-nzpi:nzpi)) allocate (theta_sfincs(ntheta)) allocate (zed_stella(-nzpi:nzpi)) call init_zero_arrays ! first get some geometric quantities at this radius ! for theta from -pi to pi q_local = geo_surf%qinp * (1.0 + delrho * geo_surf%shat / geo_surf%rhoc) B_local = bmag(1, -nzpi:nzpi) + delrho * dBdrho(-nzpi:nzpi) dBdz_local = dbdzed(1, -nzpi:nzpi) + delrho * d2Bdrdth(-nzpi:nzpi) gradpar_local = gradpar(-nzpi:nzpi) + delrho * dgradpardrho(-nzpi:nzpi) zed_stella = zed(-nzpi:nzpi) + pi theta_sfincs = export_f_theta(:ntheta) iota = 1./q_local ! interpolate from stella zed-grid to sfincs theta grid ! point at -pi (stella) is same as point at 0 (sfincs) BHat(1, 1) = B_local(-nzpi) call linear_interp_periodic(zed_stella, B_local, theta_sfincs(2:), BHat(2:, 1)) ! FLAG -- needs to be changed for stellarator runs BHat = spread(BHat(:, 1), 2, nzeta) dBHatdtheta(1, 1) = dBdz_local(-nzpi) call linear_interp_periodic(zed_stella, dBdz_local, theta_sfincs(2:), dBHatdtheta(2:, 1)) dBHatdtheta = spread(dBHatdtheta(:, 1), 2, nzeta) ! this is bhat . grad theta BHat_sup_theta(1, 1) = B_local(-nzpi) * gradpar_local(-nzpi) call linear_interp_periodic(zed_stella, B_local * gradpar_local, theta_sfincs(2:), BHat_sup_theta(2:, 1)) BHat_sup_theta = spread(BHat_sup_theta(:, 1), 2, nzeta) ! this is I(psi) / (aref*Bref) BHat_sub_zeta = geo_surf%rgeo + delrho * dIdrho ! this is grad psitor . (grad theta x grad zeta) ! note that + sign below relies on B = I grad zeta + grad zeta x grad psi DHat = q_local * BHat_sup_theta deallocate (B_local, dBdz_local, gradpar_local) deallocate (theta_sfincs, zed_stella) end subroutine pass_geometry_to_sfincs subroutine init_zero_arrays use globalVariables, only: dBHatdzeta use globalVariables, only: dBHatdpsiHat use globalVariables, only: BHat_sup_zeta use globalVariables, only: BHat_sub_psi use globalVariables, only: BHat_sub_theta use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sub_psi_dtheta use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sub_psi_dzeta use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sub_theta_dpsiHat use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sub_theta_dzeta use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sub_zeta_dpsiHat use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sub_zeta_dtheta use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sup_theta_dpsiHat use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sup_theta_dzeta use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sup_zeta_dpsiHat use globalVariables, only: dBHat_sup_zeta_dtheta implicit none dBHatdzeta = 0. dBHatdpsiHat = 0. BHat_sup_zeta = 0. BHat_sub_psi = 0. BHat_sub_theta = 0. dBHat_sub_psi_dtheta = 0. dBHat_sub_psi_dzeta = 0. dBHat_sub_theta_dpsiHat = 0. dBHat_sub_theta_dzeta = 0. dBHat_sub_zeta_dpsiHat = 0. dBHat_sub_zeta_dtheta = 0. dBHat_sup_theta_dpsiHat = 0. dBHat_sup_theta_dzeta = 0. dBHat_sup_zeta_dpsiHat = 0. dBHat_sup_zeta_dtheta = 0. end subroutine init_zero_arrays subroutine get_sfincs_output(f_neoclassical, phi_neoclassical, & dfneo_dalpha, dphineo_dalpha) use constants, only: pi use sort, only: sort_array_ascending, unsort_array_ascending use species, only: nspec use zgrid, only: nzgrid, nz2pi use export_f, only: h_sfincs => delta_f use globalVariables, only: Phi1Hat use parameters_kxky_grids, only: nalpha implicit none real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, :, :, :), intent(out) :: f_neoclassical real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(out) :: phi_neoclassical real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:, :, :, :), intent(out), optional :: dfneo_dalpha real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(out), optional :: dphineo_dalpha integer :: i, j integer :: ialpha, iz, is real, dimension(:), allocatable :: zed_stella integer :: nfp, nfp_stella integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nzed_per_field_period real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: