MODULE ezcdf_GenGet USE ezcdf_opncls USE ezcdf_inqvar !DEC$ IF DEFINED (NETCDF) EXTERNAL handle_err PRIVATE include "" INTEGER, PARAMETER :: r4 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(6, 37) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: r8 = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12, 100) CHARACTER*(*), PARAMETER :: cmplx_name = '__CmPlx_Re_Im' PRIVATE :: r4, r8, cmplx_name PUBLIC :: cdfr_3i, cdfr_3l, cdfr_3d, cdfr_3c16, cdfr_3f, cdfr_3c8, & & cdfr_2i, cdfr_2l, cdfr_2d, cdfr_2c16, cdfr_2f, cdfr_2c8, cdfr_2c, & & cdfr_1i, cdfr_1l, cdfr_1d, cdfr_1c16, cdfr_1f, cdfr_1c8, cdfr_1c, & & cdfr_0i, cdfr_0l, cdfr_0d, cdfr_0c16, cdfr_0f, cdfr_0c8, cdfGetVar, & & cdf_read ! Generic Interface to Read netcdf data Variables ! 03/10/99 C. Ludescher ! C. Ludescher/A. Pletzer Tue Apr 4 10:11:33 EDT 2000 ! + support for complex types (ap) Wed May 16 15:18:05 EDT 2001 !==================================================================== ! Generic Read Routines: cdfGetVar ! alias to cdfGetVar (ifc does not like => ) INTERFACE cdf_read MODULE PROCEDURE cdfr_3i, cdfr_3l, cdfr_3d, cdfr_3c16, cdfr_3f, cdfr_3c8, & cdfr_2i, cdfr_2l, cdfr_2d, cdfr_2c16, cdfr_2f, cdfr_2c8, cdfr_2c, & cdfr_1i, cdfr_1l, cdfr_1d, cdfr_1c16, cdfr_1f, cdfr_1c8, cdfr_1c, & cdfr_0i, cdfr_0l, cdfr_0d, cdfr_0c16, cdfr_0f, cdfr_0c8 END INTERFACE ! same as above (Intel compiler does not handle well aliases) INTERFACE cdfGetVar MODULE PROCEDURE cdfr_3i, cdfr_3l, cdfr_3d, cdfr_3c16, cdfr_3f, cdfr_3c8, & cdfr_2i, cdfr_2l, cdfr_2d, cdfr_2c16, cdfr_2f, cdfr_2c8, cdfr_2c, & cdfr_1i, cdfr_1l, cdfr_1d, cdfr_1c16, cdfr_1f, cdfr_1c8, cdfr_1c, & cdfr_0i, cdfr_0l, cdfr_0d, cdfr_0c16, cdfr_0f, cdfr_0c8 END INTERFACE CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------- !cdfGetVar implementation routines SUBROUTINE cdfr_3i(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) ! Read 3 dimensional Integer array ! implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output integer, dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(3) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(3) :: dimlens integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: temp integer :: ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'i', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2) .and. dimlens(3) == ldim(3)) then status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3i', 'nf_get_var_int') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2), dimlens(3))) status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3i', 'nf_get_var_int') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) ndim3 = min(dimlens(3), ldim(3)) varval(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) = temp(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ cnt(3) = 1 !!$ do k = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) !!$ st(2) = k !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(3),ldim(3)) ! For each Z : read slab in varval !!$ st(3) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_int(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,k,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_3i', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_int') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_3i SUBROUTINE cdfr_3l(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) ! Read 3 dimensional logical array ! implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output logical, dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: varval_i character*11, parameter :: logical_name = '__logical__' ALLOCATE (varval_i(size(varval, 1), size(varval, 2), size(varval, 3))) call cdfr_3i(ncid, trim(varnam)//logical_name, varval_i, ier) WHERE (varval_i == 0) varval = .false. ELSEWHERE varval = .true. END WHERE DEALLOCATE (varval_i) END SUBROUTINE cdfr_3l SUBROUTINE cdfr_3d(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r8), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(3) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(3) :: dimlens real(r8), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2) .and. dimlens(3) == ldim(3)) then status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3d', 'nf_get_var_double') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2), dimlens(3))) status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3d', 'nf_get_var_double') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) ndim3 = min(dimlens(3), ldim(3)) varval(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) = temp(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ cnt(3) = 1 !!$ do k = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) !!$ st(2) = k !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(3),ldim(3)) ! For each Z : read slab into varval !!$ st(3) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_double(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,k,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_3d', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_double') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_3d SUBROUTINE cdfr_3c16(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r8), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(3) :: ldim integer :: varid, status, i integer, dimension(3) :: dimlens real(r8), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) ldim(1) = 2 * ldim(1) ! Re/Im pairs call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2) .and. dimlens(3) == ldim(3)) then status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3c16', 'nf_get_var_double') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2), dimlens(3))) status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3c16', 'nf_get_var_double') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) ndim3 = min(dimlens(3), ldim(3)) do i = 1, ndim1 / 2 varval(i, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) = temp(2 * (i - 1) + 1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) + & & (0._r8, 1._r8) * temp(2 * (i - 1) + 2, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) end do deallocate (temp) end if !!$ !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ cnt(3) = 1 !!$ do k = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) !!$ st(2) = k !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(3),ldim(3)) ! For each Z : read slab into varval !!$ st(3) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_double(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,k,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_3c16', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_double') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_3c16 SUBROUTINE cdfr_3f(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r4), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(3) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(3) :: dimlens real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2) .and. dimlens(3) == ldim(3)) then status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3f', 'nf_get_var_real') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2), dimlens(3))) status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3f', 'nf_get_var_real') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) ndim3 = min(dimlens(3), ldim(3)) varval(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) = temp(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ cnt(3) = 1 !!