dist_redistribute.f90 Source File

Source Code

module dist_redistribute

   use redistribute, only: redist_type

   implicit none

   public :: init_redistribute, finish_redistribute
   public :: kxkyz2vmu
   public :: kxyz2vmu
   public :: xyz2vmu


   type(redist_type) :: kxkyz2vmu
   type(redist_type) :: kxyz2vmu
   type(redist_type) :: xyz2vmu

   logical :: redistribute_initialized = .false.


   subroutine init_redistribute

      use parameters_physics, only: full_flux_surface
      use parameters_physics, only: include_parallel_nonlinearity

      implicit none

      if (redistribute_initialized) return
      redistribute_initialized = .true.

      call init_kxkyz_to_vmu_redistribute
      if (full_flux_surface) call init_kxyz_to_vmu_redistribute
      if (include_parallel_nonlinearity) call init_xyz_to_vmu_redistribute

   end subroutine init_redistribute

   subroutine init_kxkyz_to_vmu_redistribute

      use mp, only: nproc
      use stella_layouts, only: kxkyz_lo, vmu_lo
      use stella_layouts, only: kxkyzidx2vmuidx
      use stella_layouts, only: idx_local, proc_id
      use redistribute, only: index_list_type, init_redist
      use redistribute, only: delete_list, set_redist_character_type
      use vpamu_grids, only: nvpa, nmu
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid

      implicit none

      type(index_list_type), dimension(0:nproc - 1) :: to_list, from_list
      integer, dimension(0:nproc - 1) :: nn_to, nn_from
      integer, dimension(3) :: from_low, from_high
      integer, dimension(5) :: to_high, to_low
      integer :: ikxkyz, ivmu
      integer :: iv, imu, iky, ikx, iz, it
      integer :: ip, n
      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      ! count number of elements to be redistributed to/from each processor
      nn_to = 0
      nn_from = 0
      do ikxkyz = kxkyz_lo%llim_world, kxkyz_lo%ulim_world
         do imu = 1, nmu
            do iv = 1, nvpa
               call kxkyzidx2vmuidx(iv, imu, ikxkyz, kxkyz_lo, vmu_lo, iky, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
               if (idx_local(kxkyz_lo, ikxkyz)) &
                  nn_from(proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)) = nn_from(proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)) + 1
               if (idx_local(vmu_lo, ivmu)) &
                  nn_to(proc_id(kxkyz_lo, ikxkyz)) = nn_to(proc_id(kxkyz_lo, ikxkyz)) + 1
            end do
         end do
      end do

      do ip = 0, nproc - 1
         if (nn_from(ip) > 0) then
            allocate (from_list(ip)%first(nn_from(ip)))
            allocate (from_list(ip)%second(nn_from(ip)))
            allocate (from_list(ip)%third(nn_from(ip)))
         end if
         if (nn_to(ip) > 0) then
            allocate (to_list(ip)%first(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%second(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%third(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%fourth(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%fifth(nn_to(ip)))
         end if
      end do

      ! get local indices of elements distributed to/from other processors
      nn_to = 0
      nn_from = 0

      ! loop over all vmu indices, find corresponding y indices
      do ikxkyz = kxkyz_lo%llim_world, kxkyz_lo%ulim_world
         do imu = 1, nmu
            do iv = 1, nvpa
               ! obtain corresponding y indices
               call kxkyzidx2vmuidx(iv, imu, ikxkyz, kxkyz_lo, vmu_lo, iky, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
               ! if vmu index local, set:
               ! ip = corresponding y processor
               ! from_list%first-third arrays = iv,imu,ikxkyz  (ie vmu indices)
               ! later will send from_list to proc ip
               if (idx_local(kxkyz_lo, ikxkyz)) then
                  ip = proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)
                  n = nn_from(ip) + 1
                  nn_from(ip) = n
                  from_list(ip)%first(n) = iv
                  from_list(ip)%second(n) = imu
                  from_list(ip)%third(n) = ikxkyz
               end if
               ! if y index local, set ip to corresponding vmu processor
               ! set to_list%first,second arrays = iky,iy  (ie y indices)
               ! will receive to_list from ip
               if (idx_local(vmu_lo, ivmu)) then
                  ip = proc_id(kxkyz_lo, ikxkyz)
                  n = nn_to(ip) + 1
                  nn_to(ip) = n
                  to_list(ip)%first(n) = iky
                  to_list(ip)%second(n) = ikx
                  to_list(ip)%third(n) = iz
                  to_list(ip)%fourth(n) = it
                  to_list(ip)%fifth(n) = ivmu
               end if
            end do
         end do
      end do

      from_low(1) = 1
      from_low(2) = 1
      from_low(3) = kxkyz_lo%llim_proc

      from_high(1) = nvpa
      from_high(2) = nmu
      from_high(3) = kxkyz_lo%ulim_alloc

      to_low(1) = 1
      to_low(2) = 1
      to_low(3) = -nzgrid
      to_low(4) = 1
      to_low(5) = vmu_lo%llim_proc