zed_stella_by_field_period real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: alpha_like_stella integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: alpha_sort_map integer :: nzed_sfincs, nalpha_sfincs real, dimension(:), allocatable :: zed_sfincs, alpha_like_sfincs real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: phi_sfincs real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: phi_stella_zgrid, phi_stella real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: dphi_dalpha_stella_zgrid real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: tmp_sfincs, tmp_stella_zgrid, tmp_stella real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: dh_stella_zgrid real, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: h_stella, dh_stella ! zed coordinate in stella is zeta when simulating stellarators (using vmec) ! and theta otherwise. this leads to some complications, treated below allocate (zed_stella(nz2pi)) allocate (alpha_like_stella(nalpha, nz2pi)) allocate (alpha_sort_map(nalpha, nz2pi)) ! obtain theta and zeta grids used in stella, and assign them ! to the zed and alpha-like coordinates. ! for stellarator, zed=zeta and alpha_like=theta. ! for tokamak, zed=theta and alpha_like = zeta. call get_stella_theta_zeta_grids(alpha_like_stella, zed_stella) ! do iz = 1, nz2pi ! do ialpha = 1, size(alpha_like_stella,1) ! write (*,*) 'unsorted_alpha_like_stella', alpha_like_stella(ialpha,iz) ! end do ! write (*,*) ! end do ! rearrange alpha_like_stella to be in ascending order and store map ! so that sorting can be undone later do iz = 1, nz2pi call sort_array_ascending(alpha_like_stella(:, iz), alpha_sort_map(:, iz)) end do ! do iz = 1, nz2pi ! do ialpha = 1, size(alpha_like_stella,1) ! write (*,*) 'sorted_alpha_like_stella', alpha_like_stella(ialpha,iz) ! end do ! write (*,*) ! end do ! obtain the number of alpha-like and zed grid points to use in sfincs theta-zeta grid ! also obtain the number of field periods per 2*pi segment in zed call get_sfincs_theta_zeta_grid_sizes(nalpha_sfincs, nzed_sfincs, nfp) ! obtain the alpha-like and zed coordinate grids ! note that additional points are added at periodic points ! that are not sampled in sfincs allocate (zed_sfincs(nzed_sfincs)) allocate (alpha_like_sfincs(nalpha_sfincs)) call get_sfincs_theta_zeta_grids(alpha_like_sfincs, zed_sfincs) allocate (phi_sfincs(nalpha_sfincs, nzed_sfincs)) call get_sfincs_field_theta_zeta(Phi1Hat, phi_sfincs) ! this is the number of field periods included in stella ! simulation domain nfp_stella = int((zed_stella(nz2pi) * nfp - 100.*epsilon(0.)) / (2.*pi)) + 1 ! obtain the number of zed grid points in each field period within the zed domain allocate (nzed_per_field_period(nfp_stella)) call get_nzed_per_field_period(zed_stella, nfp, nzed_per_field_period) ! obtain the zed grid within each field period allocate (zed_stella_by_field_period(maxval(nzed_per_field_period), nfp_stella)) call sort_zed_by_field_period(zed_stella, nzed_per_field_period, nfp, zed_stella_by_field_period) ! interpolate phi from sfincs zed grid to stella zed grid allocate (phi_stella_zgrid(nalpha_sfincs, nz2pi)) call get_field_on_stella_zed_grid(phi_sfincs, nfp_stella, nfp, nzed_per_field_period, & nalpha_sfincs, zed_sfincs, zed_stella_by_field_period, phi_stella_zgrid) allocate (phi_stella(nalpha, nz2pi)) ! interpolate onto stella (sorted) alpha grid call get_field_stella(phi_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, alpha_like_stella, phi_stella) ! need to remap from ascending (sorted) alpha grid to original ordering do iz = 1, nz2pi call unsort_array_ascending(phi_stella(:, iz), alpha_sort_map(:, iz)) end do call get_field_on_extended_zed(phi_stella, phi_neoclassical) if (present(dphineo_dalpha)) then allocate (dphi_dalpha_stella_zgrid(nalpha_sfincs, nz2pi)) call get_dfield_dalpha(phi_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, dphi_dalpha_stella_zgrid) call