geometry_zpinch.f90 Source File

Source Code

module zpinch

   implicit none

   public :: get_zpinch_geometry_coefficients



   ! use Z-pinch equilibrium.
   ! the parallel coordinate, z, is chosen to be the arc-length,
   ! i.e., the physical poloidal angle times the radius of the chosen magnetic field, r0.
   ! the radial coordinate, x, is directed away from the middle of the circle
   ! and is normalised by the local radius r0.
   ! the bi-normal coordinate, y, is chosen to form an orthogonal, right-handed coordinate
   ! system with (y,x,z) and is also normalised by r0.
   subroutine get_zpinch_geometry_coefficients(nzgrid, bmag, gradpar, grad_rho, surf, &
                                               grad_y_dot_grad_y, grad_x_dot_grad_y, grad_x_dot_grad_x, &
                                               gbdrift0, gbdrift, cvdrift0, cvdrift, btor, rmajor)

      use common_types, only: flux_surface_type
      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nzgrid
      real, dimension(-nzgrid:), intent(out) :: bmag, gradpar, grad_rho, &
                                                grad_y_dot_grad_y, grad_x_dot_grad_y, grad_x_dot_grad_x, &
                                                gbdrift0, gbdrift, cvdrift0, cvdrift, btor, rmajor
      type(flux_surface_type), intent(out) :: surf
      ! bmag = B(r0) / B_ref
      ! as B is constant along radius r0, choose B_ref = B(r0), so bmag = 1
      bmag = 1.0
      ! gradpar = bhat . grad z = b . (r0*grad) theta = 1
      gradpar = 1.0
      ! grad_rho = | r0 * grad (r / r0) | = 1
      grad_rho = 1.0
      ! grad_y_dot_grad_y = 1
      grad_y_dot_grad_y = 1.0
      ! grad_x_dot_grad_y = 0 because (x,y) are orthogonal coordinates
      grad_x_dot_grad_y = 0.0
      ! grad_x_dot_grad_x = 1
      grad_x_dot_grad_x = 1.0
      ! the x-component of the grad-B drift is proportional to gbdrift0; zero in a z-pinch
      gbdrift0 = 0.0
      ! the x-component of the curvature drift is proportional to cvdrift0; zero in a z-pinch
      cvdrift0 = 0.0
      ! gbdrift = 2 * bhat / B_norm x (grad_norm B_norm / B_norm) . grad y
      ! = 2 * bhat / B_norm x (grad_norm x * d ln B_norm / dx) . grad y
      ! = -2 * d(ln B_norm) / dx_norm = 2 * r0 / L_B = 1 (from MHD equilibrium with beta=0)
      gbdrift = 2.0
      ! cvdrift = 2 * bhat / B_norm x (bhat . grad_norm bhat) . grad y = 2
      cvdrift = gbdrift

      ! btor and rmajor used for flow shear calculations;
      ! choosing btor = 0 means all flow shear is perpendicular rather than parallel
      btor = 0.0
      ! rmajor set to one to avoid divide by zero and otherwise is unused
      rmajor = 1.0

      ! surf contains artificial information about the flux surface shape
      ! that is really not needed for a z-pinch but must be given due to
      ! the use of gds22 and gds21 as variables rather than grad_x_dot_grad_x
      ! and grad_x_dot_grad_y

      ! setting the magnetic shear to 1, along with q and rhoc means
      ! that |grad_x| = |grad q|
      surf%shat = 1.0
      surf%rhoc = 1.0
      surf%qinp = 1.0
      surf%kappa = 1.0
   end subroutine get_zpinch_geometry_coefficients

end module zpinch