ffs_solve.f90 Source File

Source Code

module ffs_solve

  implicit none 
  public :: get_drifts_ffs_itteration
  public :: get_source_ffs_itteration


  subroutine add_correction_ffs (phiin, gin, source_out) 

    use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes
    use parameters_kxky_grids, only: naky, nakx
    use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo

    implicit none 
    complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: phiin
    complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(in) :: gin
    complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent (out) :: source_out
    complex, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: source1

    if(.not. allocated(source1)) allocate(source1(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes, vmu_lo%llim_proc:vmu_lo%ulim_alloc))

!      if (drifts_implicit)
    source1 = 0.0
    source_out = 0.0 
    call get_drifts_ffs_itteration (phiin, gin, source1)
    call get_source_ffs_itteration (phiin, gin, source_out) 
    source_out = source_out + source1

    if(allocated(source1)) deallocate(source1) 
  end subroutine add_correction_ffs

!   contains 

  subroutine get_source_ffs_itteration (phi, g, source) 

     use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
     use stella_layouts, only: iv_idx, imu_idx, is_idx
     use stella_transforms, only: transform_ky2y
     use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes
     use parameters_kxky_grids, only: naky, naky_all, nakx, ikx_max, ny
     use calculations_kxky, only: swap_kxky
     use vpamu_grids, only: maxwell_vpa, maxwell_mu, maxwell_fac, maxwell_mu_avg
     use species, only: spec

     use fields, only: advance_fields
     use gyro_averages, only: j0_ffs, gyro_average

     use calculations_kxky, only: swap_kxky_back
     use stella_transforms, only: transform_y2ky
     use parallel_streaming, only: center_zed, get_dgdz_centered, get_dzed
     use parallel_streaming, only: stream_correction, stream_store_full
     use species, only: has_electron_species
     implicit none

     complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: phi
     complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(in) :: g
     complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent (out) :: source

     integer :: ivmu, iv, imu, is, ia, iz, it
     complex, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: g0
     complex, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: dgphi_dz, dphi_dz, dgdz
     complex, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: g0y, g1y, g2y, g3y
     complex, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: g_swap

     real, dimension (:, :), allocatable :: coeff, coeff2
     real :: scratch 

     allocate (g0(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g0 = 0.0

     allocate (dgphi_dz(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; dgphi_dz = 0.0
     allocate (dphi_dz(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; dphi_dz = 0.0
     allocate (dgdz(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; dgdz = 0.0

     allocate (g_swap(naky_all, ikx_max)) ; g_swap = 0.0
     allocate (g0y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g0y = 0.0
     allocate (g1y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g1y = 0.0
     allocate (g2y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g2y = 0.0 
     allocate (g3y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g3y = 0.0
     allocate (coeff(ny, -nzgrid:nzgrid)) ; coeff = 0.0 
     allocate (coeff2(ny, -nzgrid:nzgrid)) ; coeff2 = 0.0

     source = 0.0 
     do ivmu = vmu_lo%llim_proc, vmu_lo%ulim_proc
        iv = iv_idx(vmu_lo, ivmu)
        imu = imu_idx(vmu_lo, ivmu)
        is = is_idx(vmu_lo, ivmu)
        !> <phi>
        call gyro_average(phi, g0, j0_ffs(:, :, :, ivmu))
        !> Full d <phi>/dz
!!        call get_dgdz_centered(g0, ivmu, dgphi_dz)
        call get_dzed(iv, g0, dgphi_dz)
        !> d phi/dz
!!        call get_dgdz_centered(phi, ivmu, dphi_dz)
        call get_dzed(iv, phi, dphi_dz)
        !> dg/dz
!!        call get_dgdz(g(:, :, :, :, ivmu), ivmu, dgdz)
        call get_dzed(iv, g(:, :, :, :, ivmu), dgdz)
        !> get these quantities in real space 
        do it = 1, ntubes
           do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
              !> g0y is real space version of d<phi>/dz
              call swap_kxky(dgphi_dz(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
              call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g0y(:, :, iz, it))

              !> g1y is real space version of dphi/dz
              call swap_kxky(dphi_dz(:, :, iz, it), g_swap) 
              call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g1y(:, :, iz, it)) 