get_field_stella(dphi_dalpha_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, alpha_like_stella, phi_stella) do iz = 1, nz2pi call unsort_array_ascending(phi_stella(:, iz), alpha_sort_map(:, iz)) end do call get_field_on_extended_zed(phi_stella, dphineo_dalpha) deallocate (dphi_dalpha_stella_zgrid) end if deallocate (phi_stella, phi_stella_zgrid, phi_sfincs) allocate (tmp_sfincs(nalpha_sfincs, nzed_sfincs)) allocate (tmp_stella_zgrid(nalpha_sfincs, nz2pi)) allocate (tmp_stella(nalpha, nz2pi)) allocate (h_stella(nalpha, nz2pi, size(h_sfincs, 4), size(h_sfincs, 5))) if (present(dfneo_dalpha)) then allocate (dh_stella_zgrid(nalpha_sfincs, nz2pi)) allocate (dh_stella(nalpha, nz2pi, size(h_sfincs, 4), size(h_sfincs, 5))) end if do is = 1, nspec do i = 1, size(h_sfincs, 5) do j = 1, size(h_sfincs, 4) ! re-order theta and zeta indices for sfincs h to ensure alpha-like coordinate ! appears before zed coordinate call get_sfincs_field_theta_zeta(h_sfincs(is, :, :, j, i), tmp_sfincs) ! interpolate onto stella zed grid call get_field_on_stella_zed_grid(tmp_sfincs, nfp_stella, nfp, nzed_per_field_period, & nalpha_sfincs, zed_sfincs, zed_stella_by_field_period, tmp_stella_zgrid) ! interpolate onto (sorted) stella alpha-like coordinate call get_field_stella(tmp_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, alpha_like_stella, tmp_stella) do iz = 1, nz2pi call unsort_array_ascending(tmp_stella(:, iz), alpha_sort_map(:, iz)) end do ! use periodicity to copy onto extended zed grid if nperiod > 1 call get_field_on_extended_zed(tmp_stella, h_stella(:, :, j, i)) if (present(dfneo_dalpha)) then call get_dfield_dalpha(tmp_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, dh_stella_zgrid) call get_field_stella(dh_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, & alpha_like_stella, tmp_stella) do iz = 1, nz2pi call unsort_array_ascending(tmp_stella(:, iz), alpha_sort_map(:, iz)) end do call get_field_on_extended_zed(tmp_stella, dh_stella(:, :, j, i)) end if end do end do do ialpha = 1, nalpha do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid call sfincs_vspace_to_stella_vspace(ialpha, iz, is, h_stella(ialpha, iz + nzgrid + 1, :, :), & phi_neoclassical(ialpha, iz), f_neoclassical(ialpha, iz, :, :, is)) if (present(dfneo_dalpha)) & call sfincs_vspace_to_stella_vspace(ialpha, iz, is, & dh_stella(ialpha, iz + nzgrid + 1, :, :), dphineo_dalpha(ialpha, iz), & dfneo_dalpha(ialpha, iz, :, :, is)) end do end do end do deallocate (tmp_sfincs, tmp_stella_zgrid, tmp_stella) deallocate (zed_stella, alpha_like_stella) deallocate (alpha_sort_map) deallocate (zed_sfincs, alpha_like_sfincs) deallocate (nzed_per_field_period, zed_stella_by_field_period) deallocate (h_stella) if (present(dfneo_dalpha)) deallocate (dh_stella, dh_stella_zgrid) end subroutine get_sfincs_output subroutine get_stella_theta_zeta_grids(alpha_like_stella, zed_stella) use constants, only: pi use zgrid, only: nz2pi, zed use geometry, only: dzetadz use geometry, only: alpha use parameters_kxky_grids, only: nalpha use globalVariables, only: iota implicit none real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: alpha_like_stella real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: zed_stella integer :: nzpi nzpi = nz2pi / 2 ! convert from scaled zed grid on [-pi,pi] ! to un-scaled grid with lower bound of zero ! note that dzetadz=1 unless geometryScheme=5 (VMEC) ! for geometryScheme=5, this will get extended zeta domain ! with lower bound of 0 zed_stella = (zed(-nzpi:nzpi) + pi) / dzetadz ! if geometryScheme is 5, then using vmec geo ! and thus zed in stella is scaled zeta ! otherwise zed in stella is theta if (geometryScheme == 5) then ! alpha_like coordinate is theta = alpha + iota*zeta alpha_like_stella = spread(alpha, 2, nz2pi) + spread(iota * zed_stella, 1, nalpha) else ! alpha_like coordinate is zeta = (theta-alpha)/iota alpha_like_stella = (spread(zed_stella, 1, nalpha) - spread(alpha, 2, nz2pi)) / iota end if ! restrict alpha to [0,2*pi] alpha_like_stella = modulo(alpha_like_stella, 2.