fluxes.f90 Source File

Source Code

program fluxes

   ! takes argument 1 as .fluxes output file path
   ! argument 2 as number of time steps in .fluxes file
   ! argument 3 as number of species in simulation
   ! argument 4 as starting time for time average
   ! writes the time average of the fluxes to screen

   implicit none

   integer :: iargc
   integer :: flxunit = 101
   integer :: it, nstep, nspec
   integer :: target_it
   real :: tstart = 0.0
   logical :: tstart_flag
   character(500) :: line
   character(500) :: flxfile
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: time
   real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: pflx, vflx, qflx
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: pflxavg, vflxavg, qflxavg, pi_over_q

   call getarg(1, flxfile)
   call getarg(2, line)
   read (line, *) nstep
   call getarg(3, line)
   read (line, *) nspec
   if (iargc() > 3) then
      call getarg(4, line)
      read (line, *) tstart
   end if

   write (*, *) nstep, tstart, nspec, trim(flxfile)

   allocate (time(nstep))
   allocate (pflx(nspec, nstep))
   allocate (vflx(nspec, nstep))
   allocate (qflx(nspec, nstep))
   allocate (pflxavg(nspec))
   allocate (vflxavg(nspec))
   allocate (qflxavg(nspec))
   allocate (pi_over_q(nspec))

   target_it = 1
   tstart_flag = .true.

   open (unit=flxunit, file=trim(flxfile)//".fluxes")
   read (flxunit, *) line
   do it = 1, nstep
      read (flxunit, *) time(it), pflx(:, it), vflx(:, it), qflx(:, it)
      ! find the time index corresponding to the requested start time
      if (tstart_flag .and. time(it) > tstart) then
         target_it = it
         tstart_flag = .false.
      end if
   end do

   call time_average(time, target_it, pflx, pflxavg)
   call time_average(time, target_it, vflx, vflxavg)
   call time_average(time, target_it, qflx, qflxavg)
   call time_average(time, target_it, vflx / qflx, pi_over_q)

   close (flxunit)

   open (flxunit, file=trim(flxfile)//".fluxes_tavg")
   write (flxunit, *) 'pflx: ', pflxavg, 'vflx: ', vflxavg, 'qflx: ', qflxavg, 'vflx/qflx: ', pi_over_q, vflxavg / qflxavg
   close (flxunit)

   deallocate (time)
   deallocate (pflx, vflx, qflx)
   deallocate (pflxavg, vflxavg, qflxavg, pi_over_q)


   subroutine time_average(t, it, flx, flxavg)

      implicit none

      real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: t
      integer, intent(in) :: it
      real, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: flx
      real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: flxavg

      integer :: i, nt

      nt = size(t)

      flxavg = 0.5 * (t(it + 1) - t(it)) * flx(:, it)
      do i = it + 1, nt - 1
         flxavg = flxavg + (t(i + 1) - t(i)) * flx(:, i)
      end do
      flxavg = flxavg + 0.5 * (t(nt) - t(nt - 1)) * flx(:, nt)

      flxavg = flxavg / (t(nt) - t(it))

   end subroutine time_average

end program fluxes