              !> g2y is real space version of dg/dz
              call swap_kxky(dgdz(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
              call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g2y(:, :, iz, it)) 
           end do
        end do
        scratch = maxwell_fac(is) *  maxwell_vpa(iv, is) * spec(is)%zt

        coeff = stream_correction(:,:,iv,is)
        coeff2 = stream_correction(:,:,iv,is) * maxwell_mu_avg(:, :, imu, is) * scratch
        do ia = 1, ny
           call center_zed(iv, coeff(ia, :) ,  -nzgrid)
           call center_zed(iv, coeff2(ia, :) ,  -nzgrid)
        end do
        g2y = spread(spread(coeff, 2, ikx_max), 4, ntubes) * g2y + spread(spread(coeff2, 2, ikx_max), 4, ntubes) * g0y
!        g2y = spread(spread(stream_correction(:,:,iv,is), 2, ikx_max), 4, ntubes) &
!             * (g2y + g0y * spread(spread(maxwell_mu_avg(:, :, imu, is), 2, ikx_max),4, ntubes ) * scratch)

        coeff = stream_store_full (:,:,iv,is) * (maxwell_mu(:, :, imu, is) - maxwell_mu_avg(:, :, imu, is)) * scratch
        do ia = 1, ny
           call center_zed(iv, coeff(ia, :) ,  -nzgrid)
        end do
        g3y = spread(spread(coeff, 2, ikx_max), 4, ntubes) * g1y

!        g3y = spread(spread(stream_store_full (:,:,iv,is) * (maxwell_mu(:, :, imu, is) & 
!!             - maxwell_mu_avg(:, :, imu, is)), 2, ikx_max),4, ntubes) &
!             * g1y * scratch 

        coeff = stream_store_full (:,:,iv,is) * maxwell_mu(:, :, imu, is)
        do ia = 1, ny 
           call center_zed(iv, coeff(ia, :) ,  -nzgrid) 
        end do
        g0y =  spread(spread(coeff, 2, ikx_max), 4, ntubes) * (g0y - g1y) * scratch 
!        g0y = spread(spread(stream_store_full (:,:,iv,is) * maxwell_mu(:, :, imu, is) , 2, ikx_max),4, ntubes) & 
!             * (g0y - g1y) * scratch 

!        g0y = 0.0 
        g0y = g0y + g2y + g3y

        do it = 1, ntubes
           do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
              call transform_y2ky(g0y(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
              call swap_kxky_back(g_swap, source(:, :, iz, it, ivmu))
           end do
        end do

!!        call center_zed(iv, source(:,:,:,:,ivmu))
     end do

     deallocate(dgphi_dz, dphi_dz, dgdz)
     deallocate(g0y,g1y,g2y, g3y) 
     deallocate(coeff, coeff2) 
   end subroutine get_source_ffs_itteration

    subroutine get_drifts_ffs_itteration (phi, g, source) 

      use stella_layouts, only: vmu_lo
      use stella_layouts, only: iv_idx, imu_idx, is_idx
      use stella_transforms, only: transform_ky2y,transform_y2ky
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes
      use parameters_kxky_grids, only: naky, naky_all, nakx, ikx_max, ny
      use calculations_kxky, only: swap_kxky, swap_kxky_back
      use gyro_averages, only: j0_ffs, gyro_average

      use arrays_dist_fn, only: wdriftx_g, wdriftx_phi
      use arrays_dist_fn, only: wdrifty_g, wdrifty_phi
      use arrays_dist_fn, only: wstar

      use parallel_streaming, only: center_zed

      implicit none 

      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: phi
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent(in) :: g
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :, vmu_lo%llim_proc:), intent (out) :: source

      integer :: iz, it, ivmu, iv, is, imu
      complex, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: g_swap
      complex, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: gk0, gk1, gk2, gk3, gk4
      complex, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: sourcey, g1y, g2y, g3y, g4y

      it = 1

      allocate (gk0(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; gk0 = 0.0
      allocate (gk1(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; gk1 = 0.0
      allocate (gk2(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; gk2 = 0.0
      allocate (gk3(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; gk3 = 0.0
      allocate (gk4(naky, nakx, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; gk4 = 0.0