*pi) end subroutine get_stella_theta_zeta_grids subroutine get_nzed_per_field_period(zed_stella, nfp, nzed_per_field_period) use constants, only: pi use zgrid, only: nz2pi implicit none real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zed_stella integer, intent(in) :: nfp integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: nzed_per_field_period integer :: ifp, iz nzed_per_field_period = 0 ifp = 1; iz = 1 do while (iz <= nz2pi) if (zed_stella(iz) <= ifp * 2.*pi / nfp) then nzed_per_field_period(ifp) = nzed_per_field_period(ifp) + 1 iz = iz + 1 else ifp = ifp + 1 end if end do end subroutine get_nzed_per_field_period subroutine sort_zed_by_field_period(zed_ext, nzed_per_fp, nfp, zed_by_fp) use constants, only: pi implicit none real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zed_ext integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: nzed_per_fp integer, intent(in) :: nfp real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: zed_by_fp integer :: ifp, llim, ulim ulim = 0 do ifp = 1, size(zed_by_fp, 2) llim = ulim + 1 ulim = llim + nzed_per_fp(ifp) - 1 zed_by_fp(:nzed_per_fp(ifp), ifp) = modulo(zed_ext(llim:ulim) - 100.*epsilon(0.), 2.*pi / nfp) end do ! avoid special case of setting zed = 0 to zed=2*pi/nfp zed_by_fp(1, 1) = 0.0 end subroutine sort_zed_by_field_period subroutine get_sfincs_theta_zeta_grid_sizes(nalpha_sfincs, nzed_sfincs, nfp) use constants, only: pi use export_f, only: export_f_zeta implicit none integer, intent(out) :: nalpha_sfincs, nzed_sfincs, nfp ! if geometryScheme is 5, then using vmec geo ! and thus zed in stella is scaled zeta ! otherwise zed in stella is theta if (geometryScheme == 5) then ! note that zeta grid in sfincs only covers one field period of the stellarator ! get the number of field periods from the sfincs zeta grid nfp = nint(2.*pi / (export_f_zeta(nzeta) + export_f_zeta(2))) ! zed coordinate is zeta nzed_sfincs = nzeta + 1 ! alpha_like coordinate is theta = alpha + iota*zeta nalpha_sfincs = ntheta + 1 else nfp = 1 ! zed coordinate is theta nzed_sfincs = ntheta + 1 ! alpha_like coordinate is zeta = (theta-alpha)*q nalpha_sfincs = nzeta end if end subroutine get_sfincs_theta_zeta_grid_sizes subroutine get_sfincs_theta_zeta_grids(alpha_like_sfincs, zed_sfincs) use export_f, only: export_f_theta, export_f_zeta implicit none real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: zed_sfincs, alpha_like_sfincs if (geometryScheme == 5) then ! zed is zeta. it goes from 0 to 2*pi/nfp - dzeta in sfincs, ! where nfp is the number of field periods zed_sfincs(:nzeta) = export_f_zeta(:nzeta) ! add in point at 2*pi/nfp using periodicity zed_sfincs(nzeta + 1) = zed_sfincs(nzeta) + zed_sfincs(2) ! alpha-like coordinate is theta. it goes from 0 to 2*pi-dtheta in sfincs alpha_like_sfincs(:ntheta) = export_f_theta(:ntheta) ! add in point at 2*pi using periodicity alpha_like_sfincs(ntheta + 1) = export_f_theta(ntheta) + export_f_theta(2) else ! zed is theta. it goes from 0 to 2*pi-dtheta in sfincs zed_sfincs(:ntheta) = export_f_theta(:ntheta) ! add in point at 2*pi using periodicity zed_sfincs(ntheta + 1) = export_f_theta(ntheta) + export_f_theta(2) ! alpha-like coordinate is zeta. there should only be 1 zeta for tokamak calculation alpha_like_sfincs(:nzeta) = export_f_zeta(:nzeta) end if end subroutine get_sfincs_theta_zeta_grids subroutine get_sfincs_field_theta_zeta(field_in, field_out) implicit none real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: field_in real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: field_out integer :: itheta, izeta ! want phi from sfincs such that alpha-like coordinate ! appears in first index and zed coordinate in second index if (geometryScheme == 5) then ! get phi on sfincs (theta,zeta) grid field_out(:ntheta, :nzeta) = field_in ! use periodicity in theta to add point at theta=2*pi field_out(ntheta + 1, :nzeta) = field_out(1, :nzeta) ! use periodicity in zeta to add point at zeta = 2*pi/nfp field_out(:, nzeta + 1) = field_out(:, 1) else ! get phi on sfincs (zeta,theta) grid do izeta = 1, nzeta do itheta = 1, ntheta field_out(izeta, itheta) = field_in(itheta, izeta) end do end do ! use periodicity in theta to add point at 2*pi field_out(:, ntheta + 1) = field_out(:, 1) end if end subroutine get_sfincs_field_theta_zeta subroutine get_field_on_stella_zed_grid(field_sfincs, nfp_stella, nfp, nzed_per_field_period, & nalpha_sfincs, zed_sfincs, zed_stella_by_field_period, field_stella_zgrid) use constants, only: pi use splines, only: linear_interp_periodic implicit none real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: field_sfincs integer, intent(in) :: nfp_stella, nfp, nalpha_sfincs integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: nzed_per_field_period real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zed_sfincs real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: zed_stella_by_field_period real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: field_stella_zgrid integer :: ialpha, ifp integer :: llim, ulim do ialpha = 1, nalpha_sfincs ulim = 0 do ifp = 1, nfp_stella llim = ulim + 1 ulim = llim + nzed_per_field_period(ifp) - 1 call linear_interp_periodic(zed_sfincs, field_sfincs(ialpha, :), & zed_stella_by_field_period(:nzed_per_field_period(ifp), ifp), & field_stella_zgrid(ialpha, llim:ulim), 2.*pi / nfp) end do end do end subroutine get_field_on_stella_zed_grid subroutine get_field_stella(field_stella_zgrid, alpha_like_sfincs, alpha_like_stella, field_stella) use splines, only: linear_interp_periodic use zgrid, only: nz2pi implicit none real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: field_stella_zgrid real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: alpha_like_sfincs real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: alpha_like_stella real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: field_stella integer :: iz do iz = 1, nz2pi call linear_interp_periodic(alpha_like_sfincs, field_stella_zgrid(:, iz), & alpha_like_stella(:, iz), field_stella(:, iz)) end do end subroutine get_field_stella subroutine get_field_on_extended_zed(field_stella, field_neoclassical) use zgrid, only: nzgrid, nz2pi, nperiod use parameters_kxky_grids, only: nalpha implicit none real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: field_stella real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(out) :: field_neoclassical integer :: ialpha integer :: iz_low, iz_up integer :: ip ! need to account for cases with nperiod > 1 do ialpha = 1, nalpha iz_low = -nzgrid iz_up = -nzgrid + nz2pi - 1 field_neoclassical(ialpha, iz_low:iz_up) = field_stella(ialpha, :) ! if nperiod > 1 need to make copies of ! neoclassical potential for other 2pi segments if (nperiod > 1) then do ip = 2, 2 * nperiod - 1 iz_low = iz_up + 1 iz_up = iz_low + nz2pi - 2 field_neoclassical(ialpha, iz_low:iz_up) = field_stella(ialpha, 2:) end do end if end do end subroutine get_field_on_extended_zed subroutine sfincs_vspace_to_stella_vspace(ialpha, iz, is, h_stella, phi_neoclassical, f_neoclassical) use constants, only: pi use species, only: spec use vpamu_grids, only: nvpa, nvgrid, nmu use vpamu_grids, only: vpa, vperp2 use vpamu_grids, only: maxwell_mu, maxwell_vpa use globalVariables, only: nxi_sfincs => nxi use globalVariables, only: nx_sfincs => nx use globalVariables, only: x_sfincs => x use xGrid, only: xGrid_k implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ialpha, iz, is real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: h_stella real, intent(in) :: phi_neoclassical real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: f_neoclassical integer :: iv, imu, ixi real, dimension(1) :: x_stella integer, dimension(2) :: sgnvpa integer :: nxi_stella real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xi_stella, hstella