MODULE read_wout_mod ! ! USE READ_WOUT_MOD to include variables dynamically allocated ! in this module ! Call DEALLOCATE_READ_WOUT to free this memory when it is no longer needed ! ! Reads in output from VMEC equilibrium code(s), contained in wout file ! ! Contained subroutines: ! ! read_wout_file wrapper alias called to read/open wout file ! read_wout_text called by read_wout_file to read text file wout ! read_wout_nc called by read_wout_file to read netcdf file wout ! ! Post-processing routines ! ! mse_pitch user-callable function to compute mse pitch angle ! for the computed equilibrium ! USE stel_kinds USE vsvd0, ONLY: nigroup, nparts, npfcoil, nbcoilsp, nfloops, 1 nbctotp, nbsetsp USE ezcdf_inqvar USE ezcdf_GenGet IMPLICIT NONE #if defined(NETCDF) C----------------------------------------------- C L O C A L P A R A M E T E R S C----------------------------------------------- ! Variables naturally occuring here CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: 1 vn_version = 'version_', 2 vn_extension = 'input_extension', vn_mgrid = 'mgrid_file', 3 vn_magen = 'wb', vn_therm = 'wp', vn_gam = 'gamma', 4 vn_maxr = 'rmax_surf', vn_minr = 'rmin_surf', 5 vn_maxz = 'zmax_surf', vn_fp = 'nfp', 6 vn_radnod = 'ns', vn_polmod = 'mpol', vn_tormod = 'ntor', 7 vn_maxmod = 'mnmax', vn_maxit = 'niter', vn_actit = 'itfsq', 8 vn_asym = 'lasym', vn_recon = 'lrecon', vn_free = 'lfreeb', 9 vn_error = 'ier_flag', vn_aspect = 'aspect', vn_rfp = 'lrfp', A vn_maxmod_nyq = 'mnmax_nyq', B vn_beta = 'betatotal', vn_pbeta = 'betapol', C vn_tbeta = 'betator', vn_abeta = 'betaxis', D vn_b0 = 'b0', vn_rbt0 = 'rbtor0', vn_rbt1 = 'rbtor', E vn_sgs = 'signgs', vn_lar = 'IonLarmor', vn_modB = 'volavgB', F vn_ctor = 'ctor', vn_amin = 'Aminor_p', vn_Rmaj = 'Rmajor_p', G vn_vol = 'volume_p', vn_am = 'am', vn_ai = 'ai', vn_ac = 'ac', G vn_ah = 'hot particle fraction', vn_atuname = 'T-perp/T-par', H vn_pmass_type = 'pmass_type', vn_piota_type = 'piota_type', I vn_pcurr_type = 'pcurr_type', J vn_am_aux_s = 'am_aux_s', vn_am_aux_f = 'am_aux_f', K vn_ai_aux_s = 'ai_aux_s', vn_ai_aux_f = 'ai_aux_f', L vn_ac_aux_s = 'ac_aux_s', vn_ac_aux_f = 'ac_aux_f', M vn_mse = 'imse', vn_thom = 'itse', N vn_pmod = 'xm', vn_tmod = 'xn', vn_pmod_nyq = 'xm_nyq', O vn_tmod_nyq = 'xn_nyq', P vn_racc = 'raxis_cc', vn_zacs = 'zaxis_cs', Q vn_racs = 'raxis_cs', vn_zacc = 'zaxis_cc', vn_iotaf = 'iotaf', Q vn_qfact='q-factor', vn_chi='chi', vn_chipf='chipf', R vn_presf = 'presf', vn_phi = 'phi', vn_phipf = 'phipf', S vn_jcuru = 'jcuru', vn_jcurv = 'jcurv', vn_iotah = 'iotas', T vn_mass = 'mass', vn_presh = 'pres', vn_betah = 'beta_vol', U vn_buco = 'buco', vn_bvco = 'bvco', vn_vp = 'vp', V vn_specw = 'specw', vn_phip = 'phips', vn_jdotb = 'jdotb', W vn_overr = 'over_r', X vn_bgrv = 'bdotgradv', vn_merc = 'DMerc', vn_mshear = 'DShear', Y vn_mwell = 'DWell', vn_mcurr = 'DCurr', vn_mgeo = 'DGeod', Z vn_equif = 'equif', vn_fsq = 'fsqt', vn_wdot = 'wdot', 1 vn_ftolv = 'ftolv', vn_fsql= 'fsql', vn_fsqr = 'fsqr', 2 vn_fsqz = 'fsqz', 3 vn_extcur = 'extcur', vn_curlab = 'curlabel', vn_rmnc = 'rmnc', 4 vn_zmns = 'zmns', vn_lmns = 'lmns', vn_gmnc = 'gmnc', 5 vn_bmnc = 'bmnc', vn_bsubumnc = 'bsubumnc', 6 vn_bsubvmnc = 'bsubvmnc', vn_bsubsmns = 'bsubsmns', 7 vn_bsupumnc = 'bsupumnc', vn_bsupvmnc = 'bsupvmnc', 8 vn_rmns = 'rmns', vn_zmnc = 'zmnc', 9 vn_lmnc = 'lmnc', vn_gmns = 'gmns', vn_bmns = 'bmns', A vn_bsubumns = 'bsubumns', vn_bsubvmns = 'bsubvmns', B vn_bsubsmnc = 'bsubsmnc', vn_bsupumns = 'bsupumns', C vn_bsupvmns = 'bsupvmns', D vn_rbc = 'rbc', vn_zbs = 'zbs', vn_rbs = 'rbs', vn_zbc = 'zbc', E vn_potvac = 'potvac', ! FOR ANIMEC F vn_wpar = 'wpar', vn_pparmnc = 'pparmnc', vn_ppermnc ='ppermnc', G vn_hotdmnc = 'hotdmnc', vn_pbprmnc = 'pbprmnc', H vn_ppprmnc = 'ppprmnc', vn_sigmnc = 'sigmnc', I vn_taumnc = 'taumnc', J vn_pparmns = 'pparmns', vn_ppermns = 'ppermns', K vn_hotdmns = 'hotdmns', vn_pbprmns = 'pbprmns', L vn_ppprmns = 'ppprmns', vn_sigmns = 'sigmns', M vn_taumns = 'taumns', ! FOR FLOW N vn_machsq = 'machsq', O vn_protmnc = 'protmnc', vn_protrsqmnc = 'protrsqmnc', P vn_prprmnc = 'prprmnc', Q vn_protmns = 'protmns', vn_protrsqmns = 'protrsqmns', R vn_prprmns = 'prprmns', S vn_pmap = 'pmap', vn_omega = 'omega', vn_tpotb = 'tpotb' ! Long names (ln_...) CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: 1 ln_version = 'VMEC Version', 2 ln_extension = 'Input file extension', 3 ln_mgrid = 'MGRID file', 4 ln_magen = 'Magnetic Energy', ln_therm = 'Thermal Energy', 5 ln_gam = 'Gamma', ln_maxr = 'Maximum R', ln_minr = 'Minimum R', 6 ln_maxz = 'Maximum Z', ln_fp = 'Field Periods', 7 ln_radnod = 'Radial nodes', ln_polmod = 'Poloidal modes', 8 ln_tormod = 'Toroidal modes', ln_maxmod = 'Fourier modes', 8 ln_maxmod_nyq = 'Fourier modes (Nyquist)', 9 ln_maxit = 'Max iterations', ln_actit = 'Actual iterations', 1 ln_asym = 'Asymmetry', ln_recon = 'Reconstruction', 1 ln_free = 'Free boundary', 2 ln_error = 'Error flag', ln_aspect = 'Aspect ratio', 3 ln_beta = 'Total beta', ln_pbeta = 'Poloidal beta', 4 ln_tbeta = 'Toroidal beta', ln_abeta = 'Beta axis', 5 ln_b0 = 'RB-t over R axis', ln_rbt0 = 'RB-t axis', 6 ln_rbt1 = 'RB-t edge', ln_sgs = 'Sign jacobian', 7 ln_lar = 'Ion Larmor radius', ln_modB = 'avg mod B', 8 ln_ctor = 'Toroidal current', ln_amin = 'minor radius', 9 ln_Rmaj = 'major radius', ln_vol = 'Plasma volume', 1 ln_mse = 'Number of MSE points', 1 ln_thom = 'Number of Thompson scattering points', 1 ln_am = 'Specification parameters for mass(s)', 1 ln_ac = 'Specification parameters for <J>(s)', 1 ln_ai = 'Specification parameters for iota(s)', 1 ln_pmass_type = 'Profile type specifier for mass(s)', 1 ln_pcurr_type = 'Profile type specifier for <J>(s)', 1 ln_piota_type = 'Profile type specifier for iota(s)', 1 ln_am_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for mass(s)', 1 ln_am_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for mass(s)', 1 ln_ac_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for <J>(s)', 1 ln_ac_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for <J>(s)', 1 ln_ai_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for iota(s)', 1 ln_ai_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for iota(s)', 4 ln_pmod = 'Poloidal mode numbers', 5 ln_tmod = 'Toroidal mode numbers', 4 ln_pmod_nyq = 'Poloidal mode numbers (Nyquist)', 5 ln_tmod_nyq = 'Toroidal mode numbers (Nyquist)', 5 ln_racc = 'raxis (cosnv)', ln_racs = 'raxis (sinnv)', 6 ln_zacs = 'zaxis (sinnv)', ln_zacc = 'zaxis (cosnv)', 7 ln_iotaf = 'iota on full mesh', 7 ln_qfact = 'q-factor on full mesh', 8 ln_presf = 'pressure on full mesh', 8 ln_phi = 'Toroidal flux on full mesh', 9 ln_phipf = 'd(phi)/ds: Toroidal flux deriv on full mesh', 9 ln_chi = 'Poloidal flux on full mesh', 9 ln_chipf = 'd(chi)/ds: Poroidal flux deriv on full mesh', 9 ln_jcuru = 'j dot gradu full', 1 ln_jcurv = 'j dot gradv full', ln_iotah = 'iota half', 2 ln_mass = 'mass half', ln_presh = 'pressure half', 3 ln_betah = 'beta half', ln_buco = 'bsubu half', 4 ln_bvco = 'bsubv half', ln_vp = 'volume deriv half', 5 ln_specw = 'Spectral width half', 6 ln_phip = 'tor flux deriv over 2pi half', 7 ln_jdotb = 'J dot B', ln_bgrv = 'B dot grad v', 8 ln_merc = 'Mercier criterion', ln_mshear = 'Shear Mercier', 9 ln_mwell = 'Well Mercier', ln_mcurr = 'Current Mercier', 1 ln_mgeo = 'Geodesic Mercier', ln_equif='Average force balance', 1 ln_fsq = 'Residual decay', 2 ln_wdot = 'Wdot decay', ln_extcur = 'External coil currents', 2 ln_fsqr = 'Residual decay - radial', 2 ln_fsqz = 'Residual decay - vertical', 2 ln_fsql = 'Residual decay - hoop', 2 ln_ftolv = 'Residual decay - requested', 3 ln_curlab = 'External current names', 3 ln_rmnc = 'cosmn component of cylindrical R, full mesh', 4 ln_zmns = 'sinmn component of cylindrical Z, full mesh', 4 ln_lmns = 'sinmn component of lambda, half mesh', 5 ln_gmnc = 'cosmn component of jacobian, half mesh', 6 ln_bmnc = 'cosmn component of mod-B, half mesh', 6 ln_bsubumnc = 'cosmn covariant u-component of B, half mesh', 6 ln_bsubvmnc = 'cosmn covariant v-component of B, half mesh', 7 ln_bsubsmns = 'sinmn covariant s-component of B, full mesh', 7 ln_bsupumnc = 'BSUPUmnc half', 8 ln_bsupvmnc = 'BSUPVmnc half', 3 ln_rmns = 'sinmn component of cylindrical R, full mesh', 4 ln_zmnc = 'cosmn component of cylindrical Z, full mesh', 4 ln_lmnc = 'cosmn component of lambda, half mesh', 5 ln_gmns = 'sinmn component of jacobian, half mesh', 6 ln_bmns = 'sinmn component of mod-B, half mesh', 6 ln_bsubumns = 'sinmn covariant u-component of B, half mesh', 6 ln_bsubvmns = 'sinmn covariant v-component of B, half mesh', 7 ln_bsubsmnc = 'cosmn covariant s-component of B, full mesh', 4 ln_bsupumns = 'BSUPUmns half', ln_bsupvmns = 'BSUPVmns half', 6 ln_rbc = 'Initial boundary R cos(mu-nv) coefficients', 7 ln_zbs = 'Initial boundary Z sin(mu-nv) coefficients', 8 ln_rbs = 'Initial boundary R sin(mu-nv) coefficients', 9 ln_zbc = 'Initial boundary Z cos(mu-nv) coefficients', 1 ln_potvac = 'Vacuum Potential on Boundary', ! FOR ANIMEC F ln_wpar = 'Energy', G ln_pparmnc = 'cosmn compoents of hot part. para. pressure', H ln_ppermnc = 'cosmn compoents of hot part. perp. pressure', I ln_hotdmnc = 'cosmn compoents of hot part. density', J ln_pbprmnc = 'cosmn compoents of hot part. para. pres. grad.', K ln_ppprmnc = 'cosmn compoents of hot part. perp. pres. grad.', L ln_sigmnc = 'cosmn firehose stability variable', M ln_taumnc = 'cosmn mirror stability variable', N ln_pparmns = 'sinmn compoents of hot part. para. pressure', O ln_ppermns = 'sinmn compoents of hot part. perp. pressure', P ln_hotdmns = 'sinmn compoents of hot part. density', Q ln_pbprmns = 'sinmn compoents of hot part. para. pres. grad.', R ln_ppprmns = 'sinmn compoents of hot part. perp. pres. grad.', S ln_sigmns = 'sinmn firehose stability variable', T ln_taumns = 'sinmn mirror stability variable', ! FOR FLOW U ln_machsq = 'Mach # on axis (squared)', V ln_protmnc = 'cosmn components of pressure', W ln_protrsqmnc = 'cosmn component of rotational energy', X ln_prprmnc = 'cosmn components of radial pressure gradient', Y ln_protmns = 'sinmn components of pressure', Z ln_protrsqmns = 'sinmn component of rotational energy', 1 ln_prprmns = 'sinmn components of radial pressure gradient', 2 ln_pmap = '<p(s,R)>', ln_omega = 'Toroidal Angular Freq.', 3 ln_tpotb = 'T_perp/T_parallel or T(flow)' #endif !