$ do k = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) !!$ st(2) = k !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(3),ldim(3)) ! For each Z : read slab into varval !!$ st(3) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_real(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,k,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_3f', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_real') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_3f SUBROUTINE cdfr_3c8(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r4), dimension(:, :, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(3) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(3) :: dimlens real, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2, ndim3, i if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) ldim(1) = 2 * ldim(1) ! Re/Im pairs call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2) .and. dimlens(3) == ldim(3)) then status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3c8', 'nf_get_var_real') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2), dimlens(3))) status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_3c8', 'nf_get_var_real') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) ndim3 = min(dimlens(3), ldim(3)) do i = 1, ndim1 / 2 varval(i, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) = temp(2 * (i - 1) + 1, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) + & & (0., 1.) * temp(2 * (i - 1) + 2, 1:ndim2, 1:ndim3) end do deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ cnt(3) = 1 !!$ do k = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) !!$ st(2) = k !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(3),ldim(3)) ! For each Z : read slab into varval !!$ st(3) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_real(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,k,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_3c8', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_real') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_3c8 SUBROUTINE cdfr_2i(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) ! Read 2 dimensional Integer array ! implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output integer, dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(2) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(2) :: dimlens integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'i', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2)) then status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2i', 'nf_get_var_int') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2))) status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2i', 'nf_get_var_int') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) varval(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2) = temp(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2) deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) ! For each Y : read slab into varval !!$ st(2) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_int(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_2i', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_int') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2i SUBROUTINE cdfr_2l(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) ! Read 2 dimensional logical array ! implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output logical, dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: varval_i character*11, parameter :: logical_name = '__logical__' ALLOCATE (varval_i(size(varval, 1), size(varval, 2))) call cdfr_2i(ncid, trim(varnam)//logical_name, varval_i, ier) WHERE (varval_i == 0) varval = .false. ELSEWHERE varval = .true. END WHERE DEALLOCATE (varval_i) END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2l SUBROUTINE cdfr_2d(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r8), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(2) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(2) :: dimlens real(r8), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2)) then status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2d', 'nf_get_var_double') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2))) status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2d', 'nf_get_var_double') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) varval(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2) = temp(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2) deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) ! For each Y : read slab into varval !!$ st(2) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_double(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_2d', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_double') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2d SUBROUTINE cdfr_2c16(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r8), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(2) :: ldim integer :: varid, status, i integer, dimension(2) :: dimlens real(r8), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) ldim(1) = 2 * ldim(1) ! Re/Im pairs call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2)) then status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2c16', 'nf_get_var_double') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2))) status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2c16', 'nf_get_var_double') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) do i = 1, ndim1 / 2 varval(i, 1:ndim2) = temp(2 * (i - 1) + 1, 1:ndim2) + & & (0._r8, 1._r8) * temp(2 * (i - 1) + 2, 1:ndim2) end do deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) ! For each Y : read slab into varval !!$ st(2) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_double(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_2c16', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_double') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2c16 SUBROUTINE cdfr_2f(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r4), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(2) :: ldim integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(2) :: dimlens real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2)) then status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2f', 'nf_get_var_real') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2))) status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2f', 'nf_get_var_real') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) varval(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2) = temp(1:ndim1, 1:ndim2) deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) ! For each Y : read slab into varval !!