      allocate (sourcey(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; sourcey = 0.0
      allocate (g1y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g1y = 0.0
      allocate (g2y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g2y = 0.0
      allocate (g3y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g3y = 0.0
      allocate (g4y(ny, ikx_max, -nzgrid:nzgrid, ntubes)) ; g4y = 0.0

      allocate (g_swap(naky_all, ikx_max))
      do ivmu = vmu_lo%llim_proc, vmu_lo%ulim_proc
         iv = iv_idx(vmu_lo, ivmu)
         imu = imu_idx(vmu_lo, ivmu)
         is = is_idx(vmu_lo, ivmu)

         call gyro_average(phi, gk0, j0_ffs(:, :, :, ivmu))

         call get_dgdy(gk0, gk1)
         call get_dgdx(gk0, gk2)

         call get_dgdy(g(:,:,:,:,ivmu), gk3)
         call get_dgdx(g(:,:,:,:,ivmu), gk4)

         do it = 1, ntubes
            do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
               call swap_kxky(gk1(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
               call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g1y(:, :, iz, it))

               call swap_kxky(gk2(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
               call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g2y(:, :, iz, it))

               call swap_kxky(gk3(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
               call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g3y(:, :, iz, it))

               call swap_kxky(gk4(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
               call transform_ky2y(g_swap, g4y(:, :, iz, it))      
            end do
         end do
         sourcey = 0.0 
         call add_explicit_term_ffs_fields(g1y, wstar(:,:,ivmu), sourcey)
         call add_explicit_term_ffs_fields(g4y, wdriftx_g(:,:,ivmu), sourcey) 
         call add_explicit_term_ffs_fields(g2y, wdriftx_phi(:,:,ivmu), sourcey) 
         call add_explicit_term_ffs_fields(g3y, wdrifty_g(:,:,ivmu), sourcey)
         call add_explicit_term_ffs_fields(g1y, wdrifty_phi(:,:,ivmu), sourcey)
         do it = 1, ntubes
            do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
               call transform_y2ky(sourcey(:, :, iz, it), g_swap)
               call swap_kxky_back(g_swap, source(:, :, iz, it, ivmu))
            end do
         end do
         call center_zed(iv, source(:,:,:,:,ivmu))
     end do

     deallocate(sourcey, g_swap)
     deallocate(g1y, g2y, g3y, g4y)

    end subroutine get_drifts_ffs_itteration
    subroutine get_dgdy(gin, dgdy)

      use constants, only: zi
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes
      use parameters_kxky_grids, only: nakx
      use grids_kxky, only: aky

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: gin
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(out) :: dgdy

      integer :: it, iz, ikx

      do it = 1, ntubes
         do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
            do ikx = 1, nakx
               dgdy(:, ikx, iz, it) = zi * aky(:) * gin(:, ikx, iz, it)
            end do
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine get_dgdy

   subroutine get_dgdx(gin, dgdx)

      use constants, only: zi
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes
      use parameters_kxky_grids, only: nakx
      use grids_kxky, only: akx

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: gin
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(out) :: dgdx

      integer :: ikx, iz, it

      do it = 1, ntubes
         do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
            do ikx = 1, nakx
               dgdx(:, ikx, iz, it) = zi * akx(ikx) * gin(:, ikx, iz, it)
            end do
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine get_dgdx

   subroutine add_explicit_term_ffs_fields(g, pre_factor, src)

      use zgrid, only: nzgrid, ntubes
      use parameters_kxky_grids, only: ikx_max, nalpha

      implicit none

      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in) :: g
      real, dimension(:, -nzgrid:), intent(in) :: pre_factor
      complex, dimension(:, :, -nzgrid:, :), intent(in out) :: src

      integer :: ia, ikx, iz, it

      do it = 1, ntubes
         do iz = -nzgrid, nzgrid
            do ikx = 1, ikx_max
               do ia = 1, nalpha
                  src(ia, ikx, iz, it) = src(ia, ikx, iz, it) + pre_factor(ia, iz) * g(ia, ikx, iz, it)
               end do
            end do
         end do
      end do

   end subroutine add_explicit_term_ffs_fields

end module ffs_solve