----------------------------------------------- ! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s !----------------------------------------------- ! Variable names (vn_...) : put eventually into library, used by read_wout too... INTEGER, PARAMETER :: fatal_error = 666 ! Variables with types previously defined in mgrid_mod LOGICAL :: lnverror=.true. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlimset = 2 !number of different limiters CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: 1 vn_br0 = 'br', vn_bp0 = 'bp', vn_bz0 = 'bz', 3 vn_ir = 'ir', vn_jz = 'jz', 4 vn_kp = 'kp', vn_nfp = 'nfp', 5 vn_rmin='rmin', vn_rmax='rmax', vn_zmin='zmin', 6 vn_zmax='zmax', vn_coilgrp='coil_group' CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: 1 vn_nextcur = 'nextcur', vn_mgmode='mgrid_mode', 2 vn_coilcur = 'raw_coil_cur', 3 vn_flp = 'nobser', vn_nobd = 'nobd', vn_nbset = 'nbsets', 4 vn_nbfld = 'nbfld', 2 ln_flp = 'flux loops', ln_nobd = 'Connected flux loops', 3 ln_nbset = 'B-coil loops', ln_next = 'External currents', 4 ln_nbfld = 'B-coil measurements' INTEGER :: nr0b, np0b, nfper0, nz0b INTEGER :: nobd, nobser, nextcur, nbfldn, nbsets, nbcoilsn INTEGER :: nbvac, nbcoil_max, nlim, nlim_max, nsets, 1 nrgrid, nzgrid INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: needflx, nbcoils INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: limitr, nsetsn INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: iconnect, needbfld REAL(rprec) :: rminb, zminb, rmaxb, zmaxb, delrb, delzb REAL(rprec) ::rx1, rx2, zy1, zy2, condif REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: bvac REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: brvac, bzvac, bpvac REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: unpsiext, 1 plbfld, rbcoil, zbcoil, abcoil, bcoil, rbcoilsqr REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: raw_coil_current REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: xobser, zobser, 1 xobsqr, dsiext, psiext, plflux, b_chi CHARACTER(LEN=300) :: mgrid_path CHARACTER(LEN=300) :: mgrid_path_old = " " CHARACTER(LEN=30), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: curlabel CHARACTER(LEN=15), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 dsilabel, bloopnames CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: tokid REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dbcoil, pfcspec REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 rlim, zlim, reslim, seplim CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: mgrid_mode ! Variables previously declared in vmec_input.f90 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbsetsp) :: nbfld LOGICAL :: lpofr, lmac, lfreeb, lrecon, loldout, ledge_dump, 1 lforbal, lmovie, lmove_axis, 2 lwouttxt, ldiagno, ! J.Geiger: for txt- and diagno-output 3 lmoreiter, ! J.Geiger: if force residuals are not fulfilled add more iterations. 4 lfull3d1out, ! J.Geiger: to force full 3D1-output 5 l_v3fit=.false., 6 lspectrum_dump, loptim !!Obsolete LOGICAL :: lgiveup ! inserted M.Drevlak REAL(rprec) :: fgiveup ! inserted M.Drevlak, giveup-factor for ftolv LOGICAL :: lbsubs ! J Hanson See jxbforce coding ! Variables that naturally occur here INTEGER :: nfp, ns, mpol, ntor, mnmax, mnmax_nyq, itfsq, niter, 1 iasym, ireconstruct, ierr_vmec, imse, itse, nstore_seq, 2 isnodes, ipnodes, imatch_phiedge, isigng, mnyq, nnyq, ntmax, 3 vmec_type REAL(rprec) :: wb, wp, gamma, pfac, rmax_surf, rmin_surf, 1 zmax_surf, aspect, betatot, betapol, betator, betaxis, b0, 2 tswgt, msewgt, flmwgt, bcwgt, phidiam, version_, 3 delphid, IonLarmor, VolAvgB, 3 fsql, fsqr, fsqz, ftolv, 4 Aminor, Rmajor, Volume, RBtor, RBtor0, Itor, 5 machsq !SAL REAL(rprec), ALLOCATABLE :: rzl_local(:,:,:,:) REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 rmnc, zmns, lmns, rmns, zmnc, lmnc, bmnc, gmnc, bsubumnc, 2 bsubvmnc, bsubsmns, bsupumnc, bsupvmnc, currvmnc, 3 currumnc, bbc, raxis, zaxis REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 bmns, gmns, bsubumns, bsubvmns, bsubsmnc, 2 bsupumns, bsupvmns, currumns, currvmns REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 pparmnc, ppermnc, hotdmnc, pbprmnc, ppprmnc, sigmnc, taumnc, ! SAL - ANIMEC 2 pparmns, ppermns, hotdmns, pbprmns, ppprmns, sigmns, taumns, ! SAL - ANIMEC 3 protmnc, protrsqmnc, prprmnc, ! SAL - FLOW 4 protmns, protrsqmns, prprmns ! SAL - FLOW REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 iotas, iotaf, presf, phipf, mass, pres, beta_vol, xm, xn, 1 qfact, chipf, phi, chi, 2 xm_nyq, xn_nyq, phip, buco, bvco, vp, overr, jcuru, jcurv, 3 specw, jdotb, bdotgradv, fsqt, wdot, am, ac, ai, 3 am_aux_s, am_aux_f, ac_aux_s, ac_aux_f, ai_aux_s, ai_aux_f, 3 Dmerc, Dshear, Dwell, Dcurr, Dgeod, equif, extcur, 4 sknots, ystark, y2stark, pknots, ythom, y2thom, 5 anglemse, rmid, qmid, shear, presmid, alfa, curmid, rstark, 6 qmeas, datastark, rthom, datathom, dsiobt, potvac REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: 1 pmap, omega, tpotb ! SAL -FLOW LOGICAL :: lasym, lthreed, lwout_opened=.false., lrfp = .false. CHARACTER :: mgrid_file*200, input_extension*100 CHARACTER :: pmass_type*20, pcurr_type*20, piota_type*20 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: norm_term_flag=0, 1 bad_jacobian_flag=1, more_iter_flag=2, jac75_flag=4 ! OVERLOAD SUBROUTINE READ_WOUT_FILE TO ACCEPT BOTH UNIT NO. (OPENED EXTERNALLY) ! OR FILENAME (HANDLE OPEN/CLOSE HERE) INTERFACE read_wout_file MODULE PROCEDURE readw_and_open, readw_only END INTERFACE #if defined(NETCDF) PRIVATE :: read_wout_text, read_wout_nc #else PRIVATE :: read_wout_text #endif PRIVATE :: norm_term_flag, bad_jacobian_flag, 1 more_iter_flag, jac75_flag CONTAINS SUBROUTINE readw_and_open(file_or_extension, ierr, iopen) USE safe_open_mod IMPLICIT NONE C----------------------------------------------- C D u m m y A r g u m e n t s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ierr INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: iopen CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: file_or_extension C----------------------------------------------- C L o c a l V a r i a b l e s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iunit_init = 10 INTEGER :: iunit LOGICAL :: isnc CHARACTER(len=LEN_TRIM(file_or_extension)+10) :: filename C----------------------------------------------- ! ! THIS SUBROUTINE READS THE WOUT FILE CREATED BY THE VMEC CODE ! AND STORES THE DATA IN THE READ_WOUT MODULE ! ! FIRST, CHECK IF THIS IS A FULLY-QUALIFIED PATH NAME ! MAKE SURE wout IS NOT EMBEDDED IN THE NAME (PERVERSE USER...) ! filename = 'wout' CALL parse_extension(filename, file_or_extension, isnc) CALL flush(6) !SPH IF (.not.isnc) STOP 'ISNC ERR IN READ_WOUT_MOD' IF (isnc) THEN #if defined(NETCDF) CALL read_wout_nc(filename, ierr) IF (ierr .eq. fatal_error) THEN RETURN END IF #else PRINT *, "NETCDF wout file can not be opened on this platform" ierr = -100 #endif ELSE iunit = iunit_init CALL safe_open (iunit, ierr, filename, 'old', 'formatted') IF (ierr .eq. 0) CALL read_wout_text(iunit, ierr) IF (ierr .eq. fatal_error) THEN RETURN END IF CLOSE(unit=iunit) END IF IF (PRESENT(iopen)) iopen = ierr lwout_opened = (ierr .eq. 0) ! WHEN READING A NETCDF FILE, A BAD RUN MAY PREVENT XN FROM BEING ! READ, SUBSEQUENTLY WE MUST CHECK TO SEE IF XN HAS BEEN ALLOCATED ! BEFORE DOING ANYTHING WITH IT OTHERWISE WE DEFAULT LTHREED TO ! FALSE. - SAL 09/07/11 IF (ALLOCATED(XN)) THEN lthreed = ANY(NINT(xn) .ne. 0) ELSE lthreed = .FALSE. END IF END SUBROUTINE readw_and_open SUBROUTINE readw_only(iunit, ierr, iopen) IMPLICIT NONE C----------------------------------------------- C D u m m y A r g u m e n t s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iunit INTEGER, INTENT(out):: ierr INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: iopen C----------------------------------------------- C L o c a l V a r i a b l e s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: istat CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: vmec_version LOGICAL :: exfile C----------------------------------------------- ! ! User opened the file externally and has a unit number, iunit ! ierr = 0 INQUIRE(unit=iunit, exist=exfile, name=vmec_version,iostat=istat) IF ( .or. .not.exfile) THEN PRINT *,' In READ_WOUT_FILE, Unit = ',iunit, 1 ' File = ',TRIM(vmec_version),' DOES NOT EXIST' IF (PRESENT(iopen)) iopen = -1 ierr = -1 RETURN ELSE IF (PRESENT(iopen)) iopen = 0 END IF CALL read_wout_text(iunit, ierr) IF (ierr .eq. fatal_error) THEN RETURN END IF lwout_opened = (ierr .eq. 0) lthreed = ANY(NINT(xn) .ne. 0) END SUBROUTINE readw_only SUBROUTINE read_wout_text(iunit, ierr) USE stel_constants, ONLY: mu0 IMPLICIT NONE C----------------------------------------------- C D u m m y A r g u m e n t s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: iunit, ierr C----------------------------------------------- C L o c a l P a r a m e t e r s C----------------------------------------------- REAL(rprec), PARAMETER :: eps_w = 1.e-4_dp C----------------------------------------------- C L o c a l V a r i a b l e s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: istat(15), i, j, k, js, m, n, n1, mn, nparts_in, 1 i_animec, i_flow CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: vmec_version LOGICAL :: lcurr C----------------------------------------------- ! ! THIS SUBROUTINE READS THE TEXT FILE WOUT CREATED BY THE VMEC CODE ! AND STORES THE INFORMATION IN THE read_WOUT MODULE ! ! CALL read_wout_file - GENERIC INTERFACE - CAN BE CALLED WITH EITHER UNIT NO. OR FILENAME ! ! RMNC, ZMNS: FULL-GRID ! LMNS : HALF-GRID ! istat = 0 ierr = 0 nextcur = 0 READ (iunit, '(a)', iostat=istat(2), err=1000) vmec_version i = INDEX(vmec_version,'=') !!!! ADDED BY SAL i_animec = INDEX(vmec_version,'_ANIMEC') i_flow = INDEX(vmec_version,'_FLOW') vmec_type = 0 IF (i_animec > 0) THEN vmec_type = 1 ! ANIMEC vmec_version = vmec_version(1:i_animec-1) END IF IF (i_flow > 0) THEN vmec_type = 2 ! FLOW vmec_version = vmec_version(1:i_flow-1) END IF !!!! END SAL Addition IF (i .ge. 0) THEN READ(vmec_version(i+1:len_trim(vmec_version)),*) version_ ELSE version_ = -1.0 END IF ierr_vmec = norm_term_flag IF (version_ .le. (5.10 + eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(2), err=1000) wb, wp, gamma, 1 pfac, nfp, ns, 1 mpol, ntor, mnmax, itfsq, niter, iasym, ireconstruct ELSE IF (version_ .lt. 6.54) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(2), err=1000) wb, wp, gamma, 1 pfac, rmax_surf, rmin_surf ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(2), err=1000) wb, wp, gamma, 1 pfac, rmax_surf, rmin_surf, zmax_surf END IF IF (vmec_type == 2) THEN !SAL READ(iunit, *,iostat=istat(2), err=1000) machsq END IF IF (version_ .le. (8.0+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(2), err=1000) nfp, ns, mpol, 1 ntor, mnmax, itfsq, niter, iasym, ireconstruct, ierr_vmec mnmax_nyq = mnmax ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(2), err=1000) nfp, ns, mpol, 1 ntor, mnmax, mnmax_nyq, itfsq, niter, iasym, ireconstruct, 2 ierr_vmec END IF END IF lasym = (iasym .gt. 0) IF (version_ .gt. (6.20+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(1), err=1000)imse, itse, nbsets, 1 nobd, nextcur, nstore_seq ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(1), err=1000)imse, itse, nbsets, 1 nobd, nextcur nstore_seq = 100 END IF IF ( .and. 1 GOTO 1000 IF (nextcur .gt. nigroup) istat(15) = -1 IF (ALLOCATED(xm)) CALL read_wout_deallocate(ierr) IF (ierr .ne. 0) THEN ierr = fatal_error RETURN END IF ALLOCATE (xm(mnmax), xn(mnmax), xm_nyq(mnmax_nyq), 1 xn_nyq(mnmax_nyq),rmnc(mnmax,ns), zmns(mnmax,ns), 2 lmns(mnmax,ns), bmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), gmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 3 bsubumnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), bsubvmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 4 bsubsmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), bsupumnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 5 bsupvmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), currvmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 5 iotas(ns), mass(ns), pres(ns), beta_vol(ns), phip(ns), 6 buco(ns), bvco(ns), phi(ns), iotaf(ns), presf(ns), phipf(ns), 5 vp(ns), overr(ns), jcuru(ns), jcurv(ns), specw(ns), Dmerc(ns), 6 Dshear(ns), Dwell(ns), Dcurr(ns), Dgeod(ns), equif(ns), 7 extcur(nextcur), curlabel(nextcur), raxis(0:ntor,2), 8 zaxis(0:ntor,2), jdotb(ns), bdotgradv(ns), 8 am(0:20), ac(0:20), ai(0:20), 9 fsqt(nstore_seq), wdot(nstore_seq), stat = istat(6)) IF (lasym) 1 ALLOCATE (rmns(mnmax,ns), zmnc(mnmax,ns), lmnc(mnmax,ns), 2 bmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), gmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 3 bsubumns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 3 bsubvmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), bsubsmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 4 bsupumns(mnmax_nyq,ns), bsupvmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 5 stat=istat(6)) IF (vmec_type == 1) THEN ! SAL ALLOCATE (pparmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns),ppermnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 1 hotdmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns),pbprmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 2 ppprmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns),sigmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 3 taumnc(mnmax_nyq,ns),stat=istat(6)) IF (lasym) 1 ALLOCATE (pparmns(mnmax_nyq,ns),ppermns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 2 hotdmns(mnmax_nyq,ns),pbprmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 3 ppprmns(mnmax_nyq,ns),sigmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 4 taumns(mnmax_nyq,ns),stat=istat(6)) ELSE IF (vmec_type == 2) THEN ALLOCATE (pmap(ns), omega(ns), tpotb(ns),stat=istat(6)) ALLOCATE (protmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns),protrsqmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), 1 prprmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns),stat=istat(6)) IF (lasym) 1 ALLOCATE (protmns(mnmax_nyq,ns),protrsqmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), 2 prprmns(mnmax_nyq,ns),stat=istat(6)) END IF fsqt = 0; wdot = 0; raxis = 0; zaxis = 0 IF (nbsets .gt. 0) READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(4), err=1000) 1 (nbfld(i),i=1,nbsets) READ (iunit, '(a)', iostat=istat(5), err=1000) mgrid_file DO js = 1, ns DO mn = 1, mnmax IF(js .eq. 1) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(7), err=1000) m, n xm(mn) = REAL(m,rprec) xn(mn) = REAL(n,rprec) END IF IF (version_ .le. (6.20+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 rmnc(mn,js), zmns(mn,js), lmns(mn,js), 2 bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), bsubumnc(mn,js), 3 bsubvmnc(mn,js), bsubsmns(mn,js), 4 bsupumnc(mn,js), bsupvmnc(mn,js), 5 currvmnc(mn,js) ELSE IF (version_ .le. (8.0+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 rmnc(mn,js), zmns(mn,js), lmns(mn,js), 2 bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), bsubumnc(mn,js), 3 bsubvmnc(mn,js), bsubsmns(mn,js), 4 bsupumnc(mn,js), bsupvmnc(mn,js), 5 currvmnc(mn,js) ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 rmnc(mn,js), zmns(mn,js), lmns(mn,js) END IF IF (lasym) THEN IF (version_ .le. (8.0+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 rmns(mn,js), zmnc(mn,js), lmnc(mn,js), 2 bmns(mn,js), gmns(mn,js), bsubumns(mn,js), 3 bsubvmns(mn,js), bsubsmnc(mn,js), 4 bsupumns(mn,js), bsupvmns(mn,js) ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 rmns(mn,js), zmnc(mn,js), lmnc(mn,js) END IF END IF IF (js.eq.1 .and. m.eq.0) THEN n1 = ABS(n/nfp) IF (n1 .le. ntor) THEN raxis(n1,1) = rmnc(mn,1) zaxis(n1,1) = zmns(mn,1) IF (lasym) THEN raxis(n1,2) = rmns(mn,1) zaxis(n1,2) = zmnc(mn,1) END IF END IF END IF END DO IF (version_ .le. (8.0+eps_w)) CYCLE DO mn = 1, mnmax_nyq IF(js .eq. 1) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(7), err=1000) m, n xm_nyq(mn) = REAL(m,rprec) xn_nyq(mn) = REAL(n,rprec) END IF IF (vmec_type == 1) THEN !SAL (ELSE statement below is orriginal) READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), bsubumnc(mn,js), 2 bsubvmnc(mn,js), bsubsmns(mn,js), 3 bsupumnc(mn,js), bsupvmnc(mn,js), 3 pparmnc (mn,js), ppermnc (mn,js), hotdmnc (mn,js), 4 pbprmnc (mn,js), ppprmnc (mn,js), sigmnc (mn,js), 5 taumnc (mn,js) IF (lasym) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 bmns(mn,js), gmns(mn,js), bsubumns(mn,js), 2 bsubvmns(mn,js), bsubsmnc(mn,js), 3 bsupumns(mn,js), bsupvmns(mn,js), 3 pparmns (mn,js), ppermns (mn,js), hotdmns (mn,js), 4 pbprmns (mn,js), ppprmns (mn,js), sigmns (mn,js), 5 taumns (mn,js) END IF ELSE IF (vmec_type ==2) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), bsubumnc(mn,js), 2 bsubvmnc(mn,js), bsubsmns(mn,js), 3 bsupumnc(mn,js), bsupvmnc(mn,js), 4 protmnc (mn,js), protrsqmnc(mn,js), prprmnc(mn,js) IF (lasym) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 bmns(mn,js), gmns(mn,js), bsubumns(mn,js), 2 bsubvmns(mn,js), bsubsmnc(mn,js), 3 bsupumns(mn,js), bsupvmns(mn,js), 4 protmns (mn,js), protrsqmns(mn,js), prprmns(mn,js) END IF ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 1 bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), bsubumnc(mn,js), 2 bsubvmnc(mn,js), bsubsmns(mn,js), 3 bsupumnc(mn,js), bsupvmnc(mn,js) IF (lasym) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(8), err=1000) 2 bmns(mn,js), gmns(mn,js), bsubumns(mn,js), 3 bsubvmns(mn,js), bsubsmnc(mn,js), 4 bsupumns(mn,js), bsupvmns(mn,js) END IF END IF END DO END DO ! Compute current coefficients on full mesh IF (version_ .gt. (8.0+eps_w)) CALL Compute_Currents(ierr) mnyq = INT(MAXVAL(xm_nyq)); nnyq = INT(MAXVAL(ABS(xn_nyq)))/nfp ! ! Read FULL AND HALF-MESH QUANTITIES ! ! NOTE: In version_ <= 6.00, mass, press were written out in INTERNAL (VMEC) units ! and are therefore multiplied here by 1/mu0 to transform to pascals. Same is true ! for ALL the currents (jcuru, jcurv, jdotb). Also, in version_ = 6.10 and ! above, PHI is the true (physical) toroidal flux (has the sign of jacobian correctly ! built into it) ! iotas(1) = 0; mass(1) = 0; pres(1) = 0; phip(1) = 0; buco(1) = 0; bvco(1) = 0; vp(1) = 0; overr(1) = 0; specw(1) = 1 beta_vol(1) = 0 IF (version_ .le. (6.05+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(9), err=1000) 1 (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), 2 phip(js), buco(js), bvco(js), phi(js), vp(js), overr(js), 3 jcuru(js), jcurv(js), specw(js),js=2,ns) READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) 1 aspect, betatot, betapol, betator, betaxis, b0 ELSE IF (version_ .le. (6.20+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(9), err=1000) 1 (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), beta_vol(js), 2 phip(js), buco(js), bvco(js), phi(js), vp(js), overr(js), 3 jcuru(js), jcurv(js), specw(js),js=2,ns) READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) 1 aspect, betatot, betapol, betator, betaxis, b0 ELSE IF (version_ .le. (6.95+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(9), err=1000) 1 (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), beta_vol(js), 2 phip(js), buco(js), bvco(js), phi(js), vp(js), overr(js), 3 jcuru(js), jcurv(js), specw(js),js=2,ns) READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) 1 aspect, betatot, betapol, betator, betaxis, b0 ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(9), err=1000) 1 (iotaf(js), presf(js), phipf(js), phi(js), 2 jcuru(js), jcurv(js), js=1,ns) IF (vmec_type == 2) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(9), err=1000) 1 (iotas(js), mass(js), 1 pmap(js), omega(js), tpotb(js),pres(js), 2 beta_vol(js), phip(js), buco(js), bvco(js), vp(js), 3 overr(js), specw(js),js=2,ns) ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(9), err=1000) 1 (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), 2 beta_vol(js), phip(js), buco(js), bvco(js), vp(js), 3 overr(js), specw(js),js=2,ns) END IF READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) 1 aspect, betatot, betapol, betator, betaxis, b0 END IF IF (version_ .gt. (6.10+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) isigng READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) input_extension READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(10), err=1000) IonLarmor, 1 VolAvgB, RBtor0, RBtor, Itor, Aminor, Rmajor, Volume END IF !----------------------------------------------- ! MERCIER CRITERION !----------------------------------------------- IF ( .and. THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(11), err=1000) 1 (Dmerc(js), Dshear(js), Dwell(js), Dcurr(js), 2 Dgeod(js), equif(js), js=2,ns-1) ELSE IF (version_ .ge. (6.20-eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(11), err=1000) 1 (Dmerc(js), Dshear(js), Dwell(js), Dcurr(js), 2 Dgeod(js), equif(js), js=2,ns-1) END IF IF (nextcur .gt. 0) THEN IF (version_ .le. (6.20+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(12), err=1000) 1 (extcur(i),i=1,nextcur) ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(12), err=1000) 1 (extcur(i),i=1,nextcur) END IF !SAL 11/30/11 - To make DIAGNO v2 work with old files. IF ((version_ .ge. (6.90-eps_w)) .and. 1 (version_ .le. (6.90+eps_w))) THEN lcurr = .true. ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(13)) lcurr END IF !READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(13)) lcurr IF (lcurr) READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(13), err=1000) 1 (curlabel(i),i=1,nextcur) END IF IF (version_ .le. (6.20+eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(14)) 1 (fsqt(i), wdot(i), i=1,nstore_seq) ELSE READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(14)) 1 (fsqt(i), wdot(i), i=1,nstore_seq) END IF IF (( .and. (version_ .lt. (6.50-eps_w)) 1 .and. (istat(14).eq.0)) THEN READ (iunit, 730, iostat=istat(14), err=1000) 1 (jdotb(js), bdotgradv(js),js=1,ns) ELSE IF (version_ .ge. (6.50-eps_w)) THEN READ (iunit, *, iostat=istat(14), err=1000) 1 (jdotb(js), bdotgradv(js),js=1,ns) ELSE istat(14) = 0 END IF ! ! CONVERT FROM INTERNAL UNITS TO PHYSICAL UNITS IF NEEDED ! IF (version_ .le. (6.05+eps_w)) THEN mass = mass/mu0 pres = pres/mu0 jcuru = jcuru/mu0 jcurv = jcurv/mu0 jdotb = jdotb/mu0 phi = -phi END IF !----------------------------------------------- ! DATA AND MSE FITS !----------------------------------------------- IF (ireconstruct .gt. 0) THEN n1 = MAXVAL(nbfld(:nbsets)) ALLOCATE (sknots(isnodes), ystark(isnodes), y2stark(isnodes), 1 pknots(ipnodes), ythom(ipnodes), y2thom(ipnodes), 2 anglemse(2*ns), rmid(2*ns), qmid(2*ns), shear(2*ns), 3 presmid(2*ns), alfa(2*ns), curmid(2*ns), rstark(imse), 4 datastark(imse), rthom(itse), datathom(itse), 5 dsiext(nobd), plflux(nobd), dsiobt(nobd), bcoil(n1,nbsets), 6 plbfld(n1,nbsets), bbc(n1,nbsets)) IF ( .or. THEN READ (iunit, *) tswgt, msewgt READ (iunit, *) isnodes, (sknots(i),ystark(i),y2stark(i), 1 i=1,isnodes) READ (iunit, *) ipnodes, (pknots(i), ythom(i), 1 y2thom(i),i=1,ipnodes) READ(iunit, *)(anglemse(i),rmid(i),qmid(i),shear(i), 1 presmid(i),alfa(i),curmid(i),i=1,2*ns-1) READ(iunit, *)(rstark(i),datastark(i),qmeas(i),i=1,imse) READ(iunit, *)(rthom(i),datathom(i),i=1,itse) END IF IF (nobd .gt. 0) THEN READ (iunit, *) (dsiext(i),plflux(i),dsiobt(i),i=1,nobd) READ (iunit, *) flmwgt END IF nbfldn = SUM(nbfld(:nbsets)) IF (nbfldn .gt. 0) THEN DO n = 1, nbsets READ (iunit, *) (bcoil(i,n),plbfld(i,n),bbc(i,n), 1 i=1,nbfld(n)) END DO READ (iunit, *) bcwgt END IF READ (iunit, *) phidiam, delphid ! ! READ Limiter & Prout plotting specs ! READ (iunit, *) nsets, nparts_in, nlim ALLOCATE (nsetsn(nsets)) READ (iunit, *) (nsetsn(i),i=1,nsets) n1 = MAXVAL(nsetsn(:nsets)) ALLOCATE (pfcspec(nparts_in,n1,nsets), limitr(nlim)) READ (iunit, *) (((pfcspec(i,j,k),i=1,nparts_in), 1 j=1,nsetsn(k)),k=1,nsets) READ (iunit, *) (limitr(i), i=1,nlim) m = MAXVAL(limitr(:nlim)) ALLOCATE (rlim(m,nlim), zlim(m,nlim)) READ (iunit, *) ((rlim(i,j),zlim(i,j),i=1,limitr(j)), 1 j=1,nlim) READ (iunit, *) nrgrid, nzgrid READ (iunit, *) tokid READ (iunit, *) rx1, rx2, zy1, zy2, condif READ (iunit, *) imatch_phiedge END IF 1000 CONTINUE READ (iunit, iostat=ierr) mgrid_mode IF (ierr .ne. 0) THEN ierr = 0; mgrid_mode = 'N' END IF IF (istat(2) .ne. 0) ierr_vmec = 1 DO m = 1,15 IF (istat(m) .gt. 0) THEN PRINT *,' Error No. ',m,' in READ_WOUT, iostat = ',istat(m) ierr = m EXIT END IF END DO 730 FORMAT(5e20.13) END SUBROUTINE read_wout_text #if defined(NETCDF) SUBROUTINE read_wout_nc(filename, ierr) USE ezcdf USE stel_constants, ONLY: mu0 IMPLICIT NONE C----------------------------------------------- C D u m m y A r g u m e n t s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ierr CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: filename C----------------------------------------------- C L o c a l V a r i a b l e s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: nwout, ierror, i_animec, i_flow INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: dimlens REAL(rprec) :: ohs REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: raxis_cc, raxis_cs, 1 zaxis_cs, zaxis_cc C----------------------------------------------- ! Open cdf File CALL cdf_open(nwout,filename,'r', ierr) IF (ierr .ne. 0) THEN PRINT *,' Error opening wout .nc file' RETURN END IF ! Be sure all arrays are deallocated CALL read_wout_deallocate(ierr) IF (ierr .ne. 0) THEN ierr = fatal_error PRINT *,' Error deallocating wout .nc file' RETURN END IF ! ANIMEC/FLOW -SAL i_animec = 0 i_flow = 0 vmec_type = 0 CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pparmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror.eq.0) vmec_type = 1 CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_omega, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror.eq.0) vmec_type = 2 ! Read in scalar variables CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_error, ierr_vmec) ! Next 2 lines commented out by MJL 20150717. They were being triggered by a W7X file. ! IF ( .and. ! 