      to_high(1) = vmu_lo%naky
      to_high(2) = vmu_lo%nakx
      to_high(3) = vmu_lo%nzed
      to_high(4) = vmu_lo%ntubes
      to_high(5) = vmu_lo%ulim_alloc

      call set_redist_character_type(kxkyz2vmu, 'kxkyz2vmu')

      call init_redist(kxkyz2vmu, 'c', to_low, to_high, to_list, &
                       from_low, from_high, from_list)

      call delete_list(to_list)
      call delete_list(from_list)

   end subroutine init_kxkyz_to_vmu_redistribute

   subroutine init_kxyz_to_vmu_redistribute

      use mp, only: nproc
      use stella_layouts, only: kxyz_lo, vmu_lo
      use stella_layouts, only: kxyzidx2vmuidx
      use stella_layouts, only: idx_local, proc_id
      use redistribute, only: index_list_type, init_redist
      use redistribute, only: delete_list, set_redist_character_type
      use vpamu_grids, only: nvpa, nmu
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid

      implicit none

      type(index_list_type), dimension(0:nproc - 1) :: to_list, from_list
      integer, dimension(0:nproc - 1) :: nn_to, nn_from
      integer, dimension(3) :: from_low, from_high
      integer, dimension(5) :: to_high, to_low
      integer :: ikxyz, ivmu
      integer :: iv, imu, iy, ikx, iz, it
      integer :: ip, n
      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      ! count number of elements to be redistributed to/from each processor
      nn_to = 0
      nn_from = 0
      do ikxyz = kxyz_lo%llim_world, kxyz_lo%ulim_world
         do imu = 1, nmu
            do iv = 1, nvpa
               call kxyzidx2vmuidx(iv, imu, ikxyz, kxyz_lo, vmu_lo, iy, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
               if (idx_local(kxyz_lo, ikxyz)) &
                  nn_from(proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)) = nn_from(proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)) + 1
               if (idx_local(vmu_lo, ivmu)) &
                  nn_to(proc_id(kxyz_lo, ikxyz)) = nn_to(proc_id(kxyz_lo, ikxyz)) + 1
            end do
         end do
      end do

      do ip = 0, nproc - 1
         if (nn_from(ip) > 0) then
            allocate (from_list(ip)%first(nn_from(ip)))
            allocate (from_list(ip)%second(nn_from(ip)))
            allocate (from_list(ip)%third(nn_from(ip)))
         end if
         if (nn_to(ip) > 0) then
            allocate (to_list(ip)%first(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%second(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%third(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%fourth(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%fifth(nn_to(ip)))
         end if
      end do

      ! get local indices of elements distributed to/from other processors
      nn_to = 0
      nn_from = 0

      ! loop over all vmu indices, find corresponding y indices
      do ikxyz = kxyz_lo%llim_world, kxyz_lo%ulim_world
         do imu = 1, nmu
            do iv = 1, nvpa
               ! obtain corresponding y indices
               call kxyzidx2vmuidx(iv, imu, ikxyz, kxyz_lo, vmu_lo, iy, ikx, iz, it, ivmu)
               ! if vmu index local, set:
               ! ip = corresponding y processor
               ! from_list%first-third arrays = iv,imu,ikxyz  (ie vmu indices)
               ! later will send from_list to proc ip
               if (idx_local(kxyz_lo, ikxyz)) then
                  ip = proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)
                  n = nn_from(ip) + 1
                  nn_from(ip) = n
                  from_list(ip)%first(n) = iv
                  from_list(ip)%second(n) = imu
                  from_list(ip)%third(n) = ikxyz
               end if
               ! if y index local, set ip to corresponding vmu processor
               ! set to_list%first,second arrays = iy,iy  (ie y indices)
               ! will receive to_list from ip
               if (idx_local(vmu_lo, ivmu)) then
                  ip = proc_id(kxyz_lo, ikxyz)
                  n = nn_to(ip) + 1
                  nn_to(ip) = n
                  to_list(ip)%first(n) = iy
                  to_list(ip)%second(n) = ikx
                  to_list(ip)%third(n) = iz
                  to_list(ip)%fourth(n) = it
                  to_list(ip)%fifth(n) = ivmu
               end if
            end do
         end do
      end do

      from_low(1) = 1
      from_low(2) = 1
      from_low(3) = kxyz_lo%llim_proc

      from_high(1) = nvpa
      from_high(2) = nmu
      from_high(3) = kxyz_lo%ulim_alloc

      to_low(1) = 1
      to_low(2) = 1
      to_low(3) = -nzgrid
      to_low(4) = 1
      to_low(5) = vmu_lo%llim_proc

      to_high(1) = vmu_lo%ny
      to_high(2) = vmu_lo%nakx / 2 + 1
      to_high(3) = vmu_lo%nzed
      to_high(4) = vmu_lo%ntubes
      to_high(5) = vmu_lo%ulim_alloc

      call set_redist_character_type(kxyz2vmu, 'kxyz2vmu')

      call init_redist(kxyz2vmu, 'c', to_low, to_high, to_list, &
                       from_low, from_high, from_list)

