read_debug_flags Subroutine

public subroutine read_debug_flags()


                    SET DEFAULT PARAMETERS                       !

If not specified in the input file these are the default options that will be set for all parameters under the namelist &debug_flags'. The default here is that all debug flags are set to .false.

                     READ INPUT OPTIONS                          !

Overwrite any default options with those specified in the input file. Then change the other parameters consistently.

                     BROADCAST OPTIONS                           !

Broadcast these parameters to all the processors - necessary because the above was only done for the first processor (proc0).




Namelist debug_flags


Name Type Default Description
debug_all logical None
stella_debug logical None

Main stella file debug flag

ffs_solve_debug logical None


fields_all_debug logical None

Fields debug flags

fields_debug logical None
fields_fluxtube_debug logical None
fields_electromagnetic_debug logical None
fields_ffs_debug logical None
implicit_solve_debug logical None
parallel_streaming_debug logical None
mirror_terms_debug logical None
neoclassical_terms_debug logical None
response_matrix_debug logical None
time_advance_debug logical None

Gyrokinetic term debug flags

extended_grid_debug logical None
diagnostics_all_debug logical None

Diagnostics debug flags

diagnostics_parameters logical None
diagnostics_fluxes_fluxtube_debug logical None
diagnostics_omega_debug logical None
diagnostics_debug logical None
dist_fn_debug logical None
gyro_averages_debug logical None
fluxes_debug logical None
geometry_debug logical None

Geometry debug flags

const_alpha_geo logical None