1 GOTO 1000 CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_version, version_) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_extension, input_extension) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mgrid, mgrid_file) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_magen, wb) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_therm, wp) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_gam, gamma) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_maxr, rmax_surf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_minr, rmin_surf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_maxz, zmax_surf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_fp, nfp) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_radnod, ns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_polmod, mpol) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_tormod, ntor) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_maxmod, mnmax) mnmax_nyq = -1 CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_maxmod_nyq, mnmax_nyq) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_maxit, niter) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_actit, itfsq) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_asym, lasym) IF (lasym) iasym = 1 CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_recon, lrecon) IF (lrecon) ireconstruct = 1 CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_free, lfreeb) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_rfp, lrfp) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_aspect, aspect) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_beta, betatot) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pbeta, betapol) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_tbeta, betator) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_abeta, betaxis) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_b0, b0) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_rbt0, rbtor0) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_rbt1, rbtor) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_sgs, isigng) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_lar, IonLarmor) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_modB, volAvgB) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ctor, Itor) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_amin, Aminor) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_rmaj, Rmajor) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_vol, volume) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ftolv, ftolv) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_fsqr, fsqr) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_fsqz, fsqz) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_fsql, fsql) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pcurr_type, pcurr_type) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_piota_type, piota_type) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pmass_type, pmass_type) imse = -1 IF (lrecon) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mse, imse) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_thom, itse) END IF CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_nextcur, nextcur) mgrid_mode = 'N' CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_mgmode, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror.eq.0) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mgmode, mgrid_mode) IF (lfreeb) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_flp, nobser) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_nobd, nobd) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_nbset, nbsets) END IF ! ANIMEC/FLOW -SAL CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_machsq, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror.eq.0) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_machsq, machsq) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_wpar, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror.eq.0) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_wpar, wp) ! This overwrites wp with wpar ! Inquire existence, dimensions of arrays for allocation ! 1D Arrays IF (lfreeb .and. THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_nbfld, nbfld) END IF CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pmod, dimlens) ALLOCATE (xm(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_tmod, dimlens) ALLOCATE (xn(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) IF (mnmax_nyq .gt. 0) THEN CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pmod_nyq, dimlens) ALLOCATE (xm_nyq(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_tmod_nyq, dimlens) ALLOCATE (xn_nyq(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) END IF CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_racc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (raxis_cc(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_zacs, dimlens) ALLOCATE (zaxis_cs(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) IF (lasym) THEN CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_racs, dimlens) ALLOCATE (raxis_cs(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_zacc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (zaxis_cc(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) END IF ! Profile coefficients, dimensioned from 0 CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_am, dimlens) ALLOCATE (am(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ac, dimlens) ALLOCATE (ac(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ai, dimlens) ALLOCATE (ai(0:dimlens(1)-1), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ac_aux_s, dimlens) ALLOCATE (ac_aux_s(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ac_aux_f, dimlens) ALLOCATE (ac_aux_f(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ai_aux_s, dimlens) ALLOCATE (ai_aux_s(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ai_aux_f, dimlens) ALLOCATE (ai_aux_f(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_am_aux_s, dimlens) ALLOCATE (am_aux_s(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_am_aux_f, dimlens) ALLOCATE (am_aux_f(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_iotaf, dimlens) ALLOCATE (iotaf(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_qfact, dimlens) ALLOCATE (qfact(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_presf, dimlens) ALLOCATE (presf(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_phi, dimlens) ALLOCATE (phi(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_chi, dimlens) ALLOCATE (chi(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_phipf, dimlens) ALLOCATE (phipf(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_chipf, dimlens) ALLOCATE (chipf(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_jcuru, dimlens) ALLOCATE (jcuru(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_jcurv, dimlens) ALLOCATE (jcurv(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_iotah, dimlens) ALLOCATE (iotas(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_mass, dimlens) ALLOCATE (mass(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_presh, dimlens) ALLOCATE (pres(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_betah, dimlens) ALLOCATE (beta_vol(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_buco, dimlens) ALLOCATE (buco(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bvco, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bvco(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_vp, dimlens) ALLOCATE (vp(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_specw, dimlens) ALLOCATE (specw(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_phip, dimlens) ALLOCATE (phip(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_overr, dimlens) ALLOCATE (overr(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_jdotb, dimlens) ALLOCATE (jdotb(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bgrv, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bdotgradv(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_merc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (Dmerc(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_mshear, dimlens) ALLOCATE (Dshear(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_mwell, dimlens) ALLOCATE (Dwell(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_mcurr, dimlens) ALLOCATE (Dcurr(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_mgeo, dimlens) ALLOCATE (Dgeod(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_equif, dimlens) ALLOCATE (equif(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_fsq, dimlens) ALLOCATE (fsqt(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_wdot, dimlens) ALLOCATE (wdot(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) IF (nextcur .gt. 0) THEN CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_extcur, dimlens) ALLOCATE (extcur(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) !NOTE: curlabel is an array of CHARACTER(30) strings - defined in mgrid_mod ! so dimlens(1) == 30 (check this) and dimlens(2) is the number of strings in the array CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_curlab, dimlens) ALLOCATE (curlabel(dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) ENDIF ! ANIMEC/FLOW -SAL CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pmap, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (pmap(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_omega, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (omega(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_tpotb, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (tpotb(dimlens(1)), stat = ierror) ! 