      call delete_list(to_list)
      call delete_list(from_list)

   end subroutine init_kxyz_to_vmu_redistribute

   subroutine init_xyz_to_vmu_redistribute

      use mp, only: nproc
      use stella_layouts, only: xyz_lo, vmu_lo
      use stella_layouts, only: xyzidx2vmuidx
      use stella_layouts, only: idx_local, proc_id
      use redistribute, only: index_list_type, init_redist
      use redistribute, only: delete_list, set_redist_character_type
      use vpamu_grids, only: nvpa, nmu
      use zgrid, only: nzgrid

      implicit none

      type(index_list_type), dimension(0:nproc - 1) :: to_list, from_list
      integer, dimension(0:nproc - 1) :: nn_to, nn_from
      integer, dimension(3) :: from_low, from_high
      integer, dimension(5) :: to_high, to_low
      integer :: ixyz, ivmu
      integer :: iv, imu, iy, ix, iz, it
      integer :: ip, n
      logical :: initialized = .false.

      if (initialized) return
      initialized = .true.

      ! count number of elements to be redistributed to/from each processor
      nn_to = 0
      nn_from = 0
      do ixyz = xyz_lo%llim_world, xyz_lo%ulim_world
         do imu = 1, nmu
            do iv = 1, nvpa
               call xyzidx2vmuidx(iv, imu, ixyz, xyz_lo, vmu_lo, iy, ix, iz, it, ivmu)
               if (idx_local(xyz_lo, ixyz)) &
                  nn_from(proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)) = nn_from(proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)) + 1
               if (idx_local(vmu_lo, ivmu)) &
                  nn_to(proc_id(xyz_lo, ixyz)) = nn_to(proc_id(xyz_lo, ixyz)) + 1
            end do
         end do
      end do

      do ip = 0, nproc - 1
         if (nn_from(ip) > 0) then
            allocate (from_list(ip)%first(nn_from(ip)))
            allocate (from_list(ip)%second(nn_from(ip)))
            allocate (from_list(ip)%third(nn_from(ip)))
         end if
         if (nn_to(ip) > 0) then
            allocate (to_list(ip)%first(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%second(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%third(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%fourth(nn_to(ip)))
            allocate (to_list(ip)%fifth(nn_to(ip)))
         end if
      end do

      ! get local indices of elements distributed to/from other processors
      nn_to = 0
      nn_from = 0

      ! loop over all vmu indices, find corresponding y indices
      do ixyz = xyz_lo%llim_world, xyz_lo%ulim_world
         do imu = 1, nmu
            do iv = 1, nvpa
               ! obtain corresponding y indices
               call xyzidx2vmuidx(iv, imu, ixyz, xyz_lo, vmu_lo, iy, ix, iz, it, ivmu)
               ! if vmu index local, set:
               ! ip = corresponding y processor
               ! from_list%first-third arrays = iv,imu,ixyz  (ie vmu indices)
               ! later will send from_list to proc ip
               if (idx_local(xyz_lo, ixyz)) then
                  ip = proc_id(vmu_lo, ivmu)
                  n = nn_from(ip) + 1
                  nn_from(ip) = n
                  from_list(ip)%first(n) = iv
                  from_list(ip)%second(n) = imu
                  from_list(ip)%third(n) = ixyz
               end if
               ! if y index local, set ip to corresponding vmu processor
               ! set to_list%first,second arrays = iy,iy  (ie y indices)
               ! will receive to_list from ip
               if (idx_local(vmu_lo, ivmu)) then
                  ip = proc_id(xyz_lo, ixyz)
                  n = nn_to(ip) + 1
                  nn_to(ip) = n
                  to_list(ip)%first(n) = iy
                  to_list(ip)%second(n) = ix
                  to_list(ip)%third(n) = iz
                  to_list(ip)%fourth(n) = it
                  to_list(ip)%fifth(n) = ivmu
               end if
            end do
         end do
      end do

      from_low(1) = 1
      from_low(2) = 1
      from_low(3) = xyz_lo%llim_proc

      from_high(1) = nvpa
      from_high(2) = nmu
      from_high(3) = xyz_lo%ulim_alloc

      to_low(1) = 1
      to_low(2) = 1
      to_low(3) = -nzgrid
      to_low(4) = 1
      to_low(5) = vmu_lo%llim_proc

      to_high(1) = vmu_lo%ny
      to_high(2) = vmu_lo%nx
      to_high(3) = vmu_lo%nzed
      to_high(4) = vmu_lo%ntubes
      to_high(5) = vmu_lo%ulim_alloc

      call set_redist_character_type(xyz2vmu, 'xyz2vmu')

      call init_redist(xyz2vmu, 'r', to_low, to_high, to_list, &
                       from_low, from_high, from_list)

      call delete_list(to_list)
      call delete_list(from_list)

   end subroutine init_xyz_to_vmu_redistribute

   subroutine finish_redistribute

      implicit none

      redistribute_initialized = .false.

   end subroutine finish_redistribute

end module dist_redistribute