get_contributions_from_pdf Subroutine

private subroutine get_contributions_from_pdf(pdf, apar, ivmu, iky, ie, rhs, source_ffs)

get_contributions_from_pdf takes as an argument the evolved pdf (either guiding centre distribution g= or maxwellian-normlized, non-Boltzmann distribution h/F0=f/F0+(Ze*phi/T)) and the scratch array rhs, and returns the source terms that depend on the pdf in rhs


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex, intent(in), dimension(:) :: pdf
complex, intent(in), dimension(:) :: apar
integer, intent(in) :: ivmu
integer, intent(in) :: iky
integer, intent(in) :: ie
complex, intent(out), dimension(:) :: rhs
complex, intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: source_ffs