2D Arrays CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_rmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (rmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_zmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (zmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_lmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (lmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_gmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (gmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsubumnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsubumnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsubvmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsubvmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsubsmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsubsmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) ! ELIMINATE THESE EVENTUALLY: DON'T NEED THEM CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsupumnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsupumnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsupvmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsupvmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) ! ANIMEC/FLOW -SAL CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pparmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (pparmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ppermnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (ppermnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_hotdmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (hotdmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pbprmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (pbprmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ppprmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (ppprmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_sigmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (sigmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_taumnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (taumnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_protmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (protmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_protrsqmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (protrsqmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_prprmnc, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (prprmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) IF (.NOT. lasym) GO TO 800 CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_rmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (rmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_zmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (zmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_lmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (lmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_gmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (gmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsubumns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsubumns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsubvmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsubvmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsubsmnc, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsubsmnc(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) ! ELIMINATE THESE EVENTUALLY: DO NOT NEED THEM CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsupumns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsupumns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_bsupvmns, dimlens) ALLOCATE (bsupvmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), stat = ierror) ! ANIMEC/FLOW -SAL CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pparmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (pparmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ppermns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (ppermns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_hotdmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (hotdmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_pbprmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (pbprmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_ppprmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (ppprmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_sigmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (sigmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_taumns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (taumns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_protmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (protmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_protrsqmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (protrsqmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) CALL cdf_inquire(nwout, vn_prprmns, dimlens, ier=ierror) IF (ierror == 0) ALLOCATE (prprmns(dimlens(1),dimlens(2)), 1 stat = ierror) 800 CONTINUE ! Read Arrays CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pmod, xm) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_tmod, xn) IF (mnmax_nyq .le. 0) THEN mnmax_nyq = mnmax ALLOCATE (xm_nyq(mnmax_nyq), xn_nyq(mnmax_nyq), stat=ierror) xm_nyq = xm; xn_nyq = xn ELSE CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pmod_nyq, xm_nyq) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_tmod_nyq, xn_nyq) END IF mnyq = INT(MAXVAL(xm_nyq)); nnyq = INT(MAXVAL(ABS(xn_nyq)))/nfp CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_racc, raxis_cc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_zacs, zaxis_cs) IF (SIZE(raxis_cc) .ne. ntor+1) THEN PRINT *, 'WRONG SIZE(raxis_cc) in READ_WOUT_NC' ierr = fatal_error RETURN END IF ALLOCATE (raxis(0:ntor,2), zaxis(0:ntor,2), stat=ierror) raxis(:,1) = raxis_cc(0:ntor); zaxis(:,1) = zaxis_cs(0:ntor) raxis(:,2) = 0; zaxis(:,2) = 0 DEALLOCATE (raxis_cc, zaxis_cs, stat=ierror) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_rmnc, rmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_zmns, zmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_lmns, lmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_gmnc, gmnc) !Half mesh CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bmnc, bmnc) !Half mesh CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsubumnc, bsubumnc) !Half mesh CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsubvmnc, bsubvmnc) !Half mesh CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsubsmns, bsubsmns) !Full mesh ! ELIMINATE THESE EVENTUALLY: DON'T NEED THEM (can express in terms of lambdas) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsupumnc, bsupumnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsupvmnc, bsupvmnc) IF (lasym) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_racs, raxis_cs) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_zacc, zaxis_cc) raxis(:,2) = raxis_cs; zaxis(:,2) = zaxis_cc DEALLOCATE (raxis_cs, zaxis_cc, stat=ierror) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_rmns, rmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_zmnc, zmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_lmnc, lmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_gmns, gmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bmns, bmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsubumns, bsubumns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsubvmns, bsubvmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsubsmnc, bsubsmnc) ! ELIMINATE THESE EVENTUALLY: DON'T NEED THEM CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsupumns, bsupumns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bsupvmns, bsupvmns) END IF ! ANIMEC/FLOW -SAL IF (vmec_type == 1) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pparmnc, pparmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ppermnc, ppermnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_hotdmnc, hotdmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pbprmnc, pbprmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ppprmnc, ppprmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_sigmnc, sigmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_taumnc, taumnc) IF (lasym) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pparmns, pparmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ppermns, ppermns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_hotdmns, hotdmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pbprmns, pbprmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ppprmns, ppprmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_sigmns, sigmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_taumns, taumns) END IF ELSE IF (vmec_type == 2) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_protmnc, protmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_prprmnc, prprmnc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_protrsqmnc, protrsqmnc) IF (lasym) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_protmns, protmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_prprmns, prprmns) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_protrsqmns, protrsqmns) END IF END IF CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_am, am) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ac, ac) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ai, ai) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_am_aux_s, am_aux_s) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_am_aux_f, am_aux_f) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ac_aux_s, ac_aux_s) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ac_aux_f, ac_aux_f) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ai_aux_s, ai_aux_s) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_ai_aux_f, ai_aux_f) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_iotaf, iotaf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_qfact, qfact) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_presf, presf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_phi, phi) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_phipf, phipf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_chi, chi) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_chipf, chipf) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_jcuru, jcuru) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_jcurv, jcurv) IF (vmec_type == 2) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_pmap, pmap) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_omega, omega) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_tpotb, tpotb) END IF ! HALF-MESH quantities ! NOTE: jdotb is in units_of_A (1/mu0 incorporated in jxbforce...) ! prior to version 6.00, this was output in internal VMEC units... CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_iotah, iotas) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mass, mass) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_presh, pres) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_betah, beta_vol) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_buco, buco) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bvco, bvco) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_vp, vp) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_specw, specw) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_phip, phip) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_jdotb, jdotb) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_bgrv, bdotgradv) ! MERCIER_CRITERION CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_merc, Dmerc) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mshear, Dshear) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mwell, Dwell) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mcurr, Dcurr) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_mgeo, Dgeod) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_equif, equif) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_fsq, fsqt) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_wdot, wdot) IF (nextcur .gt. 0) THEN CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_extcur, extcur) CALL cdf_read(nwout, vn_curlab, curlabel) ENDIF CALL cdf_close(nwout, ierr) IF (.not.ALLOCATED(bsubumnc)) RETURN !Moved this here because ns may not be set. SAL -09/07/11 ! ! COMPUTE CONTRAVARIANT CURRENT COMPONENTS IN AMPS ! ON THE FULL RADIAL MESH, WHERE JACOBIAN = SQRT(G) ! ! CURRU = SQRT(G) * J dot grad(u) ! CURRV = SQRT(G) * J dot grad(v) ! ohs = (ns-1) IF (ierror .eq. 0) CALL Compute_Currents(ierror) IF (ierr. ne. 0) PRINT *,"in read_wout_nc ierr=",ierr IF (ierror. ne. 0) PRINT *,"in read_wout_nc ierror=",ierror END SUBROUTINE read_wout_nc #endif SUBROUTINE write_wout_text(filename, ierr) USE vsvd0, ONLY: nparts USE safe_open_mod USE stel_constants, ONLY: mu0 IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------ ! D u m m y A r g u m e n t s !------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER (len=*) :: filename INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ierr !------------------------------------------------ ! L o c a l P a r a m e t e r s !------------------------------------------------ REAL(rprec), PARAMETER :: eps_w = 1.e-4_dp !------------------------------------------------ ! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s !------------------------------------------------ INTEGER :: iounit, js, mn, i, j, k, n, iasymm LOGICAL :: lcurr !------------------------------------------------ ! ! THIS SUBROUTINE WRITES A TEXT FILE WOUT CREATED BY STORED THE INFORMATION ! IN THE read_WOUT MODULE. This routine can only be called if the wout has ! already been read in. iounit = 0 ierr = 0 CALL safe_open(iounit, ierr, & & 'wout_' // TRIM(filename) // '.txt', & & 'replace', 'formatted') IF (ierr .ne. 0) then PRINT *,'Error opening text wout file in ' // & & 'write_wout_text of read_wout_mod.' ierr = fatal_error RETURN END IF ! Write version info WRITE (iounit, '(a15,f5.2)') 'VMEC VERSION = ', version_ ! Check version numbers since values change. IF (lasym) THEN iasymm = 1 ELSE iasym = 0 END IF IF (version_ .le. (5.10 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) wb, wp, gamma, pfac, nfp, ns, mpol, ntor, & & mnmax, itfsq, niter, iasymm, ireconstruct ELSE IF (version_ .lt. 6.54) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) wb, wp, gamma, pfac, rmax_surf, rmin_surf ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) wb, wp, gamma, pfac, rmax_surf, rmin_surf, & & zmax_surf END IF IF (version_ .le. (8.0 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) nfp, ns, mpol, ntor, mnmax, itfsq, niter, & & iasym, ireconstruct, ierr_vmec ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) nfp, ns, mpol, ntor, mnmax, mnmax_nyq, & & itfsq, niter, iasym, ireconstruct, & & ierr_vmec END IF END IF IF (version_ .gt. (6.20 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) imse, itse, nbsets, nobd, nextcur, nstore_seq ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) imse, itse, nbsets, nobd, nextcur END IF IF (ierr_vmec .ne. norm_term_flag .and. & & ierr_vmec .ne. more_iter_flag) THEN GOTO 1000 END IF IF (nbsets .gt. 0) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) nbfld(1:nbsets) END IF WRITE (iounit, *) TRIM(mgrid_file) DO js = 1, ns DO mn = 1, mnmax IF (js .eq. 1) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) NINT(xm(mn)), NINT(xn(mn)/nfp) END IF IF (version_ .le. (6.20 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) rmnc(mn,js), zmns(mn,js), & & lmns(mn,js), bmnc(mn,js), & & gmnc(mn,js), bsubumnc(mn,js), & & bsubvmnc(mn,js), bsubsmns(mn,js), & & bsupumnc(mn,js), bsupvmnc(mn,js), & & currvmnc(mn,js) ELSE IF (version_ .le. (8.0 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) rmnc(mn,js), zmns(mn,js), lmns(mn,js), & & bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), & & bsubumnc(mn,js), bsubvmnc(mn,js), & & bsubsmns(mn,js), bsupumnc(mn,js), & & bsupvmnc(mn,js), currvmnc(mn,js) ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) rmnc(mn,js), zmns(mn,js), lmns(mn,js) END IF ! Write asymmetric components. IF (lasym) THEN IF (version_ .le. (8.0 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) rmns(mn,js), zmnc(mn,js), & & lmnc(mn,js), bmns(mn,js), & & gmns(mn,js), bsubumns(mn,js), & & bsubvmns(mn,js), bsubsmnc(mn,js), & & bsupumns(mn,js), bsubvmns(mn,js) ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) rmns(mn,js), zmnc(mn,js), & & lmnc(mn,js) END IF END IF END DO IF (version_ .le. (8.0 + eps_w)) THEN CYCLE END IF DO mn = 1, mnmax_nyq IF (js .eq. 1) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) NINT(xm_nyq(mn)), & & NINT(xn_nyq(mn)/nfp) END IF WRITE (iounit, *) bmnc(mn,js), gmnc(mn,js), & & bsubumnc(mn,js), bsubvmnc(mn,js), & & bsubsmns(mn,js), bsupumnc(mn,js), & & bsupvmnc(mn,js) IF (lasym) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) bmns(mn,js), gmns(mn,js), & & bsubumns(mn,js), bsubvmns(mn,js), & & bsubsmnc(mn,js), bsupumns(mn,js), & & bsupvmns(mn,js) END IF END DO END DO ! ! Write FULL AND HALF-MESH QUANTITIES ! ! NOTE: In version_ <= 6.00, mass, press were written out in INTERNAL (VMEC) units ! and are therefore multiplied here by 1/mu0 to transform to pascals. Same is true ! for ALL the currents (jcuru, jcurv, jdotb). Also, in version_ = 6.10 and ! above, PHI is the true (physical) toroidal flux (has the sign of jacobian correctly ! built into it) ! IF (version_ .le. (6.05 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) (iotas(js), mass(js)*mu0, pres(js)*mu0, & & phip(js), buco(js), bvco(js), -phi(js), & & vp(js), overr(js), jcuru(js)*mu0, & & jcurv(js)*mu0, specw(js), js=2, ns) WRITE (iounit, 730) aspect, betatot, betapol, betaxis, b0 ELSE IF (version_ .le. (6.20 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), & & beta_vol(js), phip(js), buco(js), & & bvco(js), phi(js), vp(js), overr(js), & & jcuru(js), jcurv(js), specw(js), & & js=2, ns) WRITE (iounit, 730) aspect, betatot, betapol, betaxis, b0 ELSE IF (version_ .le. (6.95 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), & & beta_vol(js), phip(js), buco(js), & & bvco(js), phi(js), vp(js), overr(js), & & jcuru(js), jcurv(js), specw(js), & & js=2, ns) WRITE (iounit, *) aspect, betatot, betapol, betaxis, b0 ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) (iotaf(js), presf(js), phipf(js), phi(js), & & jcuru(js), jcurv(js), js=1, ns) WRITE (iounit, *) (iotas(js), mass(js), pres(js), & & beta_vol(js), phip(js), buco(js), & & bvco(js), vp(js), overr(js), specw(js), & & js = 2, ns) WRITE (iounit, *) aspect, betatot, betapol, betaxis, b0 END IF IF (version_ .gt. (6.10 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) isigng WRITE (iounit, *) TRIM(input_extension) WRITE (iounit, *) IonLarmor, VolAvgB, RBtor0, RBtor, Itor, & & Aminor, Rmajor, Volume END IF !