real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: xsfincs_to_xstella, legpoly real, dimension(:), allocatable :: htmp ! each (vpa,mu) pair in stella specifies a speed ! on each speed arc, there are two (vpa,mu) pairs: ! one each corresponding to a given +/- vpa nxi_stella = 2 allocate (xi_stella(nxi_stella)) allocate (hstella(nxi_stella)) allocate (legpoly(nxi_stella, 0:nxi_sfincs - 1)) allocate (htmp(nxi_sfincs)) allocate (xsfincs_to_xstella(1, nx_sfincs)) sgnvpa(1) = 1; sgnvpa(2) = -1 ! h_stella is on the sfincs energy grid ! but is spectral in pitch-angle do imu = 1, nmu ! loop over positive vpa values ! negative vpa values will be treated inside loop using symmetry do iv = nvgrid + 1, nvpa ! x_stella is the speed ! corresponding to this (vpa,mu) grid point x_stella = sqrt(vpa(iv)**2 + vperp2(ialpha, iz, imu)) ! xi_stella contains the two pitch angles (+/-)vpa/v ! corresponding to this (vpa,mu) grid point xi_stella = sgnvpa * vpa(iv) / x_stella(1) ! set up matrix that interpolates from sfincs speed grid ! to the speed corresponding to this (vpa,mu) grid point call polynomialInterpolationMatrix(nx_sfincs, 1, & x_sfincs, x_stella, exp(-x_sfincs * x_sfincs) * (x_sfincs**xGrid_k), & exp(-x_stella * x_stella) * (x_stella**xGrid_k), xsfincs_to_xstella) ! do the interpolation do ixi = 1, nxi_sfincs htmp(ixi) = sum(h_stella(ixi, :) * xsfincs_to_xstella(1, :)) end do ! next need to Legendre transform in pitch-angle ! first evaluate Legendre polynomials at requested pitch angles call legendre(xi_stella, legpoly) ! then do the transforms call legendre_transform(legpoly, htmp, hstella) f_neoclassical(nvpa - iv + 1, imu) = hstella(2) f_neoclassical(iv, imu) = hstella(1) end do ! h_sfincs is H_nc / (nref/vt_ref^3), with H_nc the non-Boltzmann part of F_nc ! NB: n_ref, etc. is fixed in stella to be the reference density ! at the central sfincs simulation; i.e., it does not vary with radius ! to be consistent with stella distribution functions, ! want H_nc / (n_s / vt_s^3 * pi^(3/2)) / exp(-v^2/vts^2) f_neoclassical(:, imu) = f_neoclassical(:, imu) & * pi**1.5 * spec(is)%stm**3 / spec(is)%dens ! phi_sfincs is e phi / Tref as long as alpha=1 (default) ! need to multiply by Z_s * Tref/T_s f_neoclassical(:, imu) = f_neoclassical(:, imu) & - phi_neoclassical * spec(is)%zt * maxwell_vpa * maxwell_mu(ialpha, iz, imu) end do deallocate (xi_stella, hstella, legpoly) deallocate (xsfincs_to_xstella) deallocate (htmp) end subroutine sfincs_vspace_to_stella_vspace subroutine get_dfield_dalpha(field, alpha_like_sfincs, dfield_dalpha) use zgrid, only: nz2pi implicit none real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: field real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: alpha_like_sfincs real, dimension(:, :), intent(out) :: dfield_dalpha integer :: iz do iz = 1, nz2pi call get_periodic_derivative(field(:, iz), alpha_like_sfincs, dfield_dalpha(:, iz)) end do end subroutine get_dfield_dalpha ! 4th order accurate, centered differences, assumes ! first and last elements of f are equal (periodic) subroutine get_periodic_derivative(f, x, dfdx) implicit none real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: f, x real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: dfdx integer :: i, n real, dimension(:), allocatable :: fp n = size(x) allocate (fp(-1:n + 2)) ! extend f using periodicity, as these additional points ! required near boundaries for finite differences fp(1:n) = f fp(-1:0) = f(n - 1:n) fp(n + 1:n + 2) = f(1:2) do i = 1, n dfdx(i) = (0.25 * (fp(i - 2) - fp(i + 2)) + 2.0 * (fp(i + 1) - fp(i - 1))) / 3.0 end do deallocate (fp) end subroutine get_periodic_derivative ! subroutine bilinear_interpolation (alpha_in, zed_in, phi_in, alpha_out, zed_out, phi_out) ! use zgrid, only: nz2pi ! implicit none ! real, dimension (:,:), intent (in) :: alpha_sfincs, phi_sfincs ! real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: zed_sfincs ! real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: alpha_stella, zed_stella ! real, dimension (:,:), intent (out) :: phi_stella ! integer :: ialpha, iz ! do ialpha = 1, nalpha ! do iz = 1, nz2pi ! call find_sfincs_cell (alpha_stella(ialpha), zed_stella(iz), alpha_sfincs, zed_sfincs, & ! alpha_grids, zed_grids) ! end do ! end do ! contains ! subroutine find_sfincs_cell (alpha_target, zed_target, alpha, zed, ialpha_out, ized_out) ! use zgrid, only: nz2pi ! implicit none ! real, intent (in) :: alpha_target, zed_target ! real, dimension (:,:), intent (in) :: alpha ! real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: zed ! integer, dimension (2), intent (out) :: ialpha_out, ized_out ! integer :: iz, ia ! do iz = 1, nz2pi ! do ia = 1, size(alpha,1) ! if ( ! end do ! end do ! end subroutine find_sfincs_cell ! end subroutine bilinear_interpolation ! returns the Legendre polynomials (legp) ! on requested grid (x) subroutine legendre(x, legp) implicit none real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x real, dimension(:, 0:), intent(out) :: legp integer :: n, idx n = size(legp, 2) - 1 legp(:, 0) = 1.0 legp(:, 1) = x do idx = 2, n legp(:, idx) = ((2.*idx - 1.) * x * legp(:, idx - 1) + (1.-idx) * legp(:, idx - 2)) / idx end do end subroutine legendre subroutine legendre_transform(legp, coefs, func) implicit none real, dimension(:, 0:), intent(in) :: legp real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: coefs real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: func integer :: i func = 0. do i = 1, size(coefs) func = func + legp(:, i - 1) * coefs(i) end do end subroutine legendre_transform subroutine broadcast_sfincs_output(fneo, phineo) use mp, only: broadcast use zgrid, only: nzgrid implicit none real, dimension(-nzgrid:, :, :, :, :), intent(in out) :: fneo real, dimension(-nzgrid:, :), intent(in out) :: phineo call broadcast(fneo) call broadcast(phineo) end subroutine broadcast_sfincs_output subroutine write_sfincs(irad, nrad_max) use species, only: nspec use globalVariables, only: Phi1Hat use export_f, only: export_f_zeta, export_f_theta use export_f, only: delta_f implicit none integer, intent(in) :: irad, nrad_max integer :: unit = 999 integer :: izeta, itheta, is, i, j character(1) :: irad_str write (irad_str, '(i0)') irad + min(nrad_max, 1) open (unit=unit, file='sfincs.output.rad'//irad_str, status='replace', action='write') do izeta = 1, nzeta do itheta = 1, ntheta write (unit, '(a8,3e13.5,i3)') 'Phi1Hat', export_f_theta(itheta), export_f_zeta(izeta), Phi1Hat(itheta, izeta), irad end do write (unit, *) end do write (unit, *) do is = 1, nspec do i = 1, size(delta_f, 5) do j = 1, size(delta_f, 4) do izeta = 1, nzeta do itheta = 1, ntheta write (unit, '(a8,3e13.5,4i5)') 'delta_f', export_f_theta(itheta), export_f_zeta(izeta), & delta_f(is, itheta, izeta, j, i), i, j, is, irad end do write (unit, *) end do end do end do end do write (unit, *) close (unit) end subroutine write_sfincs subroutine read_sfincs_output(irad, nrad_max) use species, only: nspec use globalVariables, only: Phi1Hat use export_f, only: export_f_zeta, export_f_theta use export_f, only: delta_f implicit none integer, intent(in) :: irad, nrad_max integer :: unit = 999 integer :: izeta, itheta, is, i, j character(8) :: dum character(1) :: irad_str write (irad_str, '(i0)') irad + nrad_max open (unit=unit, file='sfincs.output.rad'//irad_str, status='old', action='read') do izeta = 1, nzeta do itheta = 1, ntheta read (unit, *) dum, export_f_theta(itheta), export_f_zeta(izeta), Phi1Hat(itheta, izeta), dum end do read (unit, *) end do read (unit, *) do is = 1, nspec do i = 1, size(delta_f, 5) do j = 1, size(delta_f, 4) do izeta = 1, nzeta do itheta = 1, ntheta read (unit, *) dum, export_f_theta(itheta), export_f_zeta(izeta), & delta_f(is, itheta, izeta, j, i), dum, dum, dum, dum end do read (unit, *) end do end do end do end do read (unit, *) close (unit) end subroutine read_sfincs_output # endif end module sfincs_interface