$ st(2) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_real(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_2f', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_real') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2f SUBROUTINE cdfr_2c8(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r4), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(2) :: ldim integer :: varid, status, i integer, dimension(2) :: dimlens real(r8), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp integer ndim1, ndim2 if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) ldim(1) = 2 * ldim(1) ! Re/Pairs call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! if (dimlens(1) == ldim(1) .and. dimlens(2) == ldim(2)) then status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2c8', 'nf_get_var_real') return end if else allocate (temp(dimlens(1), dimlens(2))) status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, temp) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2c8', 'nf_get_var_real') deallocate (temp) return end if ndim1 = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ndim2 = min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) do i = 1, ndim1 / 2 varval(i, 1:ndim2) = temp(2 * (i - 1) + 1, 1:ndim2) + & & (0., 1.) * temp(2 * (i - 1) + 2, 1:ndim2) end do deallocate (temp) end if !!$ st(1) = 1 !!$ cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1),ldim(1)) ! x count !!$ cnt(2) = 1 !!$ do j = 1,min(dimlens(2),ldim(2)) ! For each Y : read slab into varval !!$ st(2) = j ! Start of slab !!$ status = nf_get_vara_real(ncid,varid,st,cnt,varval(1,j)) !!$ if (status .ne. NF_NOERR) then !!$ call handle_err(status,varnam,'cdfr_2c8', & !!$ & 'nf_get_vara_real') !!$ return !!$ end if !!$ end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2c8 SUBROUTINE cdfr_2c(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output character*(*), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(2) :: st, cnt, ldim integer :: varid, status, j integer, dimension(2) :: dimlens if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = len(varval) ldim(2) = size(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'c', status) if (status /= 0) return ! st(1) = 1 cnt(1) = min(dimlens(1), ldim(1)) ! x count cnt(2) = 1 do j = 1, min(dimlens(2), ldim(2)) ! For each Y : read slab into varval st(2) = j ! Start of slab status = nf_get_vara_text(ncid, varid, st, cnt, varval(j)) if (status /= NF_NOERR) then call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_2c', & & 'nf_get_var_text') return end if end do if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 0 END SUBROUTINE cdfr_2c SUBROUTINE cdfr_1i(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'i', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_1i', 'nf_get_var_int') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1i SUBROUTINE cdfr_1l(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) ! Read 1 dimensional logical array ! implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output logical, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: varval_i character*11, parameter :: logical_name = '__logical__' ALLOCATE (varval_i(size(varval, 1))) call cdfr_1i(ncid, trim(varnam)//logical_name, varval_i, ier) WHERE (varval_i == 0) varval = .false. ELSEWHERE varval = .true. END WHERE DEALLOCATE (varval_i) END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1l SUBROUTINE cdfr_1d(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_1d', 'nf_get_var_double') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1d SUBROUTINE cdfr_1c16(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r8), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) ldim(1) = 2 * ldim(1) ! Re/Im pairs call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_1c16', 'nf_get_var_double') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1c16 SUBROUTINE cdfr_1f(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r4), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_1f', 'nf_get_var_real') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1f SUBROUTINE cdfr_1c8(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r4), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim = shape(varval) ldim(1) = 2 * ldim(1) call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_1c8', 'nf_get_var_real') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1c8 SUBROUTINE cdfr_1c(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output character*(*), intent(inout) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = len(varval) call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'c', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_text(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_1c', 'nf_get_var_text') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_1c SUBROUTINE cdfr_0i(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output integer, intent(out) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = 0 call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'i', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_0i', 'nf_get_var_int') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_0i SUBROUTINE cdfr_0l(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) ! Read scalar logical array ! implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output logical, intent(out) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varval_i character*11, parameter :: logical_name = '__logical__' varval_i = 0 call cdfr_0i(ncid, trim(varnam)//logical_name, varval_i, ier) IF (varval_i == 0) THEN varval = .false. ELSE varval = .true. END IF END SUBROUTINE cdfr_0l SUBROUTINE cdfr_0d(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = 0 call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_0d', 'nf_get_var_double') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_0d SUBROUTINE cdfr_0c16(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r8), intent(out) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = 2 ! Re/Im pair call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'd', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_0d', 'nf_get_var_double') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_0c16 SUBROUTINE cdfr_0f(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output REAL(KIND=r4), intent(out) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = 0 call cdfgv(ncid, varnam, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_0f', 'nf_get_var_real') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_0f SUBROUTINE cdfr_0c8(ncid, varnam, varval, ier) implicit none ! Input integer, intent(in) :: ncid character*(*), intent(in) :: varnam ! Output COMPLEX(KIND=r4), intent(out) :: varval integer, optional, intent(out) :: ier ! Local integer :: varid, status integer, dimension(1) :: dimlens, ldim if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = 1 ldim(1) = 2 ! Re/Im pair call cdfgv(ncid, trim(varnam)//cmplx_name, varid, dimlens, ldim, 'r', status) if (status /= 0) return ! status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, varid, varval) call handle_err(status, varnam, 'cdfr_0f', 'nf_get_var_real') if (PRESENT(ier)) ier = status END SUBROUTINE cdfr_0c8 !DEC$ ENDIF END MODULE ezcdf_GenGet