----------------------------------------------- ! MERCIER CRITERION !----------------------------------------------- IF (version_ .gt. (5.10 + eps_w) .and. & & version_ .lt. (6.20 - eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) (Dmerc(js), Dshear(js), Dwell(js), & & Dcurr(js), Dgeod(js), equif(js), & & js=2, ns - 1) ELSE IF (version_ .ge. (6.20 - eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) (Dmerc(js), Dshear(js), Dwell(js), & & Dcurr(js), Dgeod(js), equif(js), & & js=2, ns - 1) END IF IF (nextcur .gt. 0) THEN IF (version_ .le. (6.20 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) (extcur(js), js=1, nextcur) ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) (extcur(js), js=1, nextcur) END IF lcurr = LEN_TRIM(curlabel(1)) .gt. 0 WRITE (iounit, *) lcurr IF (lcurr) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) (TRIM(curlabel(js)), js=1, nextcur) END IF END IF IF (version_ .le. (6.20 + eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) (fsqt(js), wdot(js), js = 1, nstore_seq) ELSE WRITE (iounit, *) (fsqt(js), wdot(js), js = 1, nstore_seq) END IF IF (version_ .ge. (6.20 - eps_w) .and. & & version_ .lt. (6.50 - eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, 730) (jdotb(js), bdotgradv(js), js=1, ns) ELSE IF (version_ .ge. (6.50 - eps_w)) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) (jdotb(js), bdotgradv(js), js=1, ns) END IF !----------------------------------------------- ! DATA AND MSE FITS !----------------------------------------------- IF (ireconstruct .gt. 0) THEN IF (imse .ge. 2 .or. itse .gt. 0) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) tswgt, msewgt WRITE (iounit, *) isnodes, (sknots(js), ystark(js), & & y2stark(js), js=1, isnodes) WRITE (iounit, *) ipnodes, (pknots(js), ythom(js), & & y2thom(js), js=1, ipnodes) WRITE (iounit, *) (anglemse(js), rmid(js), qmid(js), & & shear(js), presmid(js), alfa(js), & & curmid(js), js=1, 2*ns - 1) WRITE (iounit, *) (rstark(js), datastark(js), qmeas(js), & & js=1, imse) WRITE (iounit, *) (rthom(js), datathom(js), js=1, itse) END IF IF (nobd .gt. 0) THEN WRITE (iounit, *) (dsiext(js), plflux(js), dsiobt(js), & & js=1, nobd) WRITE (iounit, *) flmwgt END IF IF (nbfldn .gt. 0) THEN DO n = 1, nbsets READ (iounit, *) (bcoil(i,n), plbfld(i,n), bbc(i,n), & & i=1,nbfld(n)) END DO WRITE (iounit, *) bcwgt END IF WRITE (iounit, *) phidiam, delphid ! ! READ Limiter & Prout plotting specs ! WRITE (iounit, *) nsets, nparts, nlim WRITE (iounit, *) (nsetsn(js), js=1, nsets) WRITE (iounit, *) (((pfcspec(i,j,k), i=1, nparts), & & j=1, nsetsn(k)), k=1, nsets) WRITE (iounit, *) (limitr(i), i=1, nlim) WRITE (iounit, *) ((rlim(i,j), zlim(i,j), i=1, limitr(j)), & & j=1, nlim) WRITE (iounit, *) nrgrid, nzgrid WRITE (iounit, *) tokid WRITE (iounit, *) rx1, rx2, zy1, zy2, condif WRITE (iounit, *) imatch_phiedge END IF 1000 CONTINUE WRITE (iounit, *) mgrid_mode 730 FORMAT(5e20.13) CLOSE (iounit, iostat = ierr) IF (ierr .ne. 0) then PRINT *,'Error closing text wout file in ' // & & 'write_wout_text of read_wout_mod.' ierr = fatal_error RETURN END IF END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE Compute_Currents(ierror) USE stel_constants, ONLY: mu0 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ierror !----------------------------------------------- ! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s !----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: js REAL(rprec) :: ohs, hs, shalf(ns), sfull(ns) REAL(rprec), DIMENSION(mnmax_nyq) :: bu1, bu0, bv1, bv0, t1, t2, & t3 !----------------------------------------------- ! ! Computes current harmonics for currXmn == sqrt(g)*JsupX, X = u,v ! [Corrected above "JsubX" to "JsupX", JDH 2010-08-16] ! NOTE: bsub(s,u,v)mn are on HALF radial grid ! (in earlier versions, bsubsmn was on FULL radial grid) ! ohs = (ns-1) hs = 1._dp/ohs DO js = 2, ns shalf(js) = SQRT(hs*(js-1.5_dp)) sfull(js) = SQRT(hs*(js-1)) END DO ALLOCATE (currumnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), currvmnc(mnmax_nyq,ns), & & stat=ierror) IF (ierror .ne. 0) RETURN DO js = 2, ns-1 WHERE (MOD(INT(xm_nyq),2) .EQ. 1) t1 = 0.5_dp*(shalf(js+1)*bsubsmns(:,js+1) + & & shalf(js) *bsubsmns(:,js)) /sfull(js) bu0 = bsubumnc(:,js )/shalf(js) bu1 = bsubumnc(:,js+1)/shalf(js+1) t2 = ohs*(bu1-bu0)*sfull(js)+0.25_dp*(bu0+bu1)/sfull(js) bv0 = bsubvmnc(:,js )/shalf(js) bv1 = bsubvmnc(:,js+1)/shalf(js+1) t3 = ohs*(bv1-bv0)*sfull(js)+0.25_dp*(bv0+bv1)/sfull(js) ELSEWHERE t1 = 0.5_dp*(bsubsmns(:,js+1)+bsubsmns(:,js)) t2 = ohs*(bsubumnc(:,js+1)-bsubumnc(:,js)) t3 = ohs*(bsubvmnc(:,js+1)-bsubvmnc(:,js)) ENDWHERE currumnc(:,js) = -xn_nyq(:)*t1 - t3 currvmnc(:,js) = -xm_nyq(:)*t1 + t2 END DO WHERE (xm_nyq .LE. 1) currvmnc(:,1) = 2*currvmnc(:,2) - currvmnc(:,3) currumnc(:,1) = 2*currumnc(:,2) - currumnc(:,3) ELSEWHERE currvmnc(:,1) = 0 currumnc(:,1) = 0 ENDWHERE currumnc(:,ns) = 2*currumnc(:,ns-1) - currumnc(:,ns-2) currvmnc(:,ns) = 2*currvmnc(:,ns-1) - currvmnc(:,ns-2) currumnc = currumnc/mu0; currvmnc = currvmnc/mu0 IF (.NOT.lasym) RETURN ALLOCATE (currumns(mnmax_nyq,ns), currvmns(mnmax_nyq,ns), & & stat=ierror) DO js = 2, ns-1 WHERE (MOD(INT(xm_nyq),2) .EQ. 1) t1 = 0.5_dp*(shalf(js+1)*bsubsmnc(:,js+1) & & + shalf(js) *bsubsmnc(:,js)) / sfull(js) bu0 = bsubumns(:,js )/shalf(js+1) bu1 = bsubumns(:,js+1)/shalf(js+1) t2 = ohs*(bu1-bu0)*sfull(js) + 0.25_dp*(bu0+bu1)/sfull(js) bv0 = bsubvmns(:,js )/shalf(js) bv1 = bsubvmns(:,js+1)/shalf(js+1) t3 = ohs*(bv1-bv0)*sfull(js)+0.25_dp*(bv0+bv1)/sfull(js) ELSEWHERE t1 = 0.5_dp*(bsubsmnc(:,js+1) + bsubsmnc(:,js)) t2 = ohs*(bsubumns(:,js+1)-bsubumns(:,js)) t3 = ohs*(bsubvmns(:,js+1)-bsubvmns(:,js)) END WHERE currumns(:,js) = xn_nyq(:)*t1 - t3 currvmns(:,js) = xm_nyq(:)*t1 + t2 END DO WHERE (xm_nyq .LE. 1) currvmns(:,1) = 2*currvmns(:,2) - currvmns(:,3) currumns(:,1) = 2*currumns(:,2) - currumns(:,3) ELSEWHERE currvmns(:,1) = 0 currumns(:,1) = 0 END WHERE currumns(:,ns) = 2*currumns(:,ns-1) - currumns(:,ns-2) currvmns(:,ns) = 2*currvmns(:,ns-1) - currvmns(:,ns-2) currumns = currumns/mu0; currvmns = currvmns/mu0 END SUBROUTINE Compute_Currents SUBROUTINE read_wout_deallocate(ierr) IMPLICIT NONE C----------------------------------------------- C D u m m y A r g u m e n t s C----------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ierr !----------------------------------------------- ! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s !----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: istat(10) !----------------------------------------------- istat = 0 lwout_opened = .false. IF (ALLOCATED(extcur)) DEALLOCATE (extcur, 1 stat = istat(1)) IF (ALLOCATED(curlabel)) DEALLOCATE (curlabel, 1 stat = istat(1)) IF (ALLOCATED(overr)) DEALLOCATE (overr, stat = istat(2)) IF (ALLOCATED(xm)) DEALLOCATE (xm, xn, xm_nyq, xn_nyq, 1 rmnc, zmns, lmns, bmnc, gmnc, bsubumnc, iotaf, presf, phipf, 2 bsubvmnc, bsubsmns, bsupumnc, bsupvmnc, currvmnc, iotas, mass, 3 pres, beta_vol, phip, buco, bvco, phi, vp, jcuru, am, ac, ai, 4 jcurv, specw, Dmerc, Dshear, Dwell, Dcurr, Dgeod, equif, jdotb, 5 bdotgradv, raxis, zaxis, fsqt, wdot, stat = istat(3)) IF (ALLOCATED(chipf)) DEALLOCATE (chipf, chi) IF (ALLOCATED(am_aux_s)) DEALLOCATE (am_aux_s, am_aux_f, ac_aux_s, 1 ac_aux_f, ai_aux_s, ai_aux_f, stat=istat(6)) IF ( .and. ALLOCATED(sknots)) DEALLOCATE ( 1 ystark, y2stark, pknots, anglemse, rmid, qmid, shear, 2 presmid, alfa, curmid, rstark, datastark, rthom, datathom, 3 ythom, y2thom, plflux, dsiobt, bcoil, plbfld, bbc, sknots, 4 pfcspec, limitr, rlim, zlim, nsetsn, stat = istat(4)) IF (ALLOCATED(rmns)) DEALLOCATE (rmns, zmnc, lmnc, 1 bmns, gmns, bsubumns, bsubvmns, bsubsmnc, 2 bsupumns, bsupvmns, stat=istat(5)) IF (ALLOCATED(currumnc)) DEALLOCATE (currumnc) IF (ALLOCATED(currumns)) DEALLOCATE (currumns, currvmns) IF (ALLOCATED(rzl_local)) DEALLOCATE (rzl_local) ! FLOW/ANIMEC additions IF (ALLOCATED(pmap)) DEALLOCATE(pmap, omega, tpotb) IF (ALLOCATED(pparmnc)) DEALLOCATE(pparmnc, ppermnc, hotdmnc, 1 pbprmnc, ppprmnc, sigmnc, taumnc) IF (ALLOCATED(pparmns)) DEALLOCATE(pparmns, ppermns, hotdmns, 1 pbprmns, ppprmns, sigmns, taumns) IF (ALLOCATED(protmnc)) DEALLOCATE(protmnc, protrsqmnc, prprmnc) IF (ALLOCATED(protmns)) DEALLOCATE(protmns, protrsqmns, prprmns) IF (ANY(istat .ne. 0)) THEN PRINT *,istat PRINT *,'Deallocation error in read_wout_deallocate' ierr = fatal_error RETURN END IF END SUBROUTINE read_wout_deallocate END